Author Topic: My dog is old :(  (Read 3370 times)

Offline scottws

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My dog is old :(
« on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 09:23:59 PM »
Well, technically it isn't my dog.  It's my parents.  He is a Brittany Spaniel named Kramer that is somewhere around 12 years old.  He's a great dog.  When he was young, he would get really excited when people came over and just run around the house like crazy.  He still gets excited when people come over and will sometimes do that but usually he does what we've come to call "the happy feet dance."  He even smiles, I swear to God.

Well at the beginning of the summer, right before I made a trip down to Mexico with Jennie, he got real sick.  I felt helpless down in Mexico not knowing if he was alive or dead and was relieved when I finally found out that he made it out ok.  I cried tears of relief when my dad told me.

Well, today I was messing around with him.  I was kind of acting like an attacking animal, which is a game we have played together for years.  He started running around and then suddenly I hear him yelping.  I turn around and he is trying to stand up on his back legs, but can't.  It's like one of them isn't working, and is kind of stuck out straight under him.  I can't even explain how I felt at that moment.  My mom screamed "His leg!  He can't move it!" and then started crying.  I picked him up and held him kind of like a baby (a fat fucking 35 lb baby).  He wasn't crying anymore, but his leg was still sticking out and he was shaking really bad.  I thought maybe he had a cramp or something and felt his muscles, but they weren't tight.  I thought maybe it was a broken leg, so I tried to feel for a break and kind of put pressure on it in different places, but he never cried.  I even moved it in and out and he didn't cry.  I tried to put him down but he still couldn't stand up.

So my dad an I took him to the vet right then.  Other than the fact that he's not really moving his legs, he seems like he's in good spirits:  he's smelling things outside and licking my face. The whole way I'm thinking he has a broken hip bone or something and we're going to have to euthanize him and I keep telling myself that I'm not ready for him to go and I'm crying.   At the vet, they took us to a room right away, but they didn't come to see him for about 20 min. after weighing him.  He kept trying to get up but we basically just tried to calm him down and keep him laying down.  He was shaking really bad again.  Then once he seemed like he was going to try to get up and we decided to see what would happen.  His leg wasn't all straight anymore, but he couldn't manage to stand up.  It just wasn't happening for him, but he didn't seem like he was in pain.

At this point my dad is thinking stroke.  I'm thinking maybe a fractured spinal cord, I didn't think he had a stroke because he seemed like himself.  The nurse comes in and feels all the parts of his back legs and actuates them.  She seems confident there is no break anywhere in his legs so she has him put all his weight on one, and then the other.  Amazingly, he was able to stand up somewhat.  Then she leaves and says she'll be back.  At this point, he's on the ground so we let him go.  And he tries to stand up again, and he makes it!  It was shaky but he got up.  Then he started walking around and smelling things and listening at the door.  You could tell there was still something wrong though.  His leg didn't seem to have much stability and he was kind of dragging it sometimes.

They come back and take him away to do an x-ray.  After viewing the x-ray, it is determined that he has arthritis in his spine.  His last three vertebrae are missing their disks, and bone has begun to grow and fuse them together.  This is a good thing, according to the vet, because it helps prevent injury to his back.  She thinks what happened is that he has had this arthritis problem for some time, and he either pinched a nerve or tweaked his spinal cord.  She gave him a pain-killer in shot form and then gave him a muscle relaxer and a anti-infamant.  She said that the spinal column is probably swollen at this point, creating pressure on the nerves and explaining why he doesn't have full leg function.  She said that he needs to rest for two weeks and it should go away, but it might not in which case he can take medicine for the chronic problem.

At this point he's home, and walking around ok for the most part.  But he can't go up or down stairs and can't jump up on anything.  That doesn't mean he doesn't try.  He tried to go downstairs before anyone could catch him, and it was scary.  He didn't fall, but it just didn't look pretty.  And he can't go up at all.  He tries and makes it like one step and falls down.  Everytime I see him do it, it brings tears to my eyes.  I really love this dog, and I think I have to start preparing myself for the time that he won't be with us anymore.  It's just been so easy to dismiss for so long because he was so young at heart still.

Offline idolminds

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Re: My dog is old :(
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 09:39:14 PM »
I know how you feel man. My old dog had diabetes. Sad story I dont want to type. I miss him still.

Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: My dog is old :(
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 09:49:14 PM »
Damn man. That is sad. But he's still with ya. And you've had him for a long time. Hopefully he has a few more years left in him.

My sisters dog is getting real old. She's almost 15. Still very spry though. She runs around, and plays with other dogs. But she can't last as long as she used to. She spends most of the time lying around. She has tumors all over her body. We're not sure what they are though. She diesn't seem to be in any pain or anything. But we know she doesn't have to much longer left.

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Re: My dog is old :(
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, October 18, 2006, 10:23:31 PM »
I hear you, man.  I miss my dog every day of my life.  She was one of the few living beings on this planet I enjoyed spending time with.  We had a bad run with my family.  My dad passed away, which was a horrible blow to us all, and then my grandpa died (which we were somewhat expecting).  It was really tough.  But then my dog (Taffy... a female golden retriever, husky, springer spaniel, duck tolling retriever mix)... she just got bad.  Got sick, looked like she felt awful all the time, was really sad.  In the end, she was having massive bowel problems and other things, and the doc said it was time to put her down.  I couldn't be there for it because I had to be at fucking work.  I was miserable.  I couldn't be with my dad when we finally made the decision to pull the plug, either, because they wouldn't give me any fucking time off.  Sacks of shit.

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Re: My dog is old :(
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, October 19, 2006, 03:13:56 AM »
That's a pretty sad story. :(

Offline Cobra951

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Re: My dog is old :(
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, October 19, 2006, 06:36:50 PM »
One of the sad ironies.  The animals most emotionally compatible with humans have 1/5th the lifespan.  Sorry about your dog's condition, man.  Hope he gets better.

Offline Raisa

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Re: My dog is old :(
« Reply #6 on: Friday, October 20, 2006, 12:34:06 AM »
no to euthanizing them man...

let them go at their own time...

he'll go when he has to.

my grandma lost both her dogs this year.. they were 14 years old. They died at home, naturally...

Our labrador died at home at his own time.. he could barely walk his last two weeks because of a disease.. but his last three days, he was walking around and trying to do what he normally did.  His last day alive, he went to all his favorite places.. we were wondering why, we found him dead the next morning.


Offline Antares

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Re: My dog is old :(
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, October 22, 2006, 08:15:49 PM »
That sucks man :(

I've lost several animals over the years, but only one that I had to put down, a cat named Rascals that my mom  had from the time I could remember, until I was around 18.  It was rough.  He had a stroke or something and we found him just laying on the ground incoherent one evening.