Haha the same thoughts cross my mind occasionally.
I was just rearranging my room yesterday and my brother picked up a bunch of my old CD's "Ok, I found this old shit in the bottom shelf I'm gonna toss it out." I look at what he's carrying and it's (in order of appearance) Quake, Quake 2, Anachronox, Omikron, Deus Ex, Giants, Rainbow 6, R6: Rogue Spear, R6: Raven Shield, and a few others. I nearly freaked out! "Well, it's not you're ever gonna play any of them again" he explained, to which I replied "Bro, it's not like I go through your DVD collection and toss out the old ones! These are my old games! Someday I'm gonna install them on my kids or your kids computers!! Or worst case scenario there will be an apocalyptic event and I will have something to entertain myself with using older technology while the rest of the world ends."
He still doesn't get why I hang on to them but whatever.