Author Topic: It's all just getting too hard.  (Read 5736 times)

Offline Quemaqua

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It's all just getting too hard.
« on: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 09:42:10 PM »
Do you guys ever just feel like failure is your only option?  I mean, seriously.  Does it ever seem as though every course you take seems to be the wrong one, just dropping you off into oblivion?  Because right now, I feel like I can do nothing but fail.

The first thing is my writing.  I never would have imagined that writing would be as hard as it is.  I mean, I always knew it would be a hard thing, but not nearly so much as I'm finding it to actually be.  I was thinking about it when I walked home today.  I think it's so difficult for me because I've always been a jack of all trades, at least *somewhat* naturally good at... well, pretty much everything.  For years and years now I've been adrift, completely unsure about what I actually want to spend my life doing.  I've hated every job I've ever had, and my side interests shift constantly as a result of my ADD.  The ADD was bad when I was a kid, but it got better as I grew up, so it no longer affects me socially or whatever, it just makes it difficult for me to stick to things for a long period of time.  As in months.  But now I think I'm at least being *fairly* consistent with my writing, and I was even beginning to feel like I'd finally found the thing I was going to do with myself, the thing that would at least help me feel like I was actually working toward something.

Then it got really fucking hard.  I mean, shit, I knew it would be hard.  Writing papers in school is one thing, as is writing news articles or short stories; but writing novels?  Writing poetry?  It's easy to be an amateur and toy with the idea of writing, but actually attempting to be a professional is insanely difficult.  Every last little thing that you could let slip before suddenly becomes a major impasse.  Every little plot hole, every little unbelievable twitch in the character's nearly-flawless course of action... fuck.  *One* thing can send this cascading shockwave through an entire story.  One little bit that you missed, one little scene that you thought would work within the boundaries of your characters' emotions and motivations that turns out to be just off the mark... and hours are wasted.  Because of the whole jack of all trades thing I've just never known difficulty like this before.  I've never *tried* to get into anything this much to actually experience what it really takes for a person to *really* put their all into a craft.  And it's like slamming my head into a wall.  The breakthroughs are satisfying and almost opiatic, but the struggles are just so hard.

It turns out that I'm really quite good at creating characters and settings.  I've managed to build up this entire fictional universe from the crumbs of a few story ideas I had a couple of years ago.  I have some preliminary timelines of major world events, several different organizations, cities, countries... you name it.  I've worked out the metaphysical mechanics of the world.  I've got endless opportunities for sadistic science fiction / horror fun.  Hell, I have really solid ideas for about 6 different novels and a few short stories, all set in different periods of this same universe, and I have great characters that I'm excited about.

The problem?  I can't write plot for shit.  I mean, I can... ish.  But even with extensive character biographies, maps of locations, solid story premises, whatever... getting my characters from point A to point B *believably*, in a manner I can feel really feel confident about, is becoming horribly tiring.  I just can't seem to make it happen lately.  The first story I was really working hard on has just gone somewhere I don't like anymore.  I'm just sick of the sight of it.  It was going really well and then it just got horrible somewhere, and I've more or less determined that one of the characters is completely stupid.  I mean, he's cool (he's a crossover from another story where he works brilliantly), but just not right for the tale.  And Black (some of you may remember the "serials" I was posting here for a while), which I'm working on again, seems to be pretty tight from every standpoint but the midsection.  I've got everything in there I want except the fucking middle.  It just won't come together and it's driving me insane.

