Author Topic: So I'm really sick.  (Read 5889 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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So I'm really sick.
« on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 09:45:53 AM »
And it totally sucks.  It's kind of a long-standing thing, and I had to go to the ER last week, and have done copious amounts of labs and crap.  I have another appointment this Friday that I hope will get to the bottom of it.

Even worse?  Despite this irritating ailment plaguing me as much as it is, I get sick on top of that.  With a cold or something.  So now I can add a sore throat, cough, and chest irritation to the other symptoms.  Hooray.

The bright side?  Two days off of work, and I'm actually using my sick leave for being sick.  That almost never happens.

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Offline Pugnate

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 09:56:06 AM »
Wow that sucks. What are the symptoms? Have they not figured out what it is?

I hope you make a speedy recovery in time for the OW meeting. Time for chicken soup. :)

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 10:41:48 AM »
Heh, you don't want to know the symptoms.  They haven't figured it out yet, but hopefully this next batch of labs will.  If not, I'll probably just kill myself.  Easier.

If I'm not better by the meet, I'll be very sad.  I guess time will tell.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:05:26 AM »
That just sucks.  Life is hard enough already without having your body betray you.  I hope they can fix this soon for you, whatever it is.  Colds I can deal with.  After all the shit that my ex-wife's serious ailments brought into our lives, I can sympathize completely about more pervasive conditions.

The funny thing is that I haven't had a cold in about 2 years.  It's as if the germ warfare I suffered in New York immunized me to the relatively mild pathogens in sleepy SW Ohio.  I was sick for like 3 months straight when I first moved to NY, and that wasn't the end of it either that year.

I should knock on wood now or something.  Fear of jinxing by boasting is one superstition I haven't been able to shake.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 11:20:11 AM »
I caught a cold about a month ago, first time in years I've been sick.

Hopefully there's nothing seriously wrong with you. Sure it wouldn't help to worry yourself over every little thing, but if there's somethign wrong it should definitely be checked out. My brother has had stomache aches for years, and everyone assumed it was just stress from lots of arguing between my parents. Turns out he's got Crohn's Disease and now needs surgery. If he'd had it checked out years ago he could have avoided the surgery.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 12:13:06 PM »
Heh, you don't want to know the symptoms.  They haven't figured it out yet, but hopefully this next batch of labs will.  If not, I'll probably just kill myself.  Easier.

If I'm not better by the meet, I'll be very sad.  I guess time will tell.

I am asking because my sister is a doctor to be, and my dad is a doctor. You never know if they somehow recognize the symptoms or something. I am sure it is nothing serious though. Sometimes, life just sucks...

Offline Xessive

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 02:11:45 PM »
I hope you feel better soon, Que.

I know it's not your status quo but you gotta be optimistic. The best thing you can do for your body is keep in high spirits. Take full, deep breaths often and try to take walks every chance you get; it'll help with your circulation. These three little things saved me from a bout with depression and anemia a couple of years back. I know your condition is way more serious but it couldn't hurt to be optimistic :)

I realize it's easier said than done but go for it man. You can do eeet!

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #7 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 02:45:40 PM »
I doubt I could even fight off a cold on my own at this point.  My life is my antidote to optimism, and it's tempting to just roll over and die.

But that's why we have video games.  So that stuff seems marginally less terrible for an hour, which keeps us from beating our heads in with bricks.  Or something.

Thanks for the encouragement, though, guys.  I appreciate it.  Hopefully I will feel less miserable in a week or so, which will be a relief after months of this.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #8 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 04:04:20 PM »
Dude, I think this might help: jump back into Oblivion for a bit! I know how much you love that world! But this time, try to play it different. Spice it up.. Try finishing the main quest wearing nothing but a hat!

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #9 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 04:29:54 PM »
Heh.  You're an optimistic, son of a bitch, X.  I like that about you, though.  Your suggestion isn't bad.  I did play a chunk of Fallout 3 wearing nothing but my birthday party hat.

I actually bought Dawn of War II today against my better judgment (there was a big debate in my head whether I should get that or SFIV), and so far the bloodletting is making me feel better.  I hope to continue well into the night, and if I need something more visceral, Mount&Blade is just a click away.

