Let's play Castlevania! . . . Uh, no. Let's watch a movie. Ooh, pretty! Pop some corn, have a drink . . oh, I need to pick up the controller now? Ah, tour guide will tell me which buttons to press and when. Right stick is useless; can't spin view around. The game knows best what I should be looking at and which button I should press. Got it. X, Y, oh, RT now, B. And . . . oh, watch more movie. Popcorn time again. Wow, big beast. Scary! Never fear. My friendly tour guide will tell me what to press and when. Can't whip this guy to death. Oh, no. He's too big for that. X, RT, LT, this, that. Oops! That's what I get for not paying attention to my guide. Try that sequence of buttons again. It's the only way to see what comes next. Yes! I can watch more movie now. Popcorn's getting low. Should I pop more? No! Time to ride a horse. All right! I get to gallop through the forest, leading my horse through . . . oh, no I don't. My horse only carries me where he wants to. Which buttons do I press now? Only X and Y, got it. X, X, X, Y, Y, X, X . . . Cutscene! Short one this time. Look at that big log. Oh, it's a magical log that keeps my 10-foot-jumping supernatural character from getting past it. Quite a log, that one. Oh, I see. I have to whip overgrown wolves until the tour guide decides I've whipped enough to let me see what comes next. And we're walking, we're walking . . .