All this, and I know all too well that even if I managed to become a success with my endeavors in poetry and fiction, there's no money in it.  Nothing I've ever loved has been something I could really make money doing, and that's frustrating as hell because I can't take my job anymore.  I just can't take it.  I know I've been feeling sick because I'm stressed out of my mind and the situation at my job just continues to worsen.  Every day there's some new thing, and nobody can understand why I hate it so much.  Nobody fucking understands that my life is spent doing things I hate, dealing with shit I'm not properly equipped to deal with.  It's just a string of miseries that I can't battle.  I spend all day at a job I hate with people I hate even more, then come home and spend time with my lovely wife who hates her life at least every other day, and I can't change anything.  I can't help her condition, I can't even distract her from it.  Our marriage suffers from the financial hardships of her inability to work (if we can't get this disability case to go through, we're fucked), from an ever-increasing lack of intimacy due to her condition, and the fact that both of us are frequently irritable.  And I can't fucking find a way out of any of it.  There's nothing to fix it, nothing to make it easier, nothing to point me in the direction of some satisfaction.  It's just marking days off on the calendar over and over, occasionally broken up by some good times spent with the few friends I'm lucky enough to have.  I just don't know how to do it anymore.  It was all so easy six years ago.  Even when Julie and I were dating and shit was tough... it was so much easier.  I still had crappy jobs, I drank too much, wasn't in the best shape... and hell, I wasn't even doing things as well or as consistently as I am now.  But it all felt so open, so full of possibility.  Even when I bitched there was still a guy in the back of my head saying that everything would be cool if I just kept at it a while longer.  I felt like going back to school was possible someday.  My Dad was still alive and I felt like there was always someone I could go to for advice that was actually worth something.

I just don't know where I'm going anymore.  Somebody just please hit me in the face with a brick.

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Offline TheOtherBelmont

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 10:21:48 PM »
You're just in a funk man, it happens to us all.  You have enough talent to get somewhere with your writing, you just might need some kind of guidance for your weaknesses, maybe someone you could confide in for writing help?  Do you know of anyone that could help you with your plot writing problems?  Maybe you could go to some writing workshop they have at some community colleges for free or for very cheap and get some advice from a teacher or find someone who you admire as a writer that you could contact and ask help for(a lot of writers/artists are willing to give help as long as they aren't completely swamped with their own work).  Maybe if you just write out your stories as best as you can and not obsess over the parts that you think are weak and then get help after you have it mainly fleshed out, things will go better from there. 

You do have a job while you work on your writing and not just sitting on your ass like some people I know do when they think they have some kind of writing/artistic talent(which they usually don't in the first place), so give yourself some credit man, you are supporting your wife and yourself, its hard, but things will get better.  I've enjoyed pretty much everything you've written, especially Black, and I'm not just saying that to make you feel better.  I consider myself well read and I think I can judge shitty writing from good writing and your stuff is good, yeah it might have some rough edges, but even the best writers stuff isn't perfect the first few times they've written it.

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 10:26:42 PM »
*hefts a brick*

Seriously though man, First off, I can't even imagine what it takes to write a novel, so I can't really be much help there, are there like workshops out there where you can go and meet with other writers to critique each others' work or something?  It seems like it may help to get other writers to help you out.

As far as the shitty job and aimless life goes, the only thing I can say is that you're not the only one.  I sure as hell didn't dream about being a claims adjuster when I grew up as a kid, and every day that goes by I feel like I'm closer to letting my dreams slip away.  I wish I could say someting that would make it better, butif I knew what it was I wouldn't be in the same boat.

So.... buck up and soldier on and all that other shit.  but really, find what makes you tick and realize that everything else is just a means to that end.

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 11:20:04 PM »
I'll probably regret saying this but... I dislike being in my 20s. I feel so fucking rushed, being torn every which way at the possibilities of what I should do and the constant worry of being able to accomplish it. I wish I was over that hump, older and more calm about future decisions. I'm sure Cobra wants to smack me, but I guess its something I think we all go through.

But yea, you got serious talent with alot of things, makes me feel worthless because Im seriously good at nothing, I'm single, and I dont know where Im going. I get in the dumps about it, and I really do think sometimes im not going to make it hence why Im on medication and do therapy. But my brain clicked or something happened and Ive been doing really good the past month and a half. Anyway, I do hate it that all we can focus on sometimes is the shit. You and Julia are awesome people and I feel extremely lucky that I've gotten to meet both of you and became good friends. One thing I know is that life maybe a chasm of negative energy, there are random moments where something good happens and it slams into you square across the face... like a brick.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, October 26, 2006, 11:57:30 PM »
Chasm of negative energy... I like that.  But yeah, we're glad we got to meet you too.  Now you just need move!  Julia was talking about how much emptier the house felt after you left, it was funny.