The sickness isn't actually getting me that down.  I mean, that part sucks, but it's the personal shit I still have to deal with while I'm sick that's really rough.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #10 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 04:58:02 PM »
All this doctor talk reminds me of something.  As kids we are taught that America's government is the greatest thing ever, that detectives catch all the bad guys, and that doctors are basically miracle-workers.  Unfortunately reality is much more grim.

I never go to the doctor.  Ever.  I've held tons of jobs where I had to switch primary care physicians because of the change in insurance carriers but never went to see them and can't remember their names.  I have no idea what doctor even has my main medical records.  Ok, so I do go sometimes but I wouldn't if it wasn't for Jennie.

Anyway, my lower back hurt real bad for no good reason this week.  Pain was shooting up from my right hip all the way to my shoulder, and it hurt all the time but especially sharp and bad when I bent over and then stood back up.  So Jennie convinces me to see a doctor and I went last night.  I tell the doctor my symptoms, she checks my reflexes, and then just says I "probably tweaked something" and she's going to write me a prescription for something like ibuprofen and sends me on my way in less than two minutes.  Goodbye $20.  I threw the prescriptions in the garbage on the way out. 

It's like that when I'm sick too.  I never want to go but Jennie convinces me in case it's an opportunity to detect cancer, strep throat, or some other treatable disease early.  Nope.  Every fucking time it's a viral infection and the doctor's orders are just bascially bedrest and Robitussin and thank-you-very-much-for-the-copay-and-insurance-money.   Doctors are so fucking worthless (no offense, Pug).  What a racket.

Sorry for all the negative medical talk, probably not the best remedy at this point.  But Xessive is right.  Try to make yourself do something you used to or currently enjoy, even if you don't feel up to it at first.  Before you know it you'll be focused more on that than how much misery you may or may not be in.  Laying in bed or on the couch watching TV usually just makes you more miserable.  I would always just play GTAIII and break out the Barracks OL and just start running over people and see how long I could last against the cops, FBI, and Army.  It usually put a smile on my face no matter what was going on.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #11 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 06:00:01 PM »
I'm with you, scott.  I'm the same way.  That's actually what got me into this mess, because I'm pretty sure at this point I really do have something bad going on inside me, but I ignored it for about 6 months and then it got much worse than it had been, to the point where I ended up in the ER (which, as you likely guessed, was completely useless -- I wasn't about to die, so they gave me some useless meds and I had to pay fifty fucking bucks for the privilege of waiting around for 5 hours).  But there's definitely something wrong with me, so hopefully one of the overpaid idiots can figure out how to fix it.  If not, I'll just cut his throat and eat his heart.  I hear from a tribal cannibal friend that Doctor's Heart is really the best medicine.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #12 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 06:04:36 PM »
Scott, it's not the medical profession.  It's the business profession.  (I used to get in such big arguments with my dad about this.  Doctors banding together as some sort of trade guild could have prevented the travesty that has come since.  He hated it when I would bring that up.)  HMOs have imposed the model of a publicly held business that must show double-digit growth every year to stockholders.  Decisions which should be strictly in doctors' hands are made by managers.  Costs skyrocket (double digits yearly, as I said).  Obstacles are thrown in your path to discourage you from using the medical coverage someone (you or your employer) is getting bled for.  The amount of attention you can get when you visit medical facilities is dangerously restricted.  It is a monstrously corrupt system with a few huge winners and millions of losers, including to a lesser degree the doctors themselves.  Socialized medicine, with all its inevitable ills, would be a step up for most Americans.  (For 50 million, it would be an infinite step up, from nothing.)

You're still young enough to have the odds on your side.  You're very unlikely to develop cancer, or some other serious ailment for at least 10 more years.  After that, you're rolling the dice if you ignore known risks and ugly symptoms.

Offline W7RE

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #13 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 06:29:30 PM »
I've got asthma, and it's pretty much the only thing I go to the doctor for. I go for prescriptions and that's it. The doctor I have now is cool enough that he'll write me a new prescription without me coming to visit. I just call in a refill at the pharmacy and they call his office if I've got no refills left, and he'll give me another 5-6 with me never contacting him or coming in.

