Author Topic: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Collector's Ed Box = $30 on Amazon + Free Shipping  (Read 22461 times)

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: All platforms, $20 of on Reg/Collector's Ed for 2-7-2011
« Reply #120 on: Monday, February 07, 2011, 10:47:29 PM »
The only thing not mentioned here is the iOS game, which is like Ignition, a prequel of DS2 taking place on the Sprawl.  I think I read somewhere you get unlocks or something if it's tied to your EA account, but I haven't confirmed that.

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Offline W7RE

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: All platforms, $20 of on Reg/Collector's Ed for 2-7-2011
« Reply #121 on: Monday, February 07, 2011, 10:57:13 PM »
I beat Ignition and all I got was the hacker suit and the extra rooms that you can unlock.  I think you only have to have a Dead Space Ignition save past your first hack you do in that game to unlock all of that stuff, so finishing the game is not necessary.  There are other unlocks you can get, such as a different looking Plasma Cutter if you have a Dead Space save file.  You can also get a suit and a different force gun if you got the collector's edition.

Yea, the plasma cutter redesign is one of the things that unlocked for me the first time I booted up DS2, as well as the extra rooms and hacker suit. So I guess I got it all. I'll just watch a playthrough on YouTube and then maybe I'll come back to it at some point later, but probably not.

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: All platforms, $20 of on Reg/Collector's Ed for 2-7-2011
« Reply #122 on: Tuesday, February 08, 2011, 12:21:50 AM »
I've been looking to see if any places had been offering deals for this like best buy or amazon usual do when they give you $20 in store credit, but the $20 off also works so I just ordered it. Can't wait to play it.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: All platforms, $20 of on Reg/Collector's Ed for 2-7-2011
« Reply #123 on: Tuesday, February 08, 2011, 11:53:25 PM »
I'm on chapter 3 or 4 now, and having a blast. Love the Zero-G stuff.

Inventory management was a pain, and I kept getting ammo for guns I wasn't carrying and hadn't even bought from the store. So I found myself backtracking to the last store quite often so I could sell off extra ammo and buy the type I actually need. But now I got the hacker suit and it's not so much a problem.

I'm liking the multiplayer too. I enjoyed it when I was in the beta, but wasn't sure about if it would really feel needed with the full game. It's no "needed", but it gives me a vibe similar to horde mode in Gears. Though an actual horde mode would be even better (or let me and some friends play the human side of a MP match against bots only, but with no time limit and more necros). At first it felt like the humans were overpowered, because I did terrible as a necro and dominated as a human, in the same games. But after a few more games it seems more balanced, though the humans can still get terribly spawn trapped by some coordinated necros, which was a problem in the beta too.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: All platforms, $20 of on Reg/Collector's Ed for 2-7-2011
« Reply #125 on: Sunday, February 13, 2011, 07:37:56 PM »
Just finished the game. Wow, those last couple chapters were sort of terrible. The rest was amazing though.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: All platforms, $20 of on Reg/Collector's Ed for 2-7-2011
« Reply #126 on: Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 08:10:11 AM »
Here's a video of the gun you get when you beat the game on hardcore mode:

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #127 on: Friday, February 25, 2011, 05:10:49 PM »
EA Forums -> Dead Space 2 PC has been patched.

We're happy to announce that a patch for Dead Space 2 is now available for download! Below you will find the link to download the executable file as well as the patch notes.

We are currently finalizing the patch for Steam users and will update this thread shortly when it is available.

* The Elite Engineering Suit will now appear properly after
completing a full-playthrough of the Single Player Campaign.

* Save games will now be recorded, and deducted, properly when
playing the Single Player Campaign in Hardcore mode.

* Support for mouse button binding to movement keys & allowing up
to 8 mouse buttons + mouse button de-bounce fixes

* Unlocks suit and weapon packs which will now be available at the
in-game store at zero cost for players


Thank you for your patience as resolve these issues and thank you for your support!

