Author Topic: Left 4 Dead 2 announced  (Read 52213 times)

Offline gpw11

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #200 on: Friday, October 30, 2009, 09:11:55 PM »
Yeah, the pathing thing itself isn't really all that great in my opinion.  Yeah, it is kinda cool, but I can also see it just being kind of confusing and half-assed feeling.

Um, on a side note, is anyone planning on getting L4D2 at this point?  I feel kind of ashamed to admit it, but I've been playing a lot of L4D lately and I'm very tempted.....for the ~$35 pre-order bulk price.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #201 on: Friday, October 30, 2009, 10:46:07 PM »
I want to get it, but I don't at the same time. I guess I'm waiting for the demo and I'll see if that gets me hooked. (demo is only out for people who have preordered, until next week) Then it'll be more of, "do I feel like I have to play this?" instead of just analyzing what I'm getting and how it should have been just added to the first. Fact is it won't be, so I'm just waiting to try it and see if I cave.

From everything I've seen, Valve is completely full of shit. And by that I mean, the fact that they've added so much that it's just too much to not be it's own game. EVERYTHING I've seen looks like stuff that should have either been in the first, or patched into the first. More gore, more guns, new levels, AI Director changes. Also the melee weapons seem nexto useless to me. Why would I grab a melee weapon just because it's cool, when I could use a pistol and not have to get close to do damage. (you drop your pistol in order to pick up a melee weapon)

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #202 on: Friday, October 30, 2009, 11:36:39 PM »
haha, melee replaces pistols? That sounds dumb.

Offline gpw11

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #203 on: Saturday, October 31, 2009, 12:16:38 AM »
Woah, seriously?  Pistols for melee?  That's retarded (although someone in a L4D game today who had the demo claimed that you could one hit one of the new special infected with a melee attack).

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #204 on: Saturday, October 31, 2009, 02:02:14 AM »
Yea apparently the melee weapons are really strong, but still, you have to be close to use them which seems like a bad idea when you're talking about giving up your pistol. In L4D you always had your pistol to fall back on if you were low on ammo, and now in L4D2 if you grab a melee weapon, that's all you have to fall back on if you're low on ammo.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #205 on: Saturday, October 31, 2009, 06:57:43 AM »
Why is melee replacing pistol?  :o Shouldn't we have melee and a pistol to fall back on?  :o That'd be a better idea, if you ask me.

I still am looking at L4D2 and thinking it's going to be like Crysis: Warhead - basically, just a stand-alone expansion pack. I'm sure L4D2 is going to be awesome, regardless - but not $40-50 awesome, in terms of the lack of content for that kind of money and all. At around $30 or less, I think L4D2 will probably be worth that.

Speaking of $40-50 awesome, I'm going back to Borderlands now...

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #207 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 05:57:57 PM »
I pre-loaded it last weekend.  Sadly, Borderlands makes me not really care anymore.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #208 on: Tuesday, November 03, 2009, 06:17:01 PM »
I pre-loaded it last weekend.  Sadly, Borderlands makes me not really care anymore.
Cool @ you pre-loading it.
How big is the L4D2 Demo download? Any idea?

Borderlands is pretty kick-ass, I must say. ;)

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #209 on: Wednesday, November 04, 2009, 12:14:58 AM »
So, just played through the demo level. 

-It's short; like half a L4D level short.  Kinda makes you wonder about the amount of new content in the full game

-New weapons are awesome for the most part.  There's far more variety (to a point).  Instead of the standard Uzi, there are two types, there's multiple pistols, and you can get an AK as well as the regular assault rifle.  That said, nothing all that fundamental changes.  They do behave differently, like the AK has a far slower firing rate than the old rifle in exchange for far more power, but in the end it's still all kind of the same. They're also more spread out, so you don't just find a group of four weapons sitting there, you might find an auto-shotty sitting with a magnum, or a guitar and sniper rifle. Kind of mixes it up a bit.  The gore and dismemberment is cool, but nothing like it should be as far as I'm concerned. I want to shoot off a leg and see a zombie still coming at didn't happen.

-Melee weapons suck.  As mentioned, you lose your pistols...which are better now.  At first I thought they were really cool, but it gets old fast....especially when all of them behave exactly the same from what I could tell.  They're all one hit kills, which is pretty dumb, and it's kind of limiting in that if you use them you're going to get shot a lot because you have to be close enough to get the shit swarmed out of you.  Could be cool if you could have them and pistols at the same time, but between the two, no idea why you'd pick them.  Run out of ammo and you're fucked.