Though I have do have a complaint about anyone that you go to for help with a problem: doctors, customer service reps, etc. You tell them your problem and they assume that you know absolutely nothing about what's going on, then offer the most obvious solution. "Yes, my TV is plugged in." I had an ingrown toenail on both of my big toes not too long ago, which I had been on antibiotics for a couple times already (from a small nurse's clinic). Then I started going to the doctor I mentioned above. He told me that I could clear up the swelling and pain by soaking my feet in saltwater, and he'd give me antibiotics. I didn't seem satisfied, so he asked if I thought the antibiotics would do any good. I said, "sure, but when they run out it'll just get bad again. I need the nails cut out." He insisted that I try the antibiotics to see, and sure enough the infection came back as soon as they ran out. So I went to see him again, and this time he referred me to a podiatrist.

Seriously, I fucking knew the antibiotics would clear up the infection but do nothing about my nails cutting their way through my toes. Of course he didn't believe me and I had to pay for an extra run of antibiotics and another office visit.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #14 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 06:42:25 PM »
Though I have do have a complaint about anyone that you go to for help with a problem: doctors, customer service reps, etc. You tell them your problem and they assume that you know absolutely nothing about what's going on, then offer the most obvious solution. "Yes, my TV is plugged in."
As much as I hate to say it, after working on a helpdesk I completely understand this line of questioning.  There are people that dumb out there and if you don't ask, at some point you'll get caught going down some other path for 20 minutes when the problem literally was that simple.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #15 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 06:48:44 PM »
Hopefully the results will come in soon, Que, and hopefully it'll be something relatively easily treatable.

I guess one more little bit of pressure you have to deal with is the waiting. Recently my mom had gone for some medical check-ups since the family physician suggested she was showing what appeared to be symptoms of MS (multiple sclerosis); a pretty nasty condition. The 12 days we had to wait for the test results were heck! Fortunately, when the results came in it turned out to just be somethign arthritic and actually treatable. Lesser of two evils, so we were grateful.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst. Either way, remember that we're right here for ya man. I know, cyber interactions are no substitute for the real thing but I think I speak for everyone when I say we'll do our best to provide some distraction, occasional anecdotes, and the usually entertaining cyberdogpiles on MyD (which I'm sure you must enjoy). And I'm sure Pug will post some more stories of other peoples' misery resulting from their abundant stupidity.

Hey, who out there actually lives close to Que?

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #16 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 07:15:40 PM »
Hey, who out there actually lives close to Que?

The only person that does is Sy.  Que has his goats to keep him company though.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #17 on: Thursday, February 19, 2009, 08:46:46 PM »

Anyway, my lower back hurt real bad for no good reason this week.  Pain was shooting up from my right hip all the way to my shoulder, and it hurt all the time but especially sharp and bad when I bent over and then stood back up.  So Jennie convinces me to see a doctor and I went last night.  I tell the doctor my symptoms, she checks my reflexes, and then just says I "probably tweaked something" and she's going to write me a prescription for something like ibuprofen and sends me on my way in less than two minutes.  Goodbye $20.  I threw the prescriptions in the garbage on the way out. 

Having had a few genuine problems with my lower back I can say that without multiple visits there really isn't much that they can do.  Pretty much every time i've gone in the first time (since i started having to actually go in order to get a record) it's gone pretty much exactly the same way you describe. At that point, they can't tell if it's sciatica, a slipped disk, a muscle tear, or if you just pulled something from twisting the wrong way by going off the symptoms alone. They'll give you an anti-inflammatory, maybe a muscle relaxant, and tell you to come back if it gets worse or doesn't go away.  The only real alternative is for them to treat everything as deathly serious right off the bat and send you in for x-rays and MRIs.  I guess the difference for me is that because i pay XX a month in health insurance and XX a month in healthcare to the government i feel like i might as well go for free and get my free medication so i'm not going ripped off on one or both.  But that advil-like stuff.  Take it next time; if it's muscle related it'll cut down your recovery time by a fair amount (going off of my personal experience) just because the muscle's natural reaction of restricting when injured is the worst thing for quick healing.

But yeah, the medical industry is a fucking pain in the ass to deal with.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #18 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 01:03:56 AM »
Scott, it's not the medical profession.  It's the business profession.  (I used to get in such big arguments with my dad about this.  Doctors banding together as some sort of trade guild could have prevented the travesty that has come since.  He hated it when I would bring that up.)  HMOs have imposed the model of a publicly held business that must show double-digit growth every year to stockholders.  Decisions which should be strictly in doctors' hands are made by managers.  Costs skyrocket (double digits yearly, as I said).  Obstacles are thrown in your path to discourage you from using the medical coverage someone (you or your employer) is getting bled for.  The amount of attention you can get when you visit medical facilities is dangerously restricted.  It is a monstrously corrupt system with a few huge winners and millions of losers, including to a lesser degree the doctors themselves.  Socialized medicine, with all its inevitable ills, would be a step up for most Americans.  (For 50 million, it would be an infinite step up, from nothing.)