But yeah... I know none of this is totally rational and everybody probably goes through shit like this at some point.  I appreciate you guys reminding me.  It all just gets so overwhelming sometimes I don't know what to do.  I more or less had a slight breakdown today at work.  Bought another damned pack of smokes after being off them a couple weeks.  Arg.  I'm sure I'll get over it... just some days I can't seem to see the end of the tunnel.

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Offline Raisa

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #5 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 07:06:28 AM »
Everything passes.

negative energy... yeah that's it.. sometimes dwelling on the problems doesn't help either.. just get over it.  life'll go on.

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #6 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 07:29:27 AM »
I don't usually dissect posts unless I'm locking horns with someone over a serious issue.  In this case, I'm completely on your side.  In fact, I feel that our similar miseries give us enough in common to be like brothers.  I'm using this normally hostile approach because I want to comment on everything you said, either in full sympathy or constructively, and chime in with my own painful experiences where applicable.  (I guess this short prologue should also serve to ward off those who don't care for emotional threads.)

Do you guys ever just feel like failure is your only option?  I mean, seriously.  Does it ever seem as though every course you take seems to be the wrong one, just dropping you off into oblivion?  Because right now, I feel like I can do nothing but fail.

Sometimes I feel that you reached into my head and wrote my thoughts as your own.  This would be a case in point.  When I read that, it resonated sharply.  I've felt exactly this way for the past year.  I used to have hope, and things used to work out to enough of an extent that I felt everything was alright.  The events of the past 5 years derailed that outlook, but it wasn't late last year that hope vanished, and I sank into complete despair.

I believe that it is impossible for anyone who has not been sent into our kind of situation to understand what it means, and how deeply it affects and crushes.  "Broken spirit" is just one more term to be defined, for most normally functioning individuals in our society.

The first thing is my writing.  I never would have imagined that writing would be as hard as it is.  I mean, I always knew it would be a hard thing, but not nearly so much as I'm finding it to actually be.  I was thinking about it when I walked home today.  I think it's so difficult for me because I've always been a jack of all trades, at least *somewhat* naturally good at... well, pretty much everything.  For years and years now I've been adrift, completely unsure about what I actually want to spend my life doing.  I've hated every job I've ever had, and my side interests shift constantly as a result of my ADD.  The ADD was bad when I was a kid, but it got better as I grew up, so it no longer affects me socially or whatever, it just makes it difficult for me to stick to things for a long period of time.  As in months.  But now I think I'm at least being *fairly* consistent with my writing, and I was even beginning to feel like I'd finally found the thing I was going to do with myself, the thing that would at least help me feel like I was actually working toward something.

Then it got really fucking hard.  I mean, shit, I knew it would be hard.  Writing papers in school is one thing, as is writing news articles or short stories; but writing novels?  Writing poetry?  It's easy to be an amateur and toy with the idea of writing, but actually attempting to be a professional is insanely difficult.  Every last little thing that you could let slip before suddenly becomes a major impasse.  Every little plot hole, every little unbelievable twitch in the character's nearly-flawless course of action... fuck.  *One* thing can send this cascading shockwave through an entire story.  One little bit that you missed, one little scene that you thought would work within the boundaries of your characters' emotions and motivations that turns out to be just off the mark... and hours are wasted.  Because of the whole jack of all trades thing I've just never known difficulty like this before.  I've never *tried* to get into anything this much to actually experience what it really takes for a person to *really* put their all into a craft.  And it's like slamming my head into a wall.  The breakthroughs are satisfying and almost opiatic, but the struggles are just so hard.