Offline W7RE

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #128 on: Saturday, February 26, 2011, 01:12:42 AM »
Unlocks suit and weapon packs which will now be available at the
in-game store at zero cost for players

Does this mean the weapon packs that were previously only available through a downloaded save game? If so, that means the PC gets them for free, sort of officially, and they still cost $5 each for the consoles.

Why this matters: I've heard those packs can help a lot with hardcore mode. The suits and weapons from them show up in the first shop, meaning you can get them much earlier than you normally would. So instead of getting gun X or suit Y on chapter 10 or 15, you get it on chapter 1.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #129 on: Saturday, February 26, 2011, 07:55:29 AM »
Yes, that's them - PC is getting those for FREE w/ this new patch.

I know - it's not fair to console gamers. :(
It should be unlocked for FREE for them, too.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #130 on: Saturday, February 26, 2011, 09:14:39 AM »
Bitmob -> "Better living through dying: How Dead Space makes violence matter."

I noticed another effect while playing Dead Space and its sequel. Once I had accepted that these games were going to be unpleasant no matter what I did, I also became more accepting of failure. While failure in a game is very rarely satisfying, what Dead Space accomplishes with its occasionally elaborate kill animations is to infuse failure with an element of (admittedly morbid) curiosity.

When I'd gotten Isaac into a situation in which he was hopelessly outnumbered, low on ammo, and trapped, the first thought I had after, "Well, shit. I'm doing this over again" was "How are they going to kill him this time?" And the answer to that question was always interesting.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #131 on: Saturday, February 26, 2011, 11:20:00 AM »
Yea almost every time i died it was, "oh shit, I can't beli... whoa, that was cool."

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #132 on: Saturday, February 26, 2011, 12:34:29 PM »
Yea almost every time i died it was, "oh shit, I can't beli... whoa, that was cool."

Yeah, after reading The Bitmob article - I actually realized at times how hard Dead Space 1 was.

I was like, "Yeah...I guess I did DIE A LOT. I remember seeing A LOT of death sequences...even if it was over and over and over...hehe.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #133 on: Saturday, February 26, 2011, 09:24:56 PM »
I did not find the original Dead Space difficult at all, except the final boss, which was more of an annoying fight.  I believe I had less than 5 deaths going through the entire game if you don't include deaths and retries on the final boss.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #134 on: Tuesday, March 01, 2011, 10:22:31 AM »
Severed DLC is up on the Xbox Live Marketplace.

Should be up on PSN later tonight when it updates.

I like how it just came out and it's already the 11th item in the newest addons list on Xbox. Why? Four $3 Hot Persuit packs, four Rock Band track packs, a Fable III costume, and something called Shadow Battle for MvC3. This nickle and dime shit is annoying me even when it's not for games I play.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: Severed DLC NOT coming to the PC
« Reply #135 on: Tuesday, March 01, 2011, 02:29:26 PM »
Damn.  I may have to take back my former statements.  Either that, or this boss fight is just fundamentally fucking broken.  Giant tentacle monster... the pattern is easy enough to figure out, it's fairly simple.  Shoot the glowing bits when they try to attack you.  But my shots don't register half the time.  It's like you have to intentionally aim slightly off, but that doesn't necessarily get you anything.  Sometimes the hits register, but by and large I can't make it consistent, and there's so much fucking camera jiggle that it's near impossible with the controller.  I suspect it wouldn't be that much better with a Move controller, though, as even when I'm aimed spot on, it just doesn't work.  Plus there are times when you need to use stasis to get through something and it doesn't register that you did, and you just stand there getting hit like a fucking dolt even though you did what you were supposed to.

