Yeah, it's shocking that you can actually get Wii games to run at full speed on this thing. Not everything works perfectly, of course, and Muramasa has some trouble with certain little transparency things, but those seem to be limited almost entirely to the menus in the beginning of the game. The actual game itself seems to generally stay above 25 fps even when it bogs down, but usually it hovers in the 40s. I'm really shocked that it does so well, and I haven't even spent a great deal of time tweaking it. I could probably get it to play even faster if I tried. I've never used the emu before.
Mind you I'm not condoning piracy, here. Please buy this game if it interests you at all, then play it on your PC all you like if that's your thing, but this game deserved far better sales than it got.
Thanks for the interesting links, D. I'll post some more screens later, maybe. Don't want to overload the thread too much, heh.