Author Topic: So apparently I'm getting a divorce.  (Read 8877 times)

Offline gpw11

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Re: So apparently I'm getting a divorce.
« Reply #40 on: Friday, March 19, 2010, 04:19:38 PM »
I think he means plodding on in abject misery in a loveless marriage.  I agree.

Yeah, that one. Although it is better than murder as well.

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Re: So apparently I'm getting a divorce.
« Reply #41 on: Friday, March 19, 2010, 09:18:20 PM »
As much as I am generally against divorce and wish that people would put more effort into their relationships... yeah, that one.  I don't know why things went exactly as they did, but either way, it just seemed like continuing was benefiting no one.  I stuck with it when it was at least benefiting her, even if it wasn't giving me much.  Or anything.  But when it stopped even doing that, I just didn't know what to do.  I wanted to help, not hinder.  And if I couldn't even do that... why was I there?  I still hate it.  I've moved on, but I still hate it.  I hate how much pain it's had to cause her, and seeing her now just destroys me inside.  But... I guess we made a mistake.  We have to pay for it now either way, and it seems better to pay for it while at least making strides toward hope for future happiness rather than paying for it by doing nothing and allowing the pain to continue.

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