I'm horribly disappointed because I was really having fun with this game, but at this point, I don't think I'll be able to move on from this level unless I set the difficulty to easy and throw myself at it 12 dozen more times, which I'm not even remotely interested in doing.  I don't know if this was a problem with the original version or just the port (Pyro, you played it... thoughts?), but I'm really fucking disappointed, especially since the rest of the game has been very solid and enjoyable so far.  I even went and read a FAQ to be positive... and sure enough, I'm doing everything right, the game is just messed up.

EDIT - Watched a video online, and the fight is definitely broken.  It looks like if you bring the pulse gun and just stockpile ammo for it for the fight, the rapid-fire hail of bullets makes it a lot more likely that you'll hit the spots you need to.  But even in the video the guy was getting direct hits that were doing nothing, and the stasis thing borked for him too.  Dunno' how this got by QA.  The rest of the game prior to this had felt very polished and balanced.

I've been watching Extraction on YouTube because it's easier since I don't have a Wii or a PS3, and I just got to this fight. Just watching it is frustrating. By the way, I also just happened to watch an interview with a guy from DICE earlier. He was saying that with Mirror's Edge, they had to change from the idea of animating the camera based on movement to basing it off perception. Strapping a camera to someone's head to motion cap wouldn't work. In real life, our eyes and brain adjust as you move around so you actually get a smoother view of the world. This is something they aimed for with ME. DS:E obviously does not, as I see shots miss constantly due to camera jerkiness. I'm so glad I decided to watch this game instead of play it.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Patch released
« Reply #136 on: Wednesday, March 02, 2011, 05:53:13 PM »
I just finished the Severed DLC, and it was pretty good. It took me about an hour and a half. Not bad I guess considering it was only $7.

It apparently pulls in the upgrades you've gotten from the main game, but I'm not sure how. I saw people in the GAF thread talking about having a full 25 slot inventory, but I only had 15 slots for the DLC, despite having 25 in the full game. It also carries over your power node placements in your weapons, which I mistook for the game giving me partially powered up equipment from the start. As far as me only getting 15 inventory slots, maybe it took the upgrade data from the wrong save or something. I would have loved those extra 10 slots, as I was really struggling with inventory space.

I really hope they've got more DLC on the way. I'd love to have some new DS content periodically during the wait for DS3.

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Re: Dead Space 2
« Reply #137 on: Saturday, March 05, 2011, 06:32:58 PM »
So, I bought this Dead Space 2 yesterday for PC during that EA Flash Deal and all. And took 2 hours of my life away approximately. So far, the game is really good - I'm talking about the SP portion, of course.

The PC KB/mouse controls are MUCH, MUCH better - since you can actually move them ALL anywhere on the keyboard and mouse...unlike Dead Space 1. So, for me - this time, forget the control pad - I'm going w/ the KB/mouse.

Game runs great and looks good on my old-ass rig, as well. It's on one of the 1xxxx by 1xxx res' settings I got it on w/ everything on High.

Already....there were some awesome moments.
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« Last Edit: Saturday, March 12, 2011, 11:42:38 AM by MysterD »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dead Space 2
« Reply #138 on: Wednesday, March 09, 2011, 06:39:12 PM »
SPECIAL LINK - $15 OFF + Free Shipping on Dead Space 2 directly from EA.
PC, Download Version = $24.95
PS3 or X360 - Reg. Edition, Retail Box = $44.95
PC, X360, or PS3 - Collector's Edition, Retail Box = $64.95

Offline PyroMenace

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Re: Dead Space 2 -- $15 off + Free Shipping from EA directly for ALL versions
« Reply #139 on: Saturday, March 12, 2011, 09:04:17 AM »
Well I put in about 4 hours of this the other night, not much to complain about. Though I am feeling less tense than I did when I played the first one. There has been plenty of pop out scares, but none have phased me. Though I know by the end of the first one I didn't feel as stressed out, I think because I had gotten the controls and general feel for the game down pretty tight. I'm playing it on normal and I'm progressing through it pretty well, there have been spots where I died a couple times and I have been using first aids a good bit but I was merely toying with weapon strategies. Also I'm getting shit tons of ammo, or Im just really good at conserving it and making good shots. Still though, I'm having tons of fun. And that opening... holy shit, seriously I think that was one of the most disturbing things I have seen in a video game.

