Author Topic: I'm Nano-iPodded  (Read 15501 times)

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Re: I'm Nano-iPodded
« Reply #80 on: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 11:16:11 AM »

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Re: I'm Nano-iPodded
« Reply #81 on: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 08:39:01 PM »
What shocks me more is how Apple charge $90 for battery changes.

If that's including the actual battery I don't find it all that surprising. 

Actually, I just looked it up and you can get a third party battery for roughly $20. $90 installed is steep but far from a complete ripoff considering how the consumer electronics repair market works. You are, however, kind of stupid for paying it unless it's a brand new device. If one of my iPod batteries were to die three years from now I'd just throw down the extra $50 for a brand new one of whatever generation is out then instead of a new battery.

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Re: I'm Nano-iPodded
« Reply #82 on: Saturday, September 19, 2009, 09:29:28 PM »
Well, nobody forces you to upgrade the Touch.

The Touch is very similar in capabilities to the iPhone so each upgrade does indeed offer new functionality that the more basic iPods can't have (or at least Apple doesn't see a need to offer upgrades for them since it's more profitable for them to have people buy a new model instead). I'm guessing that since you pay more for the iPhone in the first place, the updates are "free", while the Touch is cheaper so they try to get more money out of you.

I don't like it.