Author Topic: Fallout 3  (Read 230512 times)

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #320 on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 11:36:59 AM »
Sorry, I'm bad about spoiler stuff. I just figured I'd let everyone know so they don't pass it up. I don't know if you'll be able to get it if you miss it the first time.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #321 on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 12:12:00 PM »
MTV compares a picture in one of the metrorail maps to the one in FO3

FO3 Metrorail Map in DC
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Real world Metrorail map in DC

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #322 on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 12:57:01 PM »
I think that was one of the most useless pieces of "journalism" I have ever read. If you even want to consider it so...

EDIT: Oh, it's just a blog post...

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #323 on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 03:24:21 PM »
This game gets more incredible by the hour.  No, really.  Some stuff I did today blew my mind, mostly because I thought that it would be completely inaccessible to me given the good karma path I was on.  Turns out I got to experience some of it, though not necessarily all of it... and due to the skills I'd picked, another character might not have gotten to experience any of it at all, or at least would have had a harder time.  And then the denouement which came at the end of the quest... completely unexpected and totally made me question actions I took during the probably 3 hours of gameplay that preceded it.  I thought I'd been acting as a goodie two shoes, and while I kind of was, those on the receiving end of my intentions now appear to have been just a wee bit less forthright; yet this information came to me in a very subtle, discovered-gameplay kind of way where I put two and two together, then had to actually seek if that had really happened or if I was just imagining things.  My mind is fucking blown.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #324 on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 03:47:05 PM »
Even the little things about this game are awesome.

MORE Aftermath Of The Megaton Nuke Quest ***SPOILERS****
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*******END SPOILERS*********

FO3 has to be the best RPG since The Witcher: EE.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #325 on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 04:20:01 PM »
This seems very appropriate given earlier shots posted.

Oh, and I wanted to mention that I watched the behind-the-scenes DVD that came with the CE.  It's... good.  Not great, not terrible.  A lot of it is just kind of stuff we already knew, but the footage itself is new and done just for the DVD.  So it won't blow your mind, but it's worth watching and clocks in at just under 40 minutes.  It'd make a better preview of the game than anything else, really, and there's nothing spoilery (it's actually less spoilery than Gamespot's video review, which I don't recommend watching -- no major spoilers in that review, it just blows a few surprises they should have left as surprises).  The CE itself is awesome.  The art book is sweet, the lunchbox is great (especially since you can find them in the game itself), and the bobblehead... well, it bobbles!

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #326 on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 05:38:53 PM »
I think the addition (and excellent variety) of beards in FO3 is a result of all the complaints about the absence of proper beards in Oblivion, especially after people saw Sheogorath in Shivering Isles.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #327 on: Friday, October 31, 2008, 08:53:34 PM »
So I just ran into four supermutants who were all standing close together. No problem - I go into VATS and throw two grenades. The first lands perfect and shoots all kinds of debris in the air. I quickly throw the second one to finish them off, but it bounces off a dismembered body part that's in the air and blows up in my face. Unbelievable.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #328 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 01:01:56 AM »
My further adventures:
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Offline Quemaqua

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #329 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 01:19:20 AM »
I've had a few funny moments, like running across a person apparently involved in some little side story that I'd already completed, so even though I'd never met her prior to this, all the dialogue acted like I'd known her for a while and was talking to her about what she was going to do next.  Kind of funny.

I also had a random moment which turned out to be one of the coolest things ever, as portrayed in this not-really-spoilery screenshot but I'll tag it anyway just for those who would rather bunker themselves in and not see anything outside the game:

(click to show/hide)

Hot damn I love this game.

EDIT - Another good, unbiased-feeling review from Gametrailers.

