Author Topic: The swine virus.  (Read 16876 times)

Offline Cools!

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #40 on: Friday, May 01, 2009, 10:53:31 PM »
You are right that people should treat this as a "regular" flu, but the real issue that SARS highlighted at least here in Toronto is the horrible state of the current Canadian health care. The system was on the brink of collapsing when the epidemic ended. Many hospitals couldn't contain the spread, lacked fast response measures and access to medication required to treat patients. The system was just not prepared for an epidemic, which came as a shock to the public.

The threat of a highly virulent flu epidemic is real and this is why so much money is spend each year trying to predict the next emerging strain and create an effective vaccine each season.

The primary reason this swine flue stood out was because it's from the H1N1 strain, a variant of the strain that caused the "Spanish Flu" in 1918 which killed millions of people and spread globally. The vast majority of those killed were healthy adults because that particular variation of the virus actually benefited from a healthy immune system, through what is known as a "cytokine storm" where the body creates too many white blood cells which kill the person (block the air way passage, etc.). That's why when healthy adults started getting sick from the swine flu, it started raising concerns that another highly virulent strain of the flu has emerged.

Offline Xessive

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #41 on: Friday, May 01, 2009, 11:11:18 PM »
You are right that people should treat this as a "regular" flu, but the real issue that SARS highlighted at least here in Toronto is the horrible state of the current Canadian health care. The system was on the brink of collapsing when the epidemic ended. Many hospitals couldn't contain the spread, lacked fast response measures and access to medication required to treat patients. The system was just not prepared for an epidemic, which came as a shock to the public.
That's very true. I guess the good that came out of it was the attention it drew to the problem. The Canadian health care system has gone under review and will hopefully receive the amendments it truly needs.

Offline gpw11

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #42 on: Saturday, May 02, 2009, 10:48:47 AM »

here's a quote from the bbc news website:-

The swine flu strain is a H1N1 virus, the same type as seasonal flu which circulates throughout the world every year, and kills roughly 0.1% of those infected or higher in an epidemic year.

oooh, terrifying. i better avoid pigs and mexicans until the man on the news says this is all over. fucks sake...

I get what you're saying and agree with you 100%, but the thing to keep in mind is that a far more virulent version of an existing strain isn't something to scoff at.  As it was said before, the Spanish Flu was H1N1 as well and it was also the worst medical disaster known to man (arguably killing more than the Black Death). 

Yes people are freaking out a bit too much, and yes the media is being fucking retarded. The thing is that with shit like SARS - it wasn't that the medical system was unable to handle the load - A total of 250 people in Canada had SARS, with about 40 dying...all of which in one city - it's that it gets overblown and there's a lot of hypochondriacs out there.  The system gets choked with people thinking they have whatever is on the news, which is exactly why too much media sensationalism is dangerous.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #43 on: Saturday, May 02, 2009, 11:47:38 AM »
Here's the thing.  If this comes to nothing, then everyone will scoff at the media, schools and whoever else made a tempest in a teapot.  If it spreads geometrically and kills thousands, let alone millions, then there will be much worse recriminations.  Why didn't they quarantine! close the border! . . .etc.  Damned if they do and damned if they don't.  I'm glad I have no say in it.

Just take reasonable precautions.  After that, all we can do is wait and see where this goes.  So far, no cause for panic.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #44 on: Saturday, May 02, 2009, 01:30:31 PM »
Damned if they do and damned if they don't


Offline Quemaqua

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #45 on: Sunday, May 03, 2009, 09:42:20 PM »
What Cobra said is about what I'd say.  My previous post on the subject was more due to anger at past problems in the country, not because I really think this particular virus is going to end the world (though I still think people should be safe and not take chances).  I do actually know a couple people who have it, and it did a number on them.  My realtor and his wife were actually in Mexico and both came down with it.  Sucks.  There's still a lockbox on my door because of it.

In many cases, though, apparently it isn't even as bad as a regular flu.  It's definitely an overdone story.  My sister's all panicked about it because her kids are so prone to illness, but we keep trying to tell her it isn't that big of a deal.

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Offline Pugnate

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #46 on: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 12:57:05 AM »
One question... why are we still alive?

Offline Xessive

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #47 on: Tuesday, May 12, 2009, 03:57:49 AM »
One question... why are we still alive?
Sorry my bad. I was supposed to have finished the doomsday device by now but I got distracted. Games and y'know.

Offline Raisa

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Re: The swine virus.
« Reply #48 on: Tuesday, May 26, 2009, 11:13:29 PM »
bird flu's worse than swine flu. but put them together and we have a massive killer. I just wear masks (N95) and keep clean to stay safe. And i avoid going to public places.

i guess it doesn't matter what people say--government or not. Each one will just have to be responsible enough to stay well and if they get a virus (no matter what it is), don't pass it on.

Any of you planning on taking advantage of the awesome travel deals?