Author Topic: Diablo, Mythos Vets Announce Action-MMO 'Torchlight'  (Read 23070 times)

Offline W7RE

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Re: Diablo, Mythos Vets Announce Action-MMO 'Torchlight'
« Reply #120 on: Saturday, August 21, 2010, 12:56:31 PM »
Torchlight 'hopefully' out on XBLA and PSN by holidays.

Runic Games had dreams of putting Torchlight on Xbox Live Arcade, then it put "serious effort" into a console version, and now the studio is hoping to have the game out by this holiday for PSN and XBLA.

Also, it's sold 750,000 copies:
Schaefer also told us the game has now sold over 750,000 units and is en route to a million.

Seeing as I STILL haven't done much more than just create a character, I may buy this if I haven't done much with the PC version by then. I would definitely prefer the direct control of a gamepad (which would make this a bit more similar to Deathspank). Though the loss of mods would sort of suck, but the only one I can see really needing for standard gameplay is the respec potions one. (That's the one missing feature that really strikes me as odd. It hasnt' been built into the base game yet, has it?)

Offline idolminds

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Re: Diablo, Mythos Vets Announce Action-MMO 'Torchlight'
« Reply #121 on: Saturday, August 21, 2010, 01:40:43 PM »
The other mod thats nice is the one that auto-identifies everything. Theres so much loot that drops, its just busywork to identify it all. It would be better if there was a Cain-like character that could do it for you in town, but the only way to do it is with the damn scrolls.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Diablo, Mythos Vets Announce Action-MMO 'Torchlight'
« Reply #122 on: Thursday, October 28, 2010, 06:13:50 PM »
Finished Torchlight.
Damn....last battle was wicked...
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