So, I've been trying to be more money savvy, so far I've been doing pretty good. I don't really eat out, I brown bag my lunch, and I budget a little bit for different things. And it's working pretty good.
I've been putting $100 a month into an ING direct savings account. Man, I love ING. And with what I initially opened my account with, and with what I've been saving, I'm getting like $20 a month in interest. Which is awesome. I mean I know it's not a lot, but before it was just sitting in my chase account not making a thing.
Then I opened a Roth IRA, and I'm dumping about $50 a month into that, which I can't touch until I'm 64. So at least I'll have some money stashed away for retirement. I'll hopefully increase the amount of what I put into it as I get older, and get through school and hopefully make decent money.
Then I purchased a Target Retirement Fund through Charles Schwab. Which is basically a mixture of Stocks, bonds, and cash which are automatically balanced according to your age. The younger you are the riskier your portfolio will be balanced, and as you get older it gets more conservative. Since I don't really know much about investing, I figured it was a good place to start. I've only put $500 into thus far. I just want to kind of see what it does, and how it works before I put anything else into. I mean it could potentially have great returns, but I could also lose money. I dunno. Still keeping tabs on it.
Has anyone else done any kind of investing or anything? How has it turned out for you?