I'm pretty sure our biggest problem is that I'm a complete asshole. But yeah, we do get new users from time to time, but they don't usually stick. Some do. K-man has become a regular and welcome voice of reason, and there was... um.... that other person...
But in the end, this community was what it was when it got here, and this place exists for them. We aren't adverse to new faces by any means, but a lot of people consider this a sanctuary of sorts, where they know they can trust people and get along with them, thus they don't want to "spoil" it by bringing in people who may know them well in real life, etc. But really, we're just a forum. Most people go to forums because of surrounding sites, not just for forums themselves. We have nothing to attract people. We're a private forum for what boils down to a group of friends. It is what it is.
And we don't do too badly. Yeah, if people get weird about something and drop out we lose people, and if it ever comes down to that, that kind of sucks... but how many years have we been together now? Long damned time. And this place sees a lot more activity than some other forums I go to that have quite literally 80 times the members or more.
If you know someone who isn't a dick like Ghandi, you should totally invite them over for scintillating conversation, but ultimately this place has always been here for us. We had bigger dreams and a bit more time and ambition once upon a time, but sometimes it just doesn't go quite as planned. Either way it was better than putting up with the nonsense at Homomojo. I mean AOG. If we hadn't split and done our own thing, the community would have died out a long time ago, most probably.
In any case, I don't really have time to worry much. I'm just happy most of us are still here and we don't hate each other (and by each other I mean you guys, since I know everyone more or less hates me by now).