I'm mostly trying to present reviews here that reflect my own view of the game, and I openly admit that, but I feel very strongly about this.  Not because I'm trying to be a mindless fanboy, but because I vehemently disagree with the hyper-critical nature of many people playing the game simply looking for ways to complain about it.  You know, the idiots who'll spend all their time arguing semantics or preference and call it Bible truth, complaining that power armor isn't powerful enough rather than getting over such inconsequential things and just enjoying the fucking game.  It's amazing how many people want to flap their gums and wax philosophical as though they know anything at all about game design.  I have literally sat and read threads where people have wasted time arguing that Bethesda's attempts at building intuitive, unspoken stories into scenes are stupid because that's been done before.  Like... what the fuck?  Do you even listen to yourself talk?  They throw themselves against those who think the world is brilliantly realized and that such intuitive design does wonders to keep the world consistent, interesting, contextual, etc., just the way it did in games like Bioshock that came before it.  It's such tremendous bullshit.  The people finding flaws other than the obvious are going into it looking for them, and in many cases it seems to me they're all but making shit up just so they can have a complaint.  Such as Gerstmann's absolutely foolish comments on the inventory system and the game's autosave features, which have all the insight of an "I'm with stupid!" t-shirt.

A lot of this really does stem from the controversy over the 3rd game being different from the prior 2, I think, but a lot of it also comes from the mental masturbation we saw so much of with Bioshock, where people start trying to use a lot of fancy words so they can sound smart like Ken Levine when they're plainly not comfortable with the language used in the arguments they're attempting to intercept.  The more games become art -- or if you're sick of that phrase, how about "the more artistry that's injected into games as a byproduct of new development methods and budgeting" -- the more pretentious know-nothings or everyman-gamers with dreams of sounding educated about their hobby want to start levying criticisms left and right, and traditionalists want to show how hardcore they are by rejecting anything new that might breathe a little life into the staleness and redundancy of their dead pursuits.  It's art-film snobbery given new life, but so much worse because it's so much less informed and so often contradictory of its own sentiments, and I think Fallout 3 is a beautiful example, with people making arguments about how Game X is more fundamentally important because of Element Y when Fallout 3 is clearly just as poignant, and all the more so for not being directly focused on that single element in the way the other title in question is.

Anyway, all that to say I continue to think that reviews like the one I just linked have it right: yes, the game is a little funky at times with some mechanical issues (as have been all Bethesda games since the beginning of time), but these things are ultimately negligible in the face of what an amazing and unique game this is.  And anyone that says this isn't a Fallout game, or that it misses what really mattered about the first two, isn't worth listening to.  They have made themselves irrelevant by believing that in an industry as unbelievably young as our own, antiquated standards are infinitely superior to attempts at evolution based solely on the virtue that they once proved successful and therefore must never be deviated from, and/or that game mechanisms cannot be reborn and uplifted by artistically-wielded MATH and creatively-devised problem solving, and/or that the primary elements that make a game worth playing may in fact be those that are atmospheric, visual, aural, or written instead of utilitarian or mechanical (and I'm speaking of the first two Fallouts here, not the third).

Man, this must be an incoherent mess.  It's 4:30 in the morning, I'm utterly exhausted from playing the game all night, and I'm desperate to crawl into bed.  I can't imagine these ramblings will make sense to anyone, but I had to get it all off my chest.  Hopefully it all makes at least pseudo-sense in the morning.
« Last Edit: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 04:34:42 AM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #330 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 05:27:42 AM »
I've played Fallout 1 and 2 -- yes, which I consider excellent RPG's. There's no doubt about that. And like Que said about their Inventories -- ugh. That's really the weak spot in those games b/c that can't even be divided or sorted out -- not even as sorted out as Fallout 3, which still needs further Inventory divisions, if you ask me.

I said a long time ago that if anyone could get Fallout 3 right by changing it from 2D isometric to full 3D First-person and 3rd person OTS (with direct-style controls usually found in FPS's, WSAD to move with and all), it would be BethSoft. I wasn't 100% sure, though.

