Author Topic: Big Guild Wars update!  (Read 1915 times)

Offline idolminds

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Big Guild Wars update!
« on: Friday, April 24, 2009, 02:15:27 PM »

4th anniversary celebration going on. Fireworks in major cities! Stuff going on!

New stuff!

Equipment Pack
All characters get another bag slot! This one takes equipment packs, and will only hold things like armor and weapons. Packs come in 5, 10, 15, and 20 slot packs. 5-slot packs can be bought (2.5p) and the others can be acquired spending Zaishen Coins.

Xunlai Storage
Expand your bank storage! $10 per tab, and you can buy a max of 4 more tabs. However, they currently have a promo going on where you can get a free tab! This is in addition to the 4 extra tabs, so if you get the free one you can end up with a total of 5 extras. Promo ends May 31st.

Zaishen Challenge Quests
These are cool, and how you gain the Zaishen Coins. Each day 3 new challenges will appear. Mission Quests have you replay a Mission, Bounties have you hunt down a specific boss, and Combat is some PVP battle thing. These challenges dont expire, but you can only keep so many in your quest log.

Zaishen Menagerie
A new zone that only you can enter. Take your pet in and show it to the dude there, and it will be added to your Menagerie. It will be walking around in this zone, allowing you to go in and re-capture it as a pet. So you can collect all the pet animals in the game and switch between them if you want. Very cool addition.

Nicholas The Traveler
NPC that will change location every week. Find him, give him what he wants, and you can earn gifts! woo!

New Character Customizations
A new [Stylist] NPC has been added to Temple of Balthazar. Using special tickets, you can change your characters look. Unlike the default character creator when you first make a character, this guy lets you mix and match faces, hair, hair color, etc from all the expansions. With the "extreme makeover" you can even change gender. Unfortunately, its $10 for 5 makeover tickets.

So yeah, some pretty cool stuff. I'm trying to get my free storage tab but the web site is going ungodly slow. I'll keep trying, though.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Big Guild Wars update!
« Reply #1 on: Friday, April 24, 2009, 08:40:24 PM »
Can't wait to check this stuff out.  Once we start back into D&D I'll probably be in a hardcore RPG mood, too.  I just wish I knew when my computer was going to be set up again and when cable service was going to start at the new place...

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Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Big Guild Wars update!
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 06:15:00 AM »
I have finally claimed my free storage.  Took me long enough.  With all the nostalgia of playing Morrowind again, apparently it got me in the mood for just RPG stuff in general.  I've been missing GW a bit!

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