You're still young enough to have the odds on your side.  You're very unlikely to develop cancer, or some other serious ailment for at least 10 more years.  After that, you're rolling the dice if you ignore known risks and ugly symptoms.

Yea that is pretty much it.

Healthcare in the USA is unfortunately treated like a business. America has most things right about its structure, but healthcare is in a shit hole. Doctors are approached constantly by pharmaceutical companies, and given "incentives" to promote their own drugs. Hell, in a way, they are like game reviewers, who give somewhat better reviews at the chance for exclusives.

And as we've said before, these health care companies continued to (until two years ago) report record profits, yet at the same time failed to provide proper services to paying customers (some of whom were left bankrupt, while others had to fight such a lengthy battle getting approved, that it was too late by the time coverage was approved)... and these guys have been some of the biggest election contributors of the past twenty years. Surely... surely, there is an obvious link.
European health care is excellent. Healthcare in the middle east is quite stellar. South East Asia, not so good, but that's because of poverty.

Socialized medicine, with all its inevitable ills, would be a step up for most Americans.  (For 50 million, it would be an infinite step up, from nothing.

What inevitable ills? I believe all essential healthcare services should be socialized. I mean your fire department, your police department and your postal service is socialized, right? And it is top notch. I know you guys hate USPS, but trust me, I have been sending shipments all over the world for years, and can easily state that USPS is heads and shoulders above the rest -- despite its flaws.

European healthcare is socialized, and most European countries are rated to have the best care. On average there are less wait times, the fees don't end your life, and patients are never refused. The doctors there earn pretty well too.

I have a lot of family in the UK, some of whom moved from Virginia, and they say the difference in health care service is remarkable.

One of our ex staff writers, Slap_Happy was in Thailand for vacation, when he had an appendix emergency. He said it was removed etc, and he was discharged in three days, received first class care, and paid a fraction of what he would have had to pay in the USA.

Again, it isn't like these doctors working in the socialist system aren't earning brilliantly well, or are being forced to work either.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #19 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 01:30:11 AM »
Doctors are approached constantly by pharmaceutical companies, and given "incentives" to promote their own drugs.
I went in to have my ears checked after last OWmeet because they constantly felt plugged up and I had some difficulty hearing. It was allergies (weird). So the doc writes up a prescription and then has me follow him as he grabs me a little sampler size of the same stuff in case I couldn't get the prescription filled that day. He opens this cabinet and its filled to the brim with nothing but this stuff. Of course it turns out to be some new drug that costs a freaking fortune.

It makes you wonder if the prescription is supposed to help me, or help the doctor.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #20 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 09:16:28 AM »
How does the drug's hyperinflated price help the doctor?  It makes pharmaceutical companies some of the most profitable on Earth.  I know there's plenty of blame to go around here.  I just want to see it go to those who deserve it.

Chances are you'll find that same drug or equivalent for a small fraction of the price in other countries.

Pug, I don't think there's anything wrong with the concept of socialized medicine, just like there isn't with socialized mail service, police, fire and education.  Some things are social necessities, and don't fit at all into capitalism.  Our broken healthcare system proves it.  But I didn't want a debate about ideology to muddy up the point I was trying to make.  So I'll concede there are practical problems with it up front, and move on.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #21 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 09:57:29 AM »
It helps the doctor because he gets paid to push the stuff.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #22 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 11:12:10 AM »
I don't think so.  I could be wrong, but what the doctor gets is a lot of sales push from the reps, maybe perks like lunch, junkets and such.  I remember that from when my father was alive.  But I really don't think he's normally in on any big-money deals.

How are you feeling today?  Any better?

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #23 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 11:17:30 AM »
I'm not naive enough to think that there aren't backdoor-dealings going on, even if I don't have that much proof.  There's too much money for it *not* to be going on.  But yeah, a lot of it is probably just perks like that, but doctors love that kind of shit.  I know several, and there are some in my family.

