I've been having a lot of fun with this, a lot more than I expected. I tried the multiplayer demo/beta and didn't care for the way the movement felt, but hoped the vehicles and larger scale combat would keep it fun. Within 30 minutes of starting up the retail game though, I had no problem with the way it felt, and I'm having a blast. I think maybe it was mostly that the sensitivity is really low by default, so cranking it up made things feel much more natural.
I've been playing MW2, and while I do really like that game, this one does some great stuff that makes it a lot more fun, at least for now. The scale of the battles is nice, and combined with the vehicles and destruction, makes it feel more like a war game than an arcadey deathmatch. Also the ability to spawn on a squad member adds a lot of strategy, especially when combined with the class system. If people in your squad die, you can hang back in cover to give them time to respawn before you take any chances of dying too. Or if you've got a medic he can heal/revive people. Or hell, if the medic dies, you can take his "kit" from his corpse (you get his class setup), then revive him with your paddles. This makes it important to clear areas because one guy sneaking around where you don't see can cause a lot of bad shit for you.
Some cool moments:
My 3 squad members and I (all random people on Xbox Live) all jump in a tank and roll in to cap a point, and begin taking small arms and rocket fire from the front. One guy jumps out to shoot, the gunner and driver shoot, and I jump out and hide behind the tank repairing it (I've been playing engineer). That tank took about 400% of it's total HP in damage, but I kept it up by constantly repairing. We wiped the enemy out and took the point.
I was hauling ass on an ATV and tried to run this guy over, but barely missed and he opened fire on me. I jumped off, and before he could turn from my still moving ATV to me, I filled his chest with a burst from my SMG and he dropped. So satisfying.
A game emptied out as the maps switched and it neded up in a 2v2. I grabbed a chopper and my teammate took the gunner seat. After about 5 minutes of us raining hell down on the other 2 guys, they grabbed their chopper and we had a badass chopper vs chopper fight. I was circling the map and didn't see the other chopper, but my gunner was firing at them. As soon as I took some fire though, I spun around and took them out with some missiles.
I snuck up behind 2 guys taking cover behind some sandbags and drilled them both to death with my engineer repair tool. I guess I didn't aim high enough though, because I didn't get the "Dentist" achievement from it. (headshot with the engineering drill tool)