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Re: Dead Space 2 -- $15 off + Free Shipping from EA directly for ALL versions
« Reply #140 on: Saturday, March 12, 2011, 12:18:06 PM »
So I ended up on the Dead Space 2 merch store and couldn't resist buying a t-shirt. There are some awesome shirts on there, but the one I wanted was sold out, but there was this one and it's on sale. I'm so weak.

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Re: Dead Space 2 -- $15 off + Free Shipping from EA directly for ALL versions
« Reply #141 on: Saturday, March 12, 2011, 12:57:04 PM »
So I ended up on the Dead Space 2 merch store and couldn't resist buying a t-shirt. There are some awesome shirts on there, but the one I wanted was sold out, but there was this one and it's on sale. I'm so weak.

Did you use the "TITAN" promo code to net you 20% off purchase from Visceral's store?
The code was put on their Facebook page yesterday for Dead Space series.

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Re: Dead Space 2 -- $15 off + Free Shipping from EA directly for ALL versions
« Reply #142 on: Sunday, March 13, 2011, 08:26:32 PM »
A friend is playing through this now, and he managed to find a scale early in the game, before you hit the first store and grab your suit. It said he was 195lb or something like that. He found another one later after he was in a suit and had some weapons, and now it reads 250lb.

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Re: Dead Space 2 -- $15 off + Free Shipping from EA directly for ALL versions
« Reply #143 on: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 11:22:17 AM »
I finished Dead Space 2 last nite - what an awesome game. Despite being quite tough...
(click to show/hide)
This was one awesome SP game. :)

Tried the MP last nite. Interesting, but something's lacking. I dunno - not many maps open by default, unless there's unlocks later or DLC later for this. Anyone know how many MP maps there are? Gonna have to give it more time...

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Re: Dead Space 2
« Reply #144 on: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 02:58:18 PM »
I think there's like 5 MP maps.

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Re: Dead Space 2
« Reply #145 on: Saturday, March 19, 2011, 03:07:48 PM »
I think there's like 5 MP maps.
That's it?!!?? Bummer. :(

Man, this MP needs some DLC and a SDK released...

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Re: Dead Space 2
« Reply #147 on: Monday, May 30, 2011, 11:14:36 AM »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Version = $20 at Best Buy
« Reply #148 on: Wednesday, June 01, 2011, 02:12:18 PM »

Offline MysterD

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC CE Box = $30 on Amazon
« Reply #149 on: Saturday, July 02, 2011, 03:34:35 PM »
Dead Space 2: Collector's Edition [Retail Box] for PC = $29.99 on Amazon w/ Free Saver Shipping.

To quote W7RE's post, some time back in this thread...
Comes with:
Plasma cutter
Soundtrack (including "Scoring Dead Space 2" featurette)
Lithograph with concept art depicting a necromorph transformation
In-game items: Unitology Suit and Force Gun

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Collector's Ed Box = $30 on Amazon + Free Shipping
« Reply #150 on: Sunday, July 03, 2011, 12:29:19 AM »
I'd be on that like Keebler on a transsexual Thai prostitute if I were in the states.

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Re: Dead Space 2 - Update: PC Collector's Ed Box = $30 on Amazon + Free Shipping
« Reply #151 on: Sunday, July 03, 2011, 01:59:14 AM »
I'd be on that like Keebler on a transsexual Thai prostitute if I were in the states.
Keebler is on the tranny that's going the other way, right? Formerly a chick turning into a dude? Right? Creepy but I won't judge the tranny. Keeblstein on the other is free game.

P.S. I have a bad cold, I'm kinda delirious but I felt like jumping on the bash Keebler bandwagon.. Sorry, Keebleheimler, it's not personal just very graphic.