-New infected are pretty cool.  The body armour is a cool aspect and a lot of the infected don't just run straight at you..they kind of zig zag. New Special infected are hit and miss.  The chick that shoots acid might as well be another boomer because the effect is the same; see she's about to do it, run away, kill her, and stay away for a couple of seconds.  The Jockey can lead to some cool moments, like when it jumped on some players back and almost ran him straight into a Witch. The Wandering Witch is an improvement (hope they keep the original though) because you HAVE to kill her more often it seems.  Finally, the Charger is pretty cool.  You just catch of glimpse of it and then the guy next to you is tackled, up against a wall and having the shit kicked out of him.

-The levels are the same as you'd expect, but there was a new cool event where you had to exit this door and run to shut down an alarm.  It was like a gauntlet and until you shut the thing down they just kept coming.  Not sure how I felt about the level being in daylight though, kind of just made the zombies seem silly. The new path thing is something I obviously can't really comment on, but to me it seemed like a chain link fence was really just thrown in the way, meaning you had to go over twenty feet and go through a house instead of an alley most of the time.  Lame if that's all it is.

-There were a fair amount of new items. New grenade (Boomer bile) made the zombies attack whatever you hit with it.  Good for taking down a tank or distracting a horde I guess.  There were adrenaline shots (like painkillers I guess), a defibulator (replaced a med pack but not sure on what exactly it did), and pipebombs absolutely rule now.   

At the end of the day, I won't be picking it up...scared me off more than anything.  I didn't feel any different going through this than I did going through Crash Course - cool that it's new, but nothing all that fresh. I don't know how Valve convinced those guys from the boycott that there was enough to warrant a new game here; going from the demo it's just an expansion.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #210 on: Wednesday, November 04, 2009, 03:02:47 AM »
Not only are the melee weapons 1 shot killers, but they can 1 shot multiple zombies with one swing. It still doesn't justify the loss of your pistol though. The defibrillator can supposedly bring someone back from death instead of having to find a closet to let them out of. The ja of bile can be thrown at other zombies and they'll get attacked.

Yea, the gore is cool, but I'd like to see a zombie lose a leg/arm and keep coming. There's a realism mode (disabled in the demo, of course) that requires headshots I think. Maybe in that mode you can de-limb a zombie and have it keep coming. I'd honestly expect you just woulnd't get the gore if it didn't die though. I don't recall seeing any big gore on anything but a kill shot, and shooting fallen zombies I couldn't get any gorey damage. Like, a shotgun with blow a hole in a zombie or take a head off, but it does nothing to a fallen zombie.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #211 on: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 03:33:32 PM »
IGN Review - PC and X360
9.0 from IGN (out of 10).

Gamespy review - X360
4 1/2 stars (out of 5)

G4TV - PC and X360 Review
4 stars (out of 5)

GamingHeaven.Net - PC Review
92% (out of 100)
« Last Edit: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 07:07:52 PM by MysterD »

Offline W7RE

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #212 on: Tuesday, November 17, 2009, 09:41:40 PM »
GiantBomb - X360 and PC review
4 stars (out of 5)

Offline MysterD

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #213 on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 03:27:54 PM »

Offline W7RE

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #214 on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 05:38:17 PM »
I saw a friend sign onto Xbox Live and start playing and it made me want it for a minute. Too late though, I spent my money on Assassin's Creed 2.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #215 on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 06:05:40 PM »
I'm saving for AC2 as well.

My brother is ready and willing to go out and buy L4D2 but he wants a better PC first. So I've offered him my Nvidia 8800GTS on the condition that he buys the remaining components for himself.. And in the process drive me to the store so I can buy a new power supply. Sorry, gone off on a tangent.

Anyway, I do like a lot of the improvements in L4D2, which I experienced in the demo. I'm still not going to consider it until the price drops significantly.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #216 on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 08:31:54 PM »
This game doesn't interest me even a tiny bit.  Neither does AC2.  I think I'm finally starting to get a bit more picky.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #217 on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 08:59:13 PM »
This game doesn't interest me even a tiny bit.  Neither does AC2.  I think I'm finally starting to get a bit more picky.

Man, I'm sorry but I'm finally gonna have to comment on this. This is how things go from the how many number of years I've known you. I've actually started calling it the Que Cycle

Step 1- This game (or movie) doesn't even interest me at all. I don't think I'll be picking it up/seeing it.

Step 2- Well, I caved and picked it up. I'll probably give it a try later but I'm not expecting much.

Step 3- I'm shocked by how much I love this game.(or movie)
Suck it, Pugnate.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #218 on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 09:16:19 PM »
This game doesn't interest me even a tiny bit.  Neither does AC2.  I think I'm finally starting to get a bit more picky.

