Author Topic: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread  (Read 22426 times)

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #40 on: Sunday, January 07, 2007, 11:52:27 AM » that I beat the Cyclops in the Temple, how do I get to the upper temple?!?!?!?
I been walking around....finding nothing....

Am I missing something???

Is there another rope bow puzzle or something....?

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #41 on: Monday, January 08, 2007, 12:38:37 AM »
I'm pretty sure there was a flight of stairs around the corner.. There were some goblins there too. I just love kicking them down the stairs :P

Anyway you go up there, and walk through the halls. There are some secret and trapped rooms up there too. Eventually you get to the other side and continue.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #42 on: Monday, January 08, 2007, 02:32:23 PM »
I'm pretty sure there was a flight of stairs around the corner.. There were some goblins there too. I just love kicking them down the stairs :P
Around the corner of where I killed the Cyclops??[

Anyway you go up there, and walk through the halls. There are some secret and trapped rooms up there too. Eventually you get to the other side and continue.
Let's see if I can find it.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #43 on: Thursday, January 11, 2007, 04:19:15 PM »
The Crypt Levels.

These levels would be right up Que's alley. These levels are infested w/ traps that can hurt you -- and that you can use against your enemies. And, the level is littered w/ -- well, you could've guessed this one -- the UNDEAD!!! And there are LOTS of them in here, too.
(I think they keep respawning from some area, too....)

What makes you undead tough is this -- they can poison you (like the spiders in the game can do). And in this game, poison sucks. If you get poisoned, you need to use antidote to stop the poison. If you DON'T, your Health gets knocked to almost ZERO and the poison effect then wears off.

Nothing like running away, in this very small hallway, from a bunch of slow moving undead monsters and having yourself jump right over a panel on the floor that will normally trigger a spiked wall to come out and try to stab you and pin you into the other side of the wall -- and then watching a bunch of undead monsters slowly grunt and walk towards you, as you stand there and watch them step on that panel and -- CRUNCH!  -- an undead monster impaled and pinned into the other WALL via the flying spiked wall! Then, one undead monster falls to the ground.....and then here comes another, and -- CRUNCH! Repeat sequence until all undead are gone and stop following you.

And nothing is like jumping on a tall platform and cutting a rope that has a few tied-swinging logs to it as a trap, that slams into an undead monster and knocking him way into the air and to the ground. VERY NICE!

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #44 on: Thursday, January 11, 2007, 07:10:58 PM »
Stop making me want to play this.  I command it.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #45 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 12:33:30 AM »
Haha! Que you have to at least try it :P I don't think the Singleplayer part of the game demands Steam to be installed.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #46 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 01:11:10 AM »
But I have no monies!

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #47 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 01:53:21 AM »
But I have no monies!
Ah, yes. The traditional human condition. I spent the better part of monies on travelling and moving all the way to the other side of the globe :P Hopefully soon the job will kick in, and some cash will roll in.

Until then I will play Oblivion, NWN2, and for some reason I installed The Sims 2 again. My sister loves it, so now it's like I have a whole new appreciation for the game. Holy crap it's addictive too!

Oh, and I've been stuck with a 15" CRT monitor since I got my system here. I don't mind the screen's size so much, it's just that the monitor can't handle resolutions higher 1024x768. That's as high as it'll go, and even then it's constrained to 60Hz. The good side of it is the screen's small enough that 800x600 looks pretty smooth on it, so games are running like butter, and they look great (albeit small). And at that resolution I can switch on FSAA with no major hit on performance (except with a few uniquely heavy titles).

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #48 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 12:23:13 PM »
Now that I've finished Prey, I was wondering whether I should hit act 2 of Titan Quest, continue Oblivion, or play F.E.A.R. Extraction Point. However I got this Dark Messiah free with my card, so I thought I might as well give it a go. I checked it out initially and it looked sweet, but I am going to give it a proper go now. Partially because D is also playing so we can get Que jealous together.

Oh and the install is funny. The game installs on the HD without the need for Steam and runs without it. However when I started Steam it added the game to its list and wants to download the game to the Steam directory. Screw that, I am sticking with the DVD.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #49 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 02:08:27 PM »
Well after about 15 minutes of this I can't help but be impressed. The first time around I tried it was back when I got my 8800GTX and I was extremely impressed by the visuals, and couldn't understand why others weren't as amazed. Turns out it was because I hadn't gamed in so long, and after playing Oblivion and Prey, the graphics of DM aren't that impressive. Still they do look good enough.

