I can understand certain gaming related tattoos. Things that would stand on their own as cool even if they weren't game related. Certain logos, for example. Quake 1 logo, Blood Eagle logo (from Tribes), various Wipeout logos, even the Gears of War logo is pretty cool in its own right. Something like that would look neat to everyone and have a little extra meaning to people that know what it actually is.
But a big giant "All your base..." tattoo? Ugh.
I think tattoos have lost a lot of meaning in general with their popularity. Very few people get interesting tattoos, or tattoos that mean something to them. They just get them because at that moment they thought they looked pretty, or they just wanted a tattoo and picked one out of a book. A permanent piece of art etched onto your body should have some meaning behind it.
Personally I don't really have anything I would want to be permanent. I've thought about learning to do henna tattoos that fade in a couple weeks, so I could then change the designs to what I wanted at the time.