I feel okay today.  Not great, but okay.  Mostly annoyed because I'll have to do a lot of waiting around.  Wife's going with me to get new glasses.  I wouldn't even care, but Dawn of War II is a lot more compelling than expected.  Plus I just hate waiting around at hospitals.  My dad was a heart transplant patient and died of a heart attack, so I really hate hospitals and doctors.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #24 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 01:19:10 PM »
I've heard that when these drug companies are pushing a new product, they shower the attendees of their conferences with expensive shit like MP3 players and such. Not sure how much truth there is in that, but it wouldn't surprise me.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #25 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 01:32:44 PM »
Oh, there's truth.

So the doctor told me jack and shit.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's going to end up being what we thought it would be.  I'm going to need a CT scan and then have to go see a specialist, unless the last sample I gave them comes back with a positive result on some infection.  Not likely.

Hooray for forcing me to spend more of my precious little free fucking time and money on doctors.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #26 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 01:38:53 PM »
I've heard that when these drug companies are pushing a new product, they shower the attendees of their conferences with expensive shit like MP3 players and such. Not sure how much truth there is in that, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Sure, there are all sorts of perks.  MP3 players would be just a drop in that bucket.  But doctors outright hired as drug pushers for the big pharmaceuticals is not something you're going to see honest doctors do.  I'm sure it's against their code of ethics, and most likely the law.  It would be a clear conflict of interest.

So the doctor told me jack and shit.  Unfortunately, it doesn't look like it's going to end up being what we thought it would be.  I'm going to need a CT scan and then have to go see a specialist, unless the last sample I gave them comes back with a positive result on some infection.  Not likely.

Hooray for forcing me to spend more of my precious little free fucking time and money on doctors.

Isn't that a bit like forcing you to take a stalling car to a different mechanic, after the first one couldn't find the problem?  You can keep letting it stall out on you if you prefer, until it just won't start anymore.  Nobody is forcing you.  At least you have medical coverage.  Don't mess around with that shit.  Get yourself healed right.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #27 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 02:05:52 PM »
GI problems often go unsolved if they aren't a parasitic or bacterial infection of some kind.  IBS is a go-to diagnosis that means virtually nothing half the time, and the number of idiopathic GI diagnoses is considerable.  Don't make the mistake of thinking that just because you go to the doctor your problem is going to be solved.  I have a friend who's been seeing doctors for more than a year now over symptoms similar to mine, and she has made no progress of any kind.

And Cobra, you can't be so naive to think that just because something is illegal, unethical, or a conflict of interest that people won't do it.  Don't be silly.  Doctors are no more ethical than any other member of society.  They're just as susceptible to corruption as anyone else; probably even more so, as people in power are always more susceptible and quick to justify.

EDIT - Also, I think my neighbors are going to kill me.  I hate them so much I'm not completely convinced that the hate hasn't utterly destroyed my stomach and immune system.  I am so burnt out, I don't know what to do.
« Last Edit: Friday, February 20, 2009, 03:23:28 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #28 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 04:06:58 PM »
I don't want to argue with you when you feel like shit.  Just remember my father was a doctor, and I remember what things were like before HMOs.  I have a long and detailed perspective.  Doctors have ethics tied to their ability to practice.  It's not some voluntary thing.  They're often naive and idealistic.  They're seldom good businessmen.  Medicine is way, WAY too much work and dedication to get into it for money.  Money is a given in the profession, not a pursuit.  The pursuit of money imposed on medicine to its detriment comes from outside the profession.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #29 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 04:41:29 PM »
I wish I could believe that, Cobra, and knowing what a good man you are, I have no doubt that your father was a good one as well.  And it doesn't mean that I believe all doctors are evil.  I have my misgivings with modern medicine, but that doesn't mean I hate and fear everyone involved.

At this point, I'd much rather spend time at the hospital.  It's noisier than my house, but it's supposed to be.  And I think it has less chance of giving me an ulcer than my neighbors do.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #30 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 06:15:26 PM »
I'm sure there is some shady shit going on, but both the pharm. industry and the medical industry in general are heavily regulated enough that i'd be pretty surprised if it was very widespread.  I did study the economics of the medical industry for a semester and it's actually kind of fucked.  The pharmaceutical companies basically have ten years (or whatever) to recoup on all the R&D and years of clinical trials they throw into any new drug.  After that it's open season and the generics hit the market - pretty much guaranteeing that the initial developer of a drug gets like 1/50th of all sales of that drug and the rest are all generics.  One one hand, it's kind of easy to say that they shouldn't have that period of protection when they just gouge people, but on the other there has to be some incentive for them to develop drugs. 