So hard that you realize, in horror, that you can never break through the walls alone, and that you are alone?  Once upon a time, it was easy for me.  My interest in early 8-bit micros gave me an edge in the budding IBM-PC marketplace.  I could do things very few other people knew how to do.  I could make primitive hardware sing and dance, where everyone else produced silent stills.  I was in demand, and feeling great about myself and the future.  My fall was a long and painful one.  It seems that while I was very technically adept, I completely lacked the skills to stay on top of the winds of change, and I failed to reinvent myself to go along with the enormous paradigm shifts the PC industry has undergone in 20 years.  That's my failure.  I stayed with it through the 80s and early 90s, but after that, the decline seemed somehow inevitable, outside of my ability to prevent.  Now, I sometimes wonder if I will ever be able to get the kind of job I even need a college degree for.  And working at anything menial makes no economic sense, because all it will do is perpetuate abject poverty.  Between child support and a mountain of debt, I have to cough up so much cash every month that it's better to let what I have left evaporate and declare Chapter-7 bankruptcy, than to get a low-paying job and have some court force me to make hefty payments on this debt till I die.  The only "honorable" solution is to have a high-paying job, and make real payments on all this, so that it gets paid off in a reasonable amount of time.  Failing that, and I don't see any way that it can't fail at this point, I have no traditionally acceptable options.  I have to let the whole thing implode, and then stumble my way out the other side.

The only way I can fall asleep at night is to distract myself with something, TV or a portable game usually, until I pass out from exhaustion.

It turns out that I'm really quite good at creating characters and settings.  I've managed to build up this entire fictional universe from the crumbs of a few story ideas I had a couple of years ago.  I have some preliminary timelines of major world events, several different organizations, cities, countries... you name it.  I've worked out the metaphysical mechanics of the world.  I've got endless opportunities for sadistic science fiction / horror fun.  Hell, I have really solid ideas for about 6 different novels and a few short stories, all set in different periods of this same universe, and I have great characters that I'm excited about.

The problem?  I can't write plot for shit.  I mean, I can... ish.  But even with extensive character biographies, maps of locations, solid story premises, whatever... getting my characters from point A to point B *believably*, in a manner I can feel really feel confident about, is becoming horribly tiring.  I just can't seem to make it happen lately.  The first story I was really working hard on has just gone somewhere I don't like anymore.  I'm just sick of the sight of it.  It was going really well and then it just got horrible somewhere, and I've more or less determined that one of the characters is completely stupid.  I mean, he's cool (he's a crossover from another story where he works brilliantly), but just not right for the tale.  And Black (some of you may remember the "serials" I was posting here for a while), which I'm working on again, seems to be pretty tight from every standpoint but the midsection.  I've got everything in there I want except the fucking middle.  It just won't come together and it's driving me insane.

The one thing I can think to suggest is that you have to treat your fictional characters like real people.  They have to live in your mind, and you have to let them go where they must, given who they are, even if this means that the story goes off in a completely different direction from what you envisioned.

All this, and I know all too well that even if I managed to become a success with my endeavors in poetry and fiction, there's no money in it.  Nothing I've ever loved has been something I could really make money doing, and that's frustrating as hell because I can't take my job anymore.  I just can't take it.  I know I've been feeling sick because I'm stressed out of my mind and the situation at my job just continues to worsen.  Every day there's some new thing, and nobody can understand why I hate it so much.  Nobody fucking understands that my life is spent doing things I hate, dealing with shit I'm not properly equipped to deal with.  It's just a string of miseries that I can't battle.  I spend all day at a job I hate with people I hate even more, then come home and spend time with my lovely wife who hates her life at least every other day, and I can't change anything.  I can't help her condition, I can't even distract her from it.  Our marriage suffers from the financial hardships of her inability to work (if we can't get this disability case to go through, we're fucked), from an ever-increasing lack of intimacy due to her condition, and the fact that both of us are frequently irritable.  And I can't fucking find a way out of any of it.  There's nothing to fix it, nothing to make it easier, nothing to point me in the direction of some satisfaction.  It's just marking days off on the calendar over and over, occasionally broken up by some good times spent with the few friends I'm lucky enough to have.  I just don't know how to do it anymore.  It was all so easy six years ago.  Even when Julie and I were dating and shit was tough... it was so much easier.  I still had crappy jobs, I drank too much, wasn't in the best shape... and hell, I wasn't even doing things as well or as consistently as I am now.  But it all felt so open, so full of possibility.  Even when I bitched there was still a guy in the back of my head saying that everything would be cool if I just kept at it a while longer.  I felt like going back to school was possible someday.  My Dad was still alive and I felt like there was always someone I could go to for advice that was actually worth something.