It is the gameplay that is just a lot of fun so far. The physics help, and from what I've tried so far you can use the environment to help your cause. I only went through the initial dungeon that works as a tutorial, but I had a grand time sneaking up behind unsuspecting zombies and kicking their asses over the ledge, only to jump down and impale them. Plus the blood makes it all look so yummy. Haven't an adequate screenie for that yet, but will post soon. The whole kicking thing works really well with the fantastic physics of the HL2 engine.

The environment comes into play pretty early in the tutorial, when you kick a guard onto spikes on the wall, and watch blood splatter all over. Again...  :-*

The game has you visit a castle to deliver something important, when out of the blue it is attacked by massive cyclops'. Suddenly everything kicks into top gear, and there is plenty of intensity as you scramble about the castle to help with the defense. The following screenies are from when I was able to commandeer a bastilla (spelling?) and fire them at the cyclops.

Initially I hit a few goblins, and it was fantastic watching them bounce around. One just flew in the air and smashed into the wall, while another looped into the fire and was set ablaze.

Finally I was able to hit the cyclops and you do not want to miss these screenies:

Basically my shots stunned the bastard, and then a soldier came in and smashed it in the eye with his sword. The second screenie just shows the cyclops to be dazed for a bit.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #51 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 07:34:30 PM »
Damn you.  Damn you all.

*just got a paycheck...*

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #52 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 08:38:03 PM »
On Who Is The Dark Messiah & New Ability Gained
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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #53 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 08:42:07 PM »
Que! RESIST! I didnt like the demo, it ran poorly. I hear theres a lot of obviousness in the game. Like dudes standing on cliffs facing away from you or near spike, "Hmmmm, I wonder what they want me to do here?" I noticed that kind of thing in the demo as well.

Besides...You'll have much more fun playing Guild Wars with me. :P

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #54 on: Friday, January 12, 2007, 10:03:56 PM »
Haha... you are all the most evil people alive.  Julia tells me this constantly because of the way you get me to spend money.  Arg!  But I'll tell you, I've definitely been feeling sad at not having anything to play online with people lately.  And Guild Wars is so fucking pretty...

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #55 on: Saturday, January 13, 2007, 11:07:10 AM »
Que! RESIST! I didnt like the demo, it ran poorly.
I have played the demo -- and well, yuh -- performance was all over the place.

The full game runs MUCH better, w/ the latest updates installed; patch 1.2.

The original "High" setting found in all versions below patch 1.2 has been renamed to "Very High" setting w/ patch 1.2. With patch 1.2, they included a brand new "High" setting w/ the patch -- I run the game on "High", myself. W/ my PC specs (see the signature), the game doesn't tip below 30 FPS EVER. The only thing I have off is AA and AF -- I never turn those on w/ a PC when running 1024x768.

Like Arkane's other game, Arx Fatalis, don't buy them out the box. You're best thing to do it wait until a few patches are behind it.
I hear theres a lot of obviousness in the game. Like dudes standing on cliffs facing away from you or near spike, "Hmmmm, I wonder what they want me to do here?" I noticed that kind of thing in the demo as well.
Honestly, there's enemies walking around, talking in conversations, etc etc -- just like any other FPS/TPS/action based game, Idol.

Besides...You'll have much more fun playing Guild Wars with me. :P
Guild Wars is good stuff, as well.
Especially Nightfall.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #56 on: Saturday, January 13, 2007, 11:29:19 AM »
I am getting slight issues with performance in outdoor areas with 4x FSAA, but considering how the visuals are only above average, that is unacceptable. Designers are just getting lazier and lazier.

Anyway this game is too cool. It is something I've been waiting for, for some time. A medieval combat game is something I've longed for ages, and this is quite satisfactory. I bought one game several years ago, which I think it was called Blade of Darkness. Myself and Xessive really enjoyed that for a while, and it had some superb lighting effects for its time. It was a third person action title though, and this is in first person.

The RPG elements are really light, as if an after thought, and it is a good thing. This is basically a first person action game, and the RPG elements are restricted to light character building, which is perfectly fine as it doesn't take away from the action.

Currently I am working towards an assassin type character, and am really enjoying my dual daggers. The various animations for the weapon attacks are so sweet, and I squealed in delight the very first time I swung around two daggers. The physics continue to work wonders, and the pacing has been really intense so far. I've done a lot of kicking and watching the baddies fly off is a lot of fun.

I've fully invested in the bow, while I use the daggers for backstabbing and close combat, and I have to say the weapons are nicely balanced. There is a lot of 'ooomph' in the combat, and it works really well.

