Zero Punctuation reviewWell, its not a "Steam game" as he says since you can totally buy non-Steam versions. Also I think hes wrong about needing to keep clicking on enemies. Pretty sure you can hold down the mouse button and keep fighting.
Other than that, hes right on most of it. Its getting to now that I'm even needing to use a health potion now and then. They could just no drop the lowest level potion because by the time you need any enemies are already dropping the next largest. And I have yet to use any mana potions despite having a fuckload of them.
Also there needs to be a mod that alters the identify scrolls and town portals. Identity scrolls are a bit of a waste of time and stupid busywork. Useful for that nice rare drop you want to check out, but you end up burning through them to identify everything just to get the full sale value. And I have tons of town portals that I don't really need. The pet can sell stuff for you without having to go back to town yourself, so the only reason to go back to town is to 1) but more identify scrolls, 2) Turn in/get more quests, or 3) Put stuff in your stash/shared stash. If they had a Cain character, someone in town that you could visit to have all your stuff identified it would cut down on the need/annoyance for ident scrolls and give you a use for town portals.
That said, I'm still having a ton of fun with it.