Don't get me wrong, I was still pretty skeptical for a while. I think I lost my skeptical side when I heard about VATS being included -- which is basically a pseudo turn-based system. And when I found out the amount of crazy permutations planned for the endings (over 200 -- gasp!) and whatnot, I began to believe more and more. Then, when the videos began coming out -- that did it. I was definitely believing in BethSoft. So much, I decided it had to be The Collector's Ed -- even if it was $70.

My complaints are still of the Inventory -- which is no means bad at all, as it's sorted nicely. It's still sorted nicely and all (by alphabetical sorting, too), but I feel it needs a few more divisions than what's there b/c just like Oblivion, when you start getting too much gear, you have a lot to scroll through when you hop into your Inventory. At least, it can be done quite quickly. I wish the weapons could be further separated into Melee and Ranged; Armor could be further separated between Body and Head. That's really my only complaint of the game, so far -- is the Inventory. It's a little complaint -- very little, compared to how great the rest of the game is.

EDIT #1:
A no-brainer from IGN -- FO3 is their Game of the Month for Oct 2008

EDIT #2:
More MyD FO3 Screenies...
I got slaughtered...back to reloading last save...

In vanity view, my character all suited-up...

Using VATS here, I'm holding my big mini-gun and ready to use it on these contract killers that are trying to wipe me out...
« Last Edit: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 06:47:33 AM by MysterD »

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #331 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 10:33:44 AM »
I was thinking of things I would like to see added to the game, either through patches or mods. The first of course was more options for inventory sorting. Its a bitch trying to find what you need when you collect as much crap as I do.

I also have been wanting a sprint function. I know you can walk or run, but there isn't really much of a reason to walk anywhere so I'm always running around. But I still want something faster, an extra burst of speed to get away from grenades and landmines I accidentally trigger. Obviously it would need to be limited like a stamina bar. Then I thought, we don't need another bar, just use AP to sprint! So you can sprint for short distances to get behind cover, but you may not be able to shoot using VATS until it recharges. I think that would be an interesting choice to have to make.

Oh yeah, and fix the keybiding issue. Some seem to be hard coded. Only Tab closes pipboy, only E means "go" in VATS, etc. They need to let us rebind those.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #332 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 10:55:24 AM »
Agreed on rebinding.  Also, while I don't personally feel any real need for sprinting, I think that's a brilliant idea having a sprint that uses AP.  That's genius!

As for the other stuff, I'd guess that a bunch of new inventory shit and Pip-boy alterations/reskins come out as soon as mod tools are released.  With the amount of shit people have been whining about with this game, you can more or less bet on every single aspect being changed to suit somebody or other's taste at any given point, probably in 5 variations.  Just like Oblivion.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #333 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 11:22:18 AM »
So, I made my way to Paradise Falls.

(click to show/hide)

Two memorable moments so far.

Moment One - KABOOM!
(click to show/hide)

Moment Two - "Hell No" to H2O!
(click to show/hide)

MyD's Screenies on XFire:
Expect frequent updates on XFire for me posting screenshots. Some nice ones in there, too.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #334 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 11:57:36 AM »
Damn it! This game is not here yet! The X360 and PS3 versions have been out here for about 10 days now but every store completely oblivious to the existence of the PC version! It's driving me mad!

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #335 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 02:54:49 PM »
Oh, another addition I thought of. It doesn't fit the theme of the world, but having a pipboy radio station that would play your own custom music would have been cool. Fill a directory with MP3s and playlists and let it run.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #336 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 04:10:59 PM »
Anyone done the "Tranquility" quest yet? It's part of the main quest.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #337 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 06:00:02 PM »
I haven't even done the GNR quest yet.  I've been "in the process" for like 3 hours, but I keep finding shit to do in DC and just got to Rivet City for the first time, so now I'm embroiled in exploring all that.  It's crazy how much there is to see and do here.

And all the crazier for how much I know is there now.  I ordered the big collector's edition guide for the game, and it is unbelievably huge.  I've never seen anything like it.

