At first I was excited and all over the idea of L4D2. Then after thinking for a while, I realized that if it's pretty much the same minute to minute gameplay as the first, and emphasizes repeat playthroughs instead of substantial content, I'm not all that interested. Seriously, the first one is an hour long game, and you have 4 maps to choose from.
I was checking achievements the other day, and it looks like I don't even have the one for finishing one of the scenarios on the first L4D. Apparently I died just before the end, and watched my friends jump on the helicopter and escape without me. My friends got bored of the game fast, and I just don't have the want to play through any of it a second time on my own. It's just not as fun solo, and I don't feel like playing with random people.
I think it's the zombie lover in me that wants me to want this game, but the first just didn't have enough content. I don't care if this came out in 4 years, it would still need more content. The levels are really not THAT complicated that they can't do a full length game like most other developers do. So they did some cool stuff with the director, make a damn full length game that takes advantage of that, at least you won't have to script out the whole level now. L4D is 1 fucking hour long, and has 4 maps to choose from. That is NOT a game worth paying $50-60 for. (oh there's a 5th map now, ooohh, but I have to pay $7 for it since I have the Xbox version)