You know, Que - I think I've hit the point where I want more games w/ brand new IP's.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #219 on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 09:34:10 PM »
That's not really true.  There are some games that happens with, such as Dragon Age, but this is mostly because I probably buy 4 times as many games as most of the people here.  Naturally some end up taking me by surprise.  Borderlands definitely did that.  The change in art style turned me off a lot at first, so I just stopped paying much attention... then I heard more about it close to release, got more inerested, and ended up loving it.  AC2 I'm not interested in just because I really didn't dig on the first game that much.  I loved the world it built but got bored to death of it pretty quick.  In theory the 2nd could interest me at some point if I happen to be in a certain mood and if certain problems are fixed, but it's unlikely.  L4D2 I definitely don't give a shit about.  It doesn't do anything new at all and isn't worth paying actual money for.  I'm more or less sick of the original.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #220 on: Wednesday, November 18, 2009, 09:50:14 PM »
That's not really true.  There are some games that happens with, such as Dragon Age, but this is mostly because I probably buy 4 times as many games as most of the people here.  Naturally some end up taking me by surprise.  Borderlands definitely did that.  The change in art style turned me off a lot at first, so I just stopped paying much attention... then I heard more about it close to release, got more inerested, and ended up loving it.  AC2 I'm not interested in just because I really didn't dig on the first game that much.  I loved the world it built but got bored to death of it pretty quick.  In theory the 2nd could interest me at some point if I happen to be in a certain mood and if certain problems are fixed, but it's unlikely.  L4D2 I definitely don't give a shit about.  It doesn't do anything new at all and isn't worth paying actual money for.  I'm more or less sick of the original.
For me, as much as COD:MW2, AC2 and L4D2 does sound like they're probably going to be good and all - they do look like "more of the same" and are basically just sequels that have some improvements on the original game. They're just not really jumping out to me to "go buy now".

I can't speak for you, but I just want more new IP's at this moment in time, myself. I want more stuff like Torchlight, Risen, DAO and Borderlands - IP's we ain't seen before w/ new worlds, new characters, new worlds, etc.

If there's one sequel I could be very interested in as soon as it is released, Witcher 2 is probably the one. Otherwise, eh - I think I can wait for price-drops.

Offline Schlotzky5

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #221 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 10:24:05 AM »
So I'm guessing that none of you cats bought it? I just got the demo on a whim through steam, played through it and I loved it. Granted, I never played the first one, and I have stayed away from shooters for the most part in the last few years. I was expecting to come here and find a bunch of people to play with. I really want to pick it up, but it seems like the kind of game that would only be fun with people you know.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #222 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 11:23:21 AM »
Schlotzky! Wow, it has been ages!

In time, I'm sure some of us will go for it. Likely when the price drops.. a lot. I previously said I would only consider it for $5, but with all the bells and whistles and general content they've added I'd say the $15-$20 range is fair.

If you didn't buy L4D then you can feel fine paying more (even though I still maintain that $50 is a lot for an online distraction like L4D).

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #223 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 11:47:58 AM »
I just got the demo on a whim through steam, played through it and I loved it.

I want this game, but I don't want to pay for it. That's my issue. Usually when I pass on a game it's because I decide I wouldn't have fun with it, but in this case it's because I just don't want to pay full price for it, because I already bought the demo last year (aka L4D1). After watching a couple zombie movies recently, I REALLY wanted this game, and placed a Gamestop preorder just to get early demo access, and I had a lot of fun with the demo. Some demos I don't even finish, even some games that I end up buying, but this one I played through 3-4 times even just by myself.

The problem is that no matter how much I hear that this is a full on game, with much more content than the first, more weapons, more modes, more infected, more variation in levels, the fact remains that I still paid $60 for the stripped down version that was Left 4 Dead 1. Yea I know, I'm basically agreeing that L4D2 is worth paying full price for, the problem is that I still want to feel better about having bought the first. And that chip on my shoulder is the reason I haven't bought L4D2 yet.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #224 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 11:55:48 AM »
Valve really ought to give special coupons to all the loyal customers who actually bought L4D1. Something no less than a 50% discount on L4D2 for all current owners of L4D.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #225 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 12:09:03 PM »
Valve really ought to give special coupons to all the loyal customers who actually bought L4D1. Something no less than a 50% discount on L4D2 for all current owners of L4D.

I was going to suggest a trade-in deal, like maybe trade in the first game for 50% off the second (some sort of steam license revoke thing on Steam for PC versions). I've heard a lot of people say that they prefer the original 4 survivors though, and I know some people would like to hold onto the first game. I guess you'd probably have to be one of the people that actually played a lot of L4D to care though. If I had L4D2, I would see no reason to play L4D1.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #226 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 02:43:27 PM »
Valve really ought to give special coupons to all the loyal customers who actually bought L4D1. Something no less than a 50% discount on L4D2 for all current owners of L4D.