First of all: I know, shut the fuck up.  I like guides.  Not for every game, and I never use them as hint systems except in obscure circumstances, but Todd Howard actually said it best in the forward to the guide which I thought was very well put:

Quote from: Todd Howard
I've had a long love affair with strategy guides and hintbooks for games.  I love flipping through them, seeing all the maps and hidden stuff I never knew about.  It's like peering into the soul of a game.  A look at what's really in it.  And I think there are two great ways to experience Fallout 3; one, obviously, is to play the game.  The next way is to read this book.  Pick a chapter or page at random and start reading.  I guarantee you'll see something you didn't know about it.  It could be something big, like a reward you missed out on due to your choices, or a hidden weapon.

Over the last four years, the Fallout 3 team put everything they had into this game.  I think it's hard for someone playing the game for the first time to really appreciate how much has gone into it, how many big things there are and just how many small things.  In some respects, this book represents the totality of the game -- better than the actual game.  I love seeing the work of so many passionate and creative people packed into a large tome.  It becomes something tangible, a record of all that has been made.

The world of Fallout allows so many great ideas, whether they be dramatic, action packed, or darkly humorous, to come together in a new way.  The journey in creating all of this has been a shared experience, and one that has proven to be the most fun I've ever had making a game.  I hope reading about it is as much.

Anyway, I actually did think that was interesting just because I'd never really thought about it that way before.  It's cool seeing it all laid out on paper like a dissection, not because I have any need for hints to get me through the game, but because I love seeing the inside stretched out like a post-mortem, and while a lot of guides aren't good enough for that, the stuff for Bethesda's games have been since Morrowind.  And this guide is surely the best I have ever seen.

The thing is just a few pages under 500.  It's hardbacked, nicely printed, nicely bound, and has great, thick, non-glossy paper stock that feels so much better than a lot of the shit you usually get in a guide.  The huge poster map of the wasteland is ridiculously detailed, and I think it's going to be worth the money to have it laminated for my wall.  It also shows just how many random little places to visit there are in the game, and how even if you wander back and forth a ton and abstain from heavy fast-travel, you're still going to miss stuff, period.

I know most people don't share the affection for guides that I have, but if you like seeing a game laid out before your eyes (even if you're like me and you wait until you've beaten the game a few times before really reading), you've never seen a guide this cool.  This thing is effing amazing.

EDIT - As promised, more screens:


Uh... yeah, this one probably too.

For some reason I find this really comical.

I am the bat.  The night is mine.

« Last Edit: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 06:28:43 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #338 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 08:45:19 PM »
I picked this up and it's awesome.  I'm just about to hit level four and am having a really good time.  A couple of questions:

-I tried to make a funny looking douchebag character, but it didn't really work out.  Is there anything like in Fable where you can change your hair, or am I totally stuck with taht?

-Is diversifying stats a really bad thing in this game?  I'm kind of mixing skills up, but is it neccesary to specialize?  I always worry about this in these kind of games and panic about getting stuck further down the road.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #339 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 08:52:47 PM »
Re: appearance:
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I just had a bad ass moment. I ran across a super mutant, so we were having it out. He started to chuck a grenade at me, and I went into VATS, I aimed for his throwing arm with the combat shot gun  and let her rip, crippling his arm. He hunched over in pain for sec, and the grenade went off, blowing off his arm, and his leg. It was bad ass.

MODEDIT via Que - I know, I'm being paranoid, but I respect that some people really do enjoy being surprised.  So spoiler tags added.
« Last Edit: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 08:56:57 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #340 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 08:55:52 PM »
I don't want to spoil anything (and Scary just posted before me with specifics anyway, heh), so I'll simply say that you aren't completely locked into your appearance, provided you're resourceful.

