scott, open pretty much any thread on this board, and there will be somebody protesting about that particular issue. the violence (which ended up being very short lived), was directed at the financial sector - the terrible handling of our economies and the fact that the big wigs are still getting their bonuses at the taxpayers expense.
i think overall, the spirit of the protests is just that we don't feel the government is listening to our concerns, is not acting in the public's best interests - they're basically doing whatever the fuck they want. we've had countless cases of massive parliamentary corruption involving expense accounts, second homes, etc, and at a time when youth unemployment, debt, hospital overcrowding and all that other bad shit is at a high. it's making voices heard as loudly as possible, in a, "we're really fucking pissed off, and we're not going to take it anymore" kind of way.
cobra - you're obviously not familiar with the french revolution. when you ask the government "please", and they keep telling you to fuck off, sometimes you have to show that you are still a democracy and that the government HAS to listen to the people. if they won't listen to words, sometimes other methods are needed.
edit - there's also the issue of the wars in the middle east, which were overwhelmingly unpopular from day one here. they've cost our country so much money at a time when we really can't afford it. we said "no", government did it anyway, we protested, government didn't care. we haven't had an election for such a long time and our current prime minister wasn't even elected. i think a lot of the protests are geared at embarrassing our country's leader as the international spotlight is pointed his way.