I know very well the feelings you describe.  I've been there.  About all I can offer beyond sympathy is the observation, born from being around much longer than you, that things can always get worse.  You may not think so now, but believe me, they can.  Stick to that job until you have something else.  Be more selfish if you have to in order to survive, take more time for yourself even when others clamor for it, but don't throw in the towel.  You're in the fight for your life, and self-preservation takes precedence over everything else.

I just don't know where I'm going anymore.  Somebody just please hit me in the face with a brick.

That doesn't work.  Has that ever worked, the proverbial kick in the ass?  Not for me.  I can't be intimidated into performing.  Can you?  You need positive reasons to perform better.  Negative reasons only perpetuate a situation, without improving it.

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #7 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 08:53:48 AM »
Just remember you're a better writer/poet than I'll ever be. I get to "See spot run" and I'm worn out. Plus the whole "creating entire worlds" things sounds awesome, even if you dont base stories on them. Heck...worlds without stories? Sounds like great videogame fodder.

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #8 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 05:40:19 PM »
hmm.. a writing tip that has always help me before i sit down to write is

"So what's the point?"

That always puts things in perspective.  Each character needs to have a point in his/her existence.  sometimes the plot doesn't come till years later, but you build up each character, let them lead their own lives till they find the point of their existence, then you can plot the whole picture.  Sometimes, it's easier to get the plot at the very beginning and then have your characters develop from there.  But the second option could hamper development and cause more distress.

I'm one to talk, I was going to be a writer/journalist but I gave it up because my writing was too dear to myself.  i was uncomfortable having people read what i had written, I had sympathized with some of my characters too much and had referred to my real life experiences and i found it all too private when i was younger.

But now I see that if I kept at it and didn't quit, it would be okay to share what i had gone through since all of that has passed.  Which brings me to the point that one of my best writing teachers had ever told me: Writing is not like farting, you don't put much thought and you just fart out a story... Writing is like pregnancy, you nurture and care for the baby while it develops and grows inside, there's a labor process and then the baby.  Once the baby is born, you can't leave it on it's own, you need to continue nurturing. 


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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #9 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 08:43:52 PM »
Quote from: cobra
The only way I can fall asleep at night is to distract myself with something

I feel the same way.  When I was in highschool I only had that feeling occasionally when I knew I was neglecting a class or something.  Somehow over the course of college it has become a nightly problem.  If I don't have something to distract my mind right up until I fall asleep I stay awake thinking and worrying.

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #10 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 09:34:15 PM »
Those are good points, Raisa.  And I think I know all that in my head somewhere.  It's just when you hit a wall after a period of rapid writing and consistent success that the roadblocks can really be hard, especially when everything else in your life is feeling too tough to deal with.

And Cobra, I really wish things weren't so tough for you.  It makes me feel guilty to a degree because of my job (child support), which I already hate and don't agree with.  It's one thing to collect welfare back, and it's one thing to go after deadbeats... but it isn't right to screw up people's lives or help them continue to screw things up themselves, and it's even more wrong considering the way the courts work (especially when you see it from the inside).

The only thing I can really say back to you is that I think you're a great person.  I'm really glad that you've been a part of our little circle here.  There are many days when I feel like the world has gone too far to ever come back, and you often remind me that there are still decent people out there with a clue.  There've been more than a couple of occasions when I wished I could buy you a drink, and I've appreciated your help and advice more times than I can count.  I hate to think you could be down on yourself or feeling hopeless.  You don't deserve it.  I guess maybe a lot of the people who feel hopeless don't deserve it.  Such is this chasm of negative energy, I guess.

We should start a business.  I'll write crappy novels and you can turn them into awesome 8-bit computer games!  (Seriously, I can't tell you how much I've been playing that Lord of the Orb game.  I haven't managed to get past level 2 yet, but I got really close!  The game is a hell of a lot more addictive than I expected it to be.)  Actually, that'd be fun.  I've always wanted to do that.  Part of my silly little writing dream is to someday write a video game, or at least have a game set in my fictional universe.