And you can mix and match a bit, or you can specialize.  Generally speaking I think people recommend specialization, but I've found it depends on how you play and what you're willing to accept.  You're going to want to make sure that at least a few things you want to focus on are built up, but you'll probably have a little leeway to build something up on the side as well, within reason.  You just kind of have to play it by ear, but remember especially that this game has a level cap and eventually you won't be able to upgrade anymore.  So if you've got a particular weapon proficiency in mind and you plan on making a character that doesn't run away from everything, strongly consider having at least respectable scores in your favorite weapon type (though depending on other stuff you choose, you can probably get away with being a little underpowered as far as pure damage output -- after all, you can play the game as a character with very little combat prowess if you know what you're doing).

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #341 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 09:37:03 PM »
Thats cool, dude. Sorry bout the spoiler fellas.

Damn, I love this game. I can see myself playing it over a couple of times actually. I wonder how many ending there are.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #342 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 10:28:24 PM »
Okay, gotcha.  So, are small arms in the game generally worse?  Because I've basically been upgrading Small Arms, Lockpicking, Repair, and Melee (I think).  I kind of figured I could just upgrade Large Arms later when they become more readily available, although I probably won't bother if Small Arms are good throughout the game.  I may also drop Melee soon and just start putting points into science or luck.   The level cap is something I was unaware of, and kind of disappointed in.   I don't really have a problem with the cap in general, but 20 seems kind of low when there's so much stuff to do and I want to get in every door and hack every computer. 

I kind of want to go back and re-roll knowing what I know now, but I'm sure it will be fun either way.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #343 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 10:48:16 PM »
Blame the original Fallout.  This uses a basically identical leveling system.

Don't worry about it too much.  If you're playing on normal, you shouldn't have any problems, and even on hard I don't think you'll get into completely unavoidable trouble.  You'll basically get to fully upgrade your main three things to 100 and then maybe another one or two (or you could be middling in another 3 or 4, I guess -- these are just estimations, but it's something like that... I forget how many points you get per level).  And really, if you didn't want to you wouldn't even have to put those three main things at 100, and you could spread out even further.  I think you can play a jack of all trades, you just have to make sure that you play all your middling strengths whenever you can to make sure you're getting the resources you need to continue (i.e. if you have huge Energy Weapons, Repair, and Big Guns scores, you know you're really combat-focused and you'll do your own repairs instead of paying traders, so you'll scavenge lots of weapons/armor off of dudes and break them down to repair your gear; whereas if you've got more middling scores for Speech, Barter, Small Guns, Science, and Lockpick, you'll have to make sure that since you're maybe not so good at combat, you keep a sharp eye out for lesser-leveled locks and computers which will generally give way to resources or assistance, and you'll try to swing people into giving you free shit (goading them into paying you more for quest rewards, etc.) or making your path a little easier when you can, and you'll probably have to pay traders for repairs, so you might be spending a little more effort dragging gear back from the wastes to offset repair expenditures.

I'm sure you'll work it out.  It all ends up feeling pretty natural in the end, I think.

EDIT - Added some stuff for further clarification.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #344 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 10:51:14 PM »
Just random things:
Hunting around the wasteland I came across a drive-in movie theater. Bunch of bombed out cars and a couple raiders. It was up on a hill so I wanted to draw the raiders to me so I whip out my trusty 10mm pistol and try to hit one of them or just get them to look for me. They wouldn't come all the way to me so I did it a few times. Well, turns out my shooting set a car on fire. It blew up. Then all the other cars blew up. And so did the raiders. Good times.

Tenpenny Tower
(click to show/hide)

So far I've stuck with small arms and haven't really needed anything large. One time I had some super mutant troubles, but a few mines while running away and a shot from a missile launcher did wonders. I don't even have many points in big guns and the missile worked out.

I've been putting points into Repair, Small arms, sneak, and lockpick. I've been putting some into others but I'm wanting to specialize more. I hate hitting doors or terminals I cant pick or hack. I think my next character is going to do Science, lockpick, and repair. Fix shit and break into anything.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #345 on: Saturday, November 01, 2008, 11:09:04 PM »
Heh, that drive-in is what the spoiler-tagged (like I said, I'm paranoid) pictures I posted earlier were of.  What