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #31 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 06:23:48 PM »
Quote from: IRC
<@Que|hate> dear god I wish I'd been around to get the call from Radiology to schedule my CT scan.
<@idolminds> arg
<@Que|hate> Getting called?  Pick up phone, say hi, schedule appointment.  Calling them?  Wait for 5 hours, maybe they pick up.
<@idolminds> heh
* @idolminds wonders what system they will scan you with
<@Que|hate> The doctor muttered something "of doom" at one point, but he wouldn't repeat it.
<@idolminds> At least you get to be radioactive for a day
<@idolminds> perhaps you'll gain some kind of super power
<@idolminds> Or you could turn someone else into a super hero. Like Spiderman, only they would be bit by a radioactive man so they would become....Manman
<@Que|hate> Well, I'm fucked.
<@Que|hate> They don't have appointments past 3, so I have to take time off work to do it.
<@Que|hate> And I don't have any time left.
<@idolminds> fuck
<@Que|hate> The last of my sick leave was gone on Thursday.
<@Que|hate> And they won't even keep the referral if I wait long, so that means I'll have to go see the doctor again just to make it happen, which I absolutely will not do.  I'll stay sick and fucking die before I waste anymore time with this.
<@Que|hate> Besides, if I went to see the doctor again, the time I need to get off so I can get the scan would be used up on the fucking doctor.
<@Que|hate> Who I've already seen.
<@Que|hate> Most likely I'm going to have to start cancelling vacation.
<@idolminds> I think they would actually have to try to make the system worse
<@idolminds> like, it would involve effort to make it less productive
<@Que|hate> The only way it could be worse is if they started throwing feces at you when you went in for a checkup.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #32 on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 10:57:58 PM »
No I don't believe it is the American doctors that are corrupt or whatever. I think most of these people get into the business just to make people feel better, and not to get rich. That's why they spend so many years studying and working like nuts, without getting much sleep.

I don't think it is the doctors, but the system that's the problem.

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #33 on: Saturday, February 21, 2009, 11:47:09 AM »
Yeah, that was my point.  But I've battled the opposite view since my college days.  I don't know if this statistic still holds true, but at one time, doctors had a life expectancy 10 years shorter than the general population's.  The work and stress are brutal.  A doctor seldom is done with all schoolwork until he's over 30, and he's at risk of not making the final cut every step of the way.  The American path to riches for their own sake is much shorter and easier (or at least it used to be, before the CDO Ponzi scheme banks have been playing at for years blew up in their faces).

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Re: So I'm really sick.
« Reply #34 on: Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 08:12:21 PM »
Quote from: IRC
<@PyroMenace> and when I talk it sounds like theres something lodged in my throat
<@idolminds> oh, Ive had that
<@idolminds> sucks
<@Quemaqua> No no, that's when you go around growling like a scary metal dude.
<@PyroMenace> well I do that all time
<@Quemaqua> "Can I get you anything?  Cough drop, cup of tea?" -- "Leave me alone.  I'm going to summon Satan to eat your babies."
<@PyroMenace> Do you like coffee?
<@PyroMenace> REAL COFFEE?
<@Quemaqua> hehe
<@PyroMenace> alright im going to get ready to head out and buy this shit
<@Quemaqua> hope you feel better man
<@idolminds> fight through the pain
<@Quemaqua> haha
<@PyroMenace> I bet marcus fenix gets this once a week, thats why he sounds the way he does
<@Quemaqua> I can picture that.
<@Quemaqua> "Fuck.  I kill thousands of aliens dude and I've got strep throat AGAIN.  DAMN IT."
<@PyroMenace> hahaa
<@idolminds> haha
<@Quemaqua> "It's cool brutha.  Cole Train gotchoo some herb fuckin' tea!"
<@PyroMenace> all aboard the apple vinager train baby!!
<@Quemaqua> And then make a rap out of it.
<@Quemaqua> WOO, gettcha' tea, sucka!  This is my kinda' home remedy!
<@PyroMenace> hahahahaha

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