Best post all day.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #227 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 04:55:20 PM »
Yeah, I can see where you're coming from. Well, in the future if they drop the price and you guys want to throw down let me know. It just seems like the kind of game that is much more fun if youre playing with people you know as opposed to randos.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #228 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 05:31:45 PM »
It just seems like the kind of game that is much more fun if youre playing with people you know as opposed to randos.
That's how I feel about most co-op games.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #229 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 05:47:09 PM »
I wonder how much the bot AI for your teammates are here in L4D2 in comparison to the original. Hopefully, they've made them more aggressive - or given you the option to command them to be a little more aggressive.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #230 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 07:05:47 PM »
The bots were pretty crap. I dont know how bad they were in the first one, but in the demo they forced you to take the lead and would stay clustered.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #231 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 07:06:18 PM »
Left 4 Dead 2: Edited Australian Version Review

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #232 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 08:19:15 PM »
Left 4 Dead 2: Edited Australian Version Review
Woah, that's frickin' ridiculous! I thought the Germans were bad when it came to censoring violence!

The video montage they have in that review speaks for itself.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #233 on: Thursday, November 19, 2009, 08:31:16 PM »
The people in the NeoGAF thread during the preorder only time for the demo, figured out that if someone in the US bought a discounted 4 pack and gifted a copy to someone in Australia, the demo version they got was the NA uncensored version. The assumption was that the same would be true for the retail release, though I didn't keep up with it enough to find out.

Yea only a select few would have heard about that, but it is one way to get around the ridiculous censorship on games the Australians have had to deal with lately.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #234 on: Friday, November 20, 2009, 02:50:00 PM »
AFAIK, L4D2 PC next week on Black Friday at GameStop will be $30.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #235 on: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 05:33:15 AM »

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #236 on: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 05:57:05 AM »
That was one of the most idiotic articles I've ever read.  On top of being opinionated, insulting, and blatantly biased, nearly everything he says is completely contradictory to his point.  L4D2 is exactly what he says it isn't: the exact same fucking game with some new shit thrown into it.

I'm blown away.  That is probably one of the most moronic professional attempts at fanboy justification I have ever read.  Kudos, Destructoid.  I didn't think all that much of you before, but I sure as fuck won't give you the benefit of the doubt in the future.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #237 on: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 06:01:44 AM »
That was one of the most idiotic articles I've ever read.  On top of being opinionated, insulting, and blatantly biased, nearly everything he says is completely contradictory to his point.  L4D2 is exactly what he says it isn't: the exact same fucking game with some new shit thrown into it.

I'm blown away.  That is probably one of the most moronic professional attempts at fanboy justification I have ever read.  Kudos, Destructoid.  I didn't think all that much of you before, but I sure as fuck won't give you the benefit of the doubt in the future.

Maybe he's right - which means by *his* logic, L4D1 should've costed expansion pack prices or less. :P

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #238 on: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 06:15:18 AM »
Yeah, that article was inherently stupid. Almost seemed like propaganda "Hey Destructoid, write this about our product and we'll make it worth your while.. That's right, we'll give you a donut dispenser!"

I'm willing to admit that L4D2 is not simply an expansion (even though it is expanded from the original). What about the rest of us "f*cking idiots" who paid a full game's price for a half-baked game which most of its "promises" wound up serving L4D2 anyway?

Remember the Valve notes indicating "new weapons, new special zombies, new campaigns, etc." for L4D1. Technically all of that came in the form of L4D2 and but I'm expected to pay $50 for that? I already said I'm willing to squeeze out $20 considering the great polish I've seen from the demo but that's the maximum I'm willing to pay.

May 2010: L4D3 announced, L4D3 boycott club founded. Still no sign of Half-Life Episode 3.

Normally, a developer makes a game (a complete game), sells it and possibly expands on it, then at least two years later we may see a sequel; something that fans of the original game can look forward to and be truly excited about i.e. Assassin's Creed. Valve have figured out a way to make half-games, sell them at full price, and turn it into an annual gig (like the FIFA games, except each installment of FIFA is a complete game in and of itself). Valve's target demographic is the "I don't give a shit" crowd who'll pay for just about anything (whether it is out of apathy or ignorance). Y'know, the people who would willingly pay for patches and bugfixes if you gave them the option.

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Re: Left 4 Dead 2 announced
« Reply #239 on: Sunday, November 22, 2009, 06:26:43 AM »
I'm willing to spend $30 at a maximum for L4D2.

And Xessive, that couldn't have been put any better.