The impaling is something I just can't get enough of. Here are some nice screenies:

Yes she has nice breasts. Oh and the lighting here is pretty cool as well, but I think the screenie was sold with the use of the word 'breasts'.

The process of kicking. They have set pieces like this lots, and it is always a pleasure to kick some unsuspecting chump over the wall or into a wall of spikes or into the river. Why the hell do spikes walls exist, is beyond me. :P But this poor fellow got kicked into the river:


A beautiful shot of the water. Incredible water effects in the game. I know Que is a big fan of water, but aren't we all. :)

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #57 on: Saturday, January 13, 2007, 03:57:30 PM »
So I got the backstab skill recently, and it is freakin' awesome. It works like you would expect it to, but the death animation is sweet. You basically stab the unsuspecting baddie in the neck, and watch a fountain of blood.

The first screenie is pretty nice, and the second one is an awesome screenie of a poor orc being stabbed in the neck muhaha.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #58 on: Saturday, January 13, 2007, 06:21:03 PM »
This just looks fun.  I'll be damned if I don't want it now.  I hate you all.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #59 on: Sunday, January 14, 2007, 01:12:07 AM »
Well how much is the game going for? Because I checked to see how far I am in the game and I am nearly done! I've hardly played!!

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #60 on: Sunday, January 14, 2007, 04:43:33 AM »
Sweet! This flying dragon type thing was after me that seemed impossible to kill and was firing lightning. Check out the first screenie to see what it looked like and the second to see the creative way I found to get rid of it. :P

Fuck YEA!

Just fought another cyclops. Enjoyed it so much decided to quick load and fight him again. Used arrows on his eye to knock him down, and when he keeled over I finished him off with my daggers.

Look at the blood shower:

« Last Edit: Sunday, January 14, 2007, 06:07:04 AM by Pugnate »

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #61 on: Sunday, January 14, 2007, 08:02:22 PM »
Sweet! This flying dragon type thing was after me that seemed impossible to kill and was firing lightning. Check out the first screenie to see what it looked like and the second to see the creative way I found to get rid of it. :P

Fuck YEA!
Oh yeah -- that Pao Kai dragon fight was awesome.

I love the finish -- Leanna does tell you how to beat him....Even when she tells you, it isn't easy to lure him there....

But yeah, that fight rocked.

Just fought another cyclops. Enjoyed it so much decided to quick load and fight him again. Used arrows on his eye to knock him down, and when he keeled over I finished him off with my daggers.

Look at the blood shower:
That fight was awesome, too.

If you liked that Cyclops fight.....there is another later on.... ;)

This game flat-out rocks.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #62 on: Thursday, January 18, 2007, 07:31:27 AM »
Awesome. I lit my arrow on fire and struck a necromancer. The dude panicked, and starting screaming and running around. He was so confused he impaled himself on a spike hahahaha.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #63 on: Friday, January 19, 2007, 08:24:49 AM »
So I finished the game and it was quite good. The storyline was a bit crap though. It lacked subtlety and elegance.

Can't wait to give multiplayer a shot though!


Going through the G-Spot review. 6.7 seems 10 points harsh, but I agree with the crap storyline, and how some of the gameplay was repetitive. At the same time I have to strongly disagree with:

Before you leave, the boss sticks you with a lady named Xana, who is some kind of guardian creature who lives inside your head. This lets her act as the game's Cortana, speaking to you frequently and acting as the game's "what should I do next?" device. The difference between Xana and Cortana, though, is that Xana's quips are too frequent and immediately annoying

I think that's pretty unfair. It wasn't like Xana was chattering in your head 24/7. Her comments gave the game some personality, and I think it is a pretty sad observation from GSpot. Her comments only came during dialog situations, so it is hard to understand where they  found it to interrupt the flow of the actual game.

Plus I love how they mention Cortana without introduction, like they are talking about a celebrity.

Also I experienced zero bugs, though it could be because I had the game patched a bit through. :P

Anyway I would give the game a score in the late 70s... though I think one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much is because of the lack of fantasy themed first person action games.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #64 on: Friday, January 19, 2007, 02:49:43 PM »
So I finished the game and it was quite good. The storyline was a bit crap though. It lacked subtlety and elegance.

Can't wait to give multiplayer a shot though!
I really like Dark Messiah SP -- almost done w/ it.

Ain't tried MP yet; I will....


