Author Topic: Check out my new funky shoes...  (Read 8626 times)

Offline ScaryTooth

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Check out my new funky shoes...
« on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 02:52:19 PM »
Vibram Five Fingers...

Okay, so yeah, they look goofy. I saw these at a place called Front Runners earlier today. We were just shopping for new running shoes and I ran across these. At first, I thought they were ridiculous. But I read some pamphlets about them and talked to the guy who worked there who happened to be wearing a pair. I tried them on and wow. These shoes are awesome. It really does feel like I'm barefoot. I've been wearing them since this morning and I swear they are getting more and more comfy as I wear them. I can feel things under my feet. Rocks, sticks, whatever. I mean, I can feel the texture sort of, walking around on rocks doesn't hurt or anything.

The only thing is people keep coming up to me and asking me what they are. Some people look at me like I'm stupid and others think its pretty cool. But I'll tell you, I think this is my new favorite pair of shoes. Hopefully I can get away with wearing them at the hospital. I don't see why I couldn't. I mean, lots of people wear Crocs there

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 03:05:14 PM »
Oh God, it's the shoe version of toe socks.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 03:11:14 PM »
No offense... but do they make a version that doesn't look retarded?  Because your description sounds neat, but every time I look at the picture... no, just no.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 03:16:08 PM »
I thought they looked ridiculous as well. But they have really grown on me. Now I think they look dope.

Mark my words. In a year or so, everyone will be wearing these.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 03:27:37 PM »
I don't doubt that they are comfy, but they should seriously consider changing the name to something that doesn't sound like a dildo.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 04:44:22 PM »
Haha, that's a good point.

Seriously, couldn't they just have a normal foot cup, though?  Like... do you really need the toes?

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Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 05:02:28 PM »
Supposedly they are really good for you. Good for your posture, and muscle and bone development in your feet and legs.

And honestly. Having my toes actually separated and sprawled out feels really good. I can definitely tell that my balance is slightly better. Just walking around, I really do feel like I'm barefoot. Which I like. They are just comfy. If you ever see them, try a pair on. You really do need to feel for yourself.

Haven't tried running in them or working out in them yet. But I'm willing to bet that they rock. I was reading some websites and such about them, and people who have them swear by them.

Sure, you look like a dork wearing them. But who gives a shit? I couldn't care less about what anyone actually thinks about them. They're pretty awesome.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 07:46:01 PM »
Actually, some of them look worse than others, judging from the designs on the site.

For some reason I'm curious to try them.  They're just so weird looking.  I'd love to wear a pair of those to work and immediately get them put on the banned shoes list.  I wonder what places would even sell them, though?  Probably not your average shoe store.  A little pricey, too... I wonder how their survivability is.

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Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #8 on: Sunday, August 30, 2009, 08:14:15 PM »
Well, they seem to be made really well. Except there is no stitching. It all seems to be glued. But I mean, you can take them off, fold them, stuff them in your pocket. They are machine washable. And all the websites I was taking a look at didn't mention them wearing out or anything as of yet.

And they actually look a lot cooler when they are on your feet.

There is a store locator button some where on that site. When you look at the shoes, it's near the bottom, I think.
« Last Edit: Monday, August 31, 2009, 02:54:44 AM by ScaryTooth »

Offline gpw11

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #9 on: Monday, August 31, 2009, 12:10:27 AM »

I'm curious but apprehensive.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #10 on: Monday, August 31, 2009, 12:27:38 AM »
So about how much are these things? I read about them before and was actually interested (I like walking around barefoot).


Just a quick check on Amazon...yeah, I don't pay that much for shoes.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #11 on: Monday, August 31, 2009, 12:41:29 AM »
haha that looks awesome. I want a pair, even if as a novelty! Very nice. :)


Yea, definitely too expensive though. I could get nicer shoes for $100+....

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #12 on: Wednesday, September 02, 2009, 05:22:46 PM »
I've heard that these are amazing to run with. I really want a pair since I've always been about function over form but I'm too scared.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #13 on: Thursday, September 03, 2009, 08:06:10 AM »
Sorry I can't see myself spending more then $35 on a pair of shoes.

Offline Ghandi

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #14 on: Thursday, September 03, 2009, 02:21:08 PM »
There is a great NYT article about these types of shoes that was released in the past week. Apparently these shoes are catching on with runners, and they are selling well for general use as well.  I'd link the article but I can't copy and paste on this device. Search for "Vibram Five Fingers" and you will find it.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #15 on: Friday, September 04, 2009, 09:51:16 AM »
Sorry I can't see myself spending more then $35 on a pair of shoes.

I couldn't either, until my feet started to get destroyed by all the walking I've been doing for exercise this year.  I ended up with Brooks "Addiction 8" shoes plus some padded socks.  The combination has been very effective.  Maybe I can get away with cheaper gym shoes after I wear these out.  I think the bigger size (12", I usually get 11") and the socks have a lot to do with the improvement.  I'm learning on the fly here.

Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #16 on: Friday, September 04, 2009, 12:29:46 PM »
I know of two people, My Dad and my uncle who used to wear cheap shoes. $30 or less. They did that for most of their lives. And when they got older, their feet got more messed up. Sore feet, back pain, my father's big toe bone on his left foot started to get a little deformed, and it curved really far to the left pretty much crowding is other four toes on his left foot. I finally started buying shoes for him, and he had less back pain, and his feet hurt him less.

I never get cheap shoes, it's just not healthy. And I will pay upwards of around $100 if I have to.

But yea, these shoes own! I can't wear them at work though, which is crap. I think the boss man said no because he thought they were weird. Asshat.

Offline W7RE

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #17 on: Friday, September 04, 2009, 07:43:34 PM »
If medical problems can arise from wearing cheap shoes, then it's the fault of the industry that prices them so outrageously, not the person who refuses to pay those prices. If people have walked in sandals and even barefoot for thousands of years, I'm not paying $100+ for a damn logo on my foot.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #18 on: Friday, September 04, 2009, 07:53:10 PM »
Yeah, fuck shoe companies.  Take 2 cents to toss some rubber shit together, another 2 cents to pay some poor guy overseas next to nothing to push a few buttons or work the assembly line, then charge people a ridiculous amount of money for a product that doesn't even last.  Seriously, I hate shoes.  I generally wear Vans because they're the only thing I find particularly comfortable and I can sometimes find them fairly cheap if I look hard enough, but man I hate shoe shopping.

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Offline Pugnate

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #19 on: Saturday, September 05, 2009, 03:19:25 AM »
Yea I definitely agree with Scary. It isn't always about slapping a logo on the shoe. You can definitely feel the difference between a $100 and a $35 shoe...

I have extremely flat feet, that will get very painful after a few hours of walking. I have always stuck to CAT shoes that cost about $150, but last five years at a time while still looking new, so I know money is going into the cost of production there.

For regular use I stuck to normal priced shoes that would be about $40 or whatever.

Anyway, my foot pain was getting pretty bad, so I finally bought a pair of Nikes with those air soles last year. Now, I have never ever bought a pair of Nikes... ever...


Because when I was a kid growing up, the rich kids in my class who wore Nikes were the biggest assholes. And then seeing a huge NIKE LOGO on the side was also a huge turn off for me. It just looked ridiculous and ugly to me.

Anyway, I resisted buying Nikes till last year when I turned 28. I always stuck with the CATs or whatever until I finally decided I was going to just get a nice shoe and put up with the logo. I first went to Reebok, and then Puma, and found the shoes merely OK. As the salesmen said, their company's shoes were more about style than comfort (his words, not mine).

I then gave in and went inside Nike...

Man those shoes were like heaven for the feet. They are so bloody comfortable! I mean WOW.... I paid about $110 for them, but they were worth every penny. They have lasted a year, and still look new. There is also a huge difference between these shoes, and the cheaper running shoes I would normally wear.

I tried to find a pair with the least prominent logo... that's the only issue... the attention...

Whenever I wear those, I find one person complimenting me on them a week. Someone will come up and say... hey nice Nikes... which sorta makes me want to say... yea thanks idiot.

I guess I wanted the comfort of the Nike shoes, without feeling like a dick for wearing them.

Here is what they look like:

The other choices were actually worse looking.

Here is the CATs that I would recommend in terms of durability:

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #20 on: Saturday, September 05, 2009, 08:00:45 AM »
See I just don't understand all this.  I do just fine with a pair of Dr Scholls $35 shoes.  Maybe my feet and back are just better then everyone else.  The only pair of shoes that cost me a good deal of money are the shoes I use for work.  Only reason I did that is because I got them for a discount for my job.  That I needed slip resistant shoes.  Other then that I just wear a pair of sandles everywhere.  Maybe I'm just a little biased because most people I know who buy overpriced shoes just want to show them off.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #21 on: Saturday, September 05, 2009, 08:18:35 AM »
Maybe I'm just a little biased because most people I know who buy overpriced shoes just want to show them off.

It could be it. It was why I took so long to buy a pair of Nikes...

I am pretty sure that if you walk around for a week in some air sole shoes and then go back to your old ones even for a day, you will immediately notice a difference.

Offline ScaryTooth

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #22 on: Saturday, September 05, 2009, 12:13:25 PM »
In the summer, I have a pair of rocket dog sandals that I pretty much wear all the time. I have a nice pair of merrell shoes that I wear during the winter, when it's snowing or raining. I have a pair of Kangaroos that I wear for work that I like a lot. And a pair of light weight new balance MR790 shoes that I wear a lot. The New balance shoes are possible my favorite shoes that I've ever owned.  And I own some dress shoes. Which pretty much just sit in my closet.

