an outside perspective on american news...
hahahahaha that was awesome.
Love it. This is exactly how I see the news today. A bunch of bumbling fucktards who should all be hurled of a cliff, and then as they fall screaming to the ground, Superman swoops in and grabs them, takes them even higher than the cliff and drops them. The news just pisses me off anymore.
It's embarrassing to be an American sometimes. Are other countries like this? And they just do a better job of covering it up? Or is America as dumb as it appears to me? I mean, there are smart people and dumb people, and thats true for pretty much anywhere in the world. But why does it seem that there are a higher concentration of them in America?
I have noticed that Europe is easily better when it comes to level headedness in the media, but most of Muslim country news is just as bad. They have their own agendas to push.
I just expect better from America considering that it is a first world nation. The problem is the high school education system in that country is statistically rated by the UN to be at the bottom of first world nations, which is resulting in students not being able to keep up at college levels, and ends with a nation that can't see through the idiots at Fox News, NBC etc.
Thankfully, Obama is trying to take some real steps when it comes improving health care and education, two areas where with improvement, I have no doubt that America and the average American would be back on top.
There are still areas where America is ahead, even of Europe. Freedom of expression is the foremost, which is something I respect a lot, and is a reason why I would still rather live in America than the rest of the world save for Canada.
Yea but the Muslim media is totally fucked, depending on the country.
Obama is unfortunately facing a lot of resistance in both areas (health care/education), which is understandable. The fat cats of the health care scam are behind the elected officials, and these "special interest" groups are fantastic at creating propaganda that is based on fear.
These guys have been getting richer every year, and are so rich, that they can fill the coffers of any presidential candidate. Whenever the issue of the health care reform comes up, they will try to use anything the average American fears to confuse the agenda.