Try being a part time student at a community college for a bit of time while working. It will give you an idea of what you're in for, community college classes are cheap, and since you work nights currently you can go to a couple normal classes instead of just the night ones. You'll have to give up a lot in terms of free time, but it's a good place to start because it really won't put any hurt on you financially while you test the waters. After a semester (a year would probably be better), if you think you're headed in a direction that you like go see the financial aid counselors and get more of an idea what you're in for. That's all the better if you go in having an idea of what you'd like to study and have some decent grades to back it up.
For me, financial aid is based on how much money I'm basically worth. Since I make almost no money and have almost no assets, the government more or less pays for half my school and student loans pay for the rest. It helps that Aimee helps out with a lot of the living expenses as well, but I could make due with the loans provided.