Going through the G-Spot review. 6.7 seems 10 points harsh, but I agree with the crap storyline, and how some of the gameplay was repetitive.
I don't think the storyline's crap. It's typical fan-fare for fantasy and does stay interesting, but it doesn't suck either.

Though, I think the presentation of the game is quite good w/ the cut-scenes and the way they are done and everything.

I think that's pretty unfair. It wasn't like Xana was chattering in your head 24/7. Her comments gave the game some personality, and I think it is a pretty sad observation from GSpot. Her comments only came during dialog situations, so it is hard to understand where they  found it to interrupt the flow of the actual game.
Oh, she comments more than you make it sound like. :P

Personally, I actually like her comments and the whole "demon in your head" thing the game has going on.

I love when she has something to say about Leanna. That's her best stuff, if you ask me. BTW, who did the voice for Xana????

Plus I love how they mention Cortana without introduction, like they are talking about a celebrity.

Also I experienced zero bugs, though it could be because I had the game patched a bit through. :P
The demo did NOT run so great, on high -- w/ my PC.

W/ the 1.02 patch, they basically moved all the "High" settings to "Very High" settings. They created a new setting for "High" b/c so many were having performance issues out the box w/ it -- and it runs much better w/ the new "High" setting for me on than it did w/ the old "High Setting" found on the demo. Looks great, too -- not as good as "Very High", though. Though, "Very High's" performance is all over the place, in its current 1.02 state for me. I'll stick to "High" for now, thanks. :)

Anyway I would give the game a score in the late 70s... though I think one of the reasons I enjoyed it so much is because of the lack of fantasy themed first person action games.
The SP would definitely scoring in the mid-80's for me.
I'd have to play w/ the MP to give my final score on the game.

BTW, how long is Dark Messiah SP, would you say?
Around 15 hours?

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #65 on: Friday, January 19, 2007, 11:32:51 PM »
I'd say about 12 maybe?

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #66 on: Friday, January 19, 2007, 11:34:03 PM »
Yeah, it doesn't seem like it's long...
I ain't had DM that long....

It still rocks, though.

I'm on the Epilogue.

I beat the 4 Liches.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #67 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 12:55:33 AM »
You mean you beat the 3 Liches with the assistance of the first.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #68 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 07:38:13 AM »
You mean you beat the 3 Liches with the assistance of the first.

I didn't do the Optional quest to get help from the other Lich hanging above.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #69 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 08:30:38 AM »
Aww you left the poor Lichee hanging? So you've obviously finished it, what'd you think? I thought the final cut scene was a bit of a disappointment. Well there are four final cutscenes.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #70 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 11:07:18 AM »
Aww you left the poor Lichee hanging?
I bet you get at least a few extra "skill points" for saving him, right???

So you've obviously finished it, what'd you think? I thought the final cut scene was a bit of a disappointment. Well there are four final cutscenes.

Which ending did you actually get????

Some important things I did in game to get the ending I got....
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Did I like that ending I got? Yes, I did -- I will probably look at the others.....

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #71 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 11:30:12 AM »
I just got another ending.....

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I liked the ending, but it felt a little abrupt....

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #72 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 12:01:42 PM »
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Like yourself I did the goody two shoes ending.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #73 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 08:20:35 PM »
I hope there will be a sequel -- or some sort of spiritual successor.

I really enjoyed this one.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #74 on: Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 08:38:37 AM »
This was the first game where it made more sense to be "bad."

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #75 on: Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 02:44:51 PM »
This was the first game where it made more sense to be "bad."

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Other TWO ending Spoilers (with Xana still in your head)....
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I really enjoyed the game. Can't wait for Arkane's next Action-RPG; whatever it'll be.

And of course, definitely looking forward to The Crossing....


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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #76 on: Tuesday, January 23, 2007, 04:37:40 PM »
How does everyone like the MP? I tried the DeathMatch -- quite fun stuff. I like the whole "leveling aspect" taken into account in it, even. Quite cool.

Ain't tried Crusade mode.

Does anyone still have the MP for Dark Messiah installed still????

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #77 on: Wednesday, January 24, 2007, 12:01:02 AM »
I haven't tried MP myself yet.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #78 on: Saturday, February 10, 2007, 08:22:51 PM »
I haven't tried MP myself yet.

If you got it still installed, it's worth a try. :)
It's fun.

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Re: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic Thread
« Reply #79 on: Sunday, February 11, 2007, 01:15:50 AM »
I have the game off the disc installed, but I am just wondering about multiplayer and if I have to install that through steam?