And of course five fingers. Which I really like. I honestly bought them because they were weird. But after wearing them, I like them a lot. They're really comfy. Only thing is I can't wear them for that much longer with the cold coming up. Winter can suck my ass.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #23 on: Saturday, September 05, 2009, 12:31:24 PM »
I remember getting new shoes for school and taking them out to the gravel driveway and scuffing them up and making them dirty. I hated wearing new, pure white shoes.

Then mom found out and I got in trouble.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #24 on: Saturday, September 05, 2009, 03:39:26 PM »

I wear something like this 90% of the time. They're quick and easy to slip on or off, and comfortable. The picture above is a pair of Etnes I paid $45 for and they lasted me 2-3 years, then the straps started falling off. The cheap $20 Athletic Works pair from Walmart I have now are only slightly less comfortable, but are going on 4+ years.

My cheap $25 shoes last forever, because I rarely wear them. Though I should, since I have flat feet and arch supports I'm supposed to wear, which don't work with sandals.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #25 on: Saturday, September 05, 2009, 03:40:19 PM »
I remember getting new shoes for school and taking them out to the gravel driveway and scuffing them up and making them dirty. I hated wearing new, pure white shoes.

Then mom found out and I got in trouble.

I will buy a slightly less comfortable shoe, or slightly uglier shoe, just because it's a dark color instead of white.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #26 on: Sunday, September 06, 2009, 01:12:59 AM »

I wear something like this 90% of the time. They're quick and easy to slip on or off, and comfortable. The picture above is a pair of Etnes I paid $45 for and they lasted me 2-3 years, then the straps started falling off. The cheap $20 Athletic Works pair from Walmart I have now are only slightly less comfortable, but are going on 4+ years.

My cheap $25 shoes last forever, because I rarely wear them. Though I should, since I have flat feet and arch supports I'm supposed to wear, which don't work with sandals.

That is the sort of shoe you will see 90% of the Muslim world wearing hehe.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #27 on: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 06:28:49 AM »
Tested threw up a video showing these off and now I'm more curious. I could never see myself running in them because they look like they offer bad support and I get shin splints easily, but they look like comfy shoes to go walking around in. How are they still fairing with you Scary? Are they built to last?

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #28 on: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 06:58:29 AM »
Now I'm even more curious. I generally prefer to be barefoot, I like hiking, and tracking around the city. Hmm, how great would these shoes be for a wannabe-Ninja?

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #29 on: Tuesday, August 17, 2010, 02:07:58 PM »
I have been wearing some Teva mush sandals all summer. But I have worn these a little bit, when I go for longer walks and to the farmers market and such. They're really comfy, it's just a matter of getting used to them. It's like wearing thong sandals for the first time or something. If you can get a good deal on them, they're sweet. Make sure you try them on and walk around a little to make sure though. EVERYONE will ask about them. It's just odd to people.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #31 on: Friday, October 01, 2010, 03:06:29 PM »
I have been wearing some Teva mush sandals all summer. But I have worn these a little bit, when I go for longer walks and to the farmers market and such. They're really comfy, it's just a matter of getting used to them. It's like wearing thong sandals for the first time or something. If you can get a good deal on them, they're sweet. Make sure you try them on and walk around a little to make sure though. EVERYONE will ask about them. It's just odd to people.

I've owned two pairs of the mush so far.  They're extremely comfortable, but eventually my feet hurt after a while.  I have flat feet so that's probably part of it.  The first pair I bought back in 2006 or so actually looks better than the ones I bought in 09.  The ones in 09 didn't even last a year.

I broke down and bought some reefs this summer.  Once my feet got used to them, it's all I wore. 

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #32 on: Friday, October 01, 2010, 03:23:03 PM »
I have flat feet

So do I, so I don't think I could wear something that my arch supports won't fit in for extended durations. The only way I can get by with wearing sandals is by not walking long distances or for long amounts of time. If I do so without my arch supports, I get knee and back pains.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #33 on: Friday, October 01, 2010, 03:30:47 PM »
The reefs I bought have airbags in the heel like the sandal posted in this thread earlier.  I have no pain at all. All I have trouble with is the sandal making my heels crack open.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #34 on: Friday, October 01, 2010, 04:08:19 PM »
I wear these in my shoes. Without them, I have no arch at all. On my footprint, from the side of my big to to the heel is a straight line. A cushion isn't enough, I need something rigid under my arches.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #35 on: Friday, October 01, 2010, 08:16:26 PM »
Maybe I need to look into those.  I have zero arch in my foot.

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Re: Check out my new funky shoes...
« Reply #36 on: Saturday, October 02, 2010, 01:01:44 AM »
Maybe I need to look into those.  I have zero arch in my foot.

I got mine at The Good Feet Store (at one of their locations, not online). They were something like $100 I think? Maybe $150? But they have a lifetime guarantee. I've replaced them once already. I just went in with the paperwork and reciept, and the supports, and asked for some new ones, walked out 5 minutes later with another set for free.