So I'm shooting some faces off in Battlefield and my pictures just goes black & white and them completely out. So I rebooted it. Nothing. I can hear sound, but there is no picture. Checked all my connections, and everything was A-okay. Tried it again...same thing, sound and no picture. So I thought maybe the component input on the TV went out. So Switched it up, put my cable TV where my XBox was plugged in, and my Xbox where my cable was plugged in, the cable appeared as soon as I plugged it in. Switched my input and could here the XBox, but still no sound. So I thought the component cables went bad. Ran over to target and got new ones, came back, hooked it all up...same damn thing!!!E$@#$
And Batman comes out in 2 freaking days. I really don't feel like dropping the dough on a new Xbox..I mean, I can sort of afford it, but this is still bullshit.