And you're right, idol.  There's definitely something cool about building a world, even if nothing comes of it, but I'll be damned if I don't want to share it with people.  I don't know that it's really the best thing ever, but I'm having fun with it.

Anyway... thank you all for your encouragement.  I feel at least marginally less like leaping in front of a car today, and I actually managed to make a bit more headway on the story.  We'll see if it goes anywhere, but any step is a good step.  Even if I can't hear him anymore, maybe the little guy in my head was right.  Maybe you just have to keep going and hope the road keeps going on underneath you, even if you're completely sure you just moved off the edge of the cliff.

EDIT - I used to be like that too.  That's why I drank as much as I did when my dad died and such.  I couldn't sleep without drinking, so I just always drank every night when I came home.  Not piss drunk... just a couple shots and a couple beers.  More than was healthy on a nightly basis to be sure.  Now I can sleep like nobody's business, and I think it's because I'm just always completely exhausted.  But I can't like *stay* asleep, like sleeping in on a weekend.  I generally get up at 6:30 every morning, but I can't sleep past 8 on a weekend 90%.  Too restless, I guess.  Julia's the opposite, though.  She can sleep forever if she gets to sleep... but she can never get to sleep.  Hence much of our frustration.

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Offline Antares

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #11 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 10:20:54 PM »
I feel at least marginally less like leaping in front of a car today,

don't do that... I'd just have to deal with it on monday morning, and attempted suicide claims suck ass.

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #12 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 10:27:21 PM »
Damn.  There goes my shot at getting on Attempted Suicide Bloopers on Fox.

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #13 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 10:46:35 PM »
I know exactly how you feel, my life feels like total shit right now. I'm 100 grand in debt for a degree I couldn't even finish. I'm living in my parents' garage, sleeping on a now broken ass futon that leaves me halfway on the ground while I sleep. I keep putting off getting a job because I don't know what to do for a career, and anything temporary is gonna be something I fucking hate. I'm not even sure I want to make video games anymore, because when I had it to do for classes all I wanted to do was put it off.

The only idea I've had to get my ass out of this hole is to go to school to be a medical examiner (somethign I think I could really enjoy). But 8 years of med school would put me a hell of a lot further in debt, and I'd probably fuck that up and just be further in debt.

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #14 on: Friday, October 27, 2006, 10:52:18 PM »
Que, does your story include zombies? Because that would be really fun and easy to write. "Lets see...what should I do for chapter 4? Oh, how about the main dude runs out of ammo and now kills zombies with an axe. Perfect..."

Offline Quemaqua

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #15 on: Saturday, October 28, 2006, 01:31:26 AM »
That sucks, W7.  Yeah, med school is some rough shit.  Talk about something you need motivation for.  I feel you about the school thing.  It just never worked for me.  But trust me dude... just get a crappy temporary job that you hate.  It's a hell of a lot better than just sitting around your parents' place all day, and then at least you'll have some cash to get by until you make another decision.  You can always quit later when you find a better option.  And having a job you hate might help get you motivated.

And idol, my story has all kinds of horrible things in it.  A portion of them are dead, though "zombie" isn't exactly the best word...

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Re: It's all just getting too hard.
« Reply #16 on: Monday, October 30, 2006, 12:18:08 AM »
I missed this thread because of my HD incident. Plus it was Eid here so it was basically party time -- minus booze.

Anyway I wish I had some sort of solid advise to give, but people have had lots of constructive stuff to say already. I just want to say that most people go through this crap when they near their mid twenties, and some have it much tougher than others. I go through a lot of this still, and sometimes depression hits me because I really am not where I want to be.

I am sure you will get out of it Que.

As for W7Re, I love you, but I really don't blame your parents for any stuff they have done from what I've read from you over the past few years. I think you really need to sort things out before the hole gets deeper, but I am sure you already know this.

The question is how? I've been in a similar place, where I know I need to make things change but I just can't be motivated to. My mind keeps making excuses, and I waste time not being productive.

It is all psychological. No one knows how to get out of a difficult situation better than the person in it, but if you take everything into view then it all seems so daunting.

I guess it is just easier to take things one step at a time. Make a list and make a goal of achieving one per day or something.