Both Valve and EA are trying to push their own agendas here.
Valve wants complete games and up-to-date games sold on their Steam services. Makes sense to me, to make sure their customers can get every piece of a game that is wanted - VERY FAIR.
Valve probably ALSO wants all the DLC also sold also through Steam b/c they'll get a cut of any Steam-sold DLC.
EA wants all the patching done through Origin. FAIR. It's their product, they should update it as they see fit, when they see fit.
EA wants to sell DLC exclusively through Origin - PROBLEM is for consumer, who can only go through Origin or game's in-game store. Bleh. That doesn't allow for competitive DLC prices.
BIG Problem -> Most games have two versions: Steam and Non-Steam b/c Steam-sold versions require their program running in the background.
Damn DRM is always a problem of some kind.
EA probably doesn't want to dedicate more resources [testers, money, etc] to bug-testing TWO different PC versions of the same exact game.
You don't see D2D or Gamersgate forcing EA to use their own service to run in background to run a game, do you?
There have been many instances where Steam version of a game has their own specific issues b/c it has that additional Steam program running in the background.
My Solution -> Steam-sold 3rd party games that just should NOT require Steam program running in the background.
Make Steam program forced for activation ONLY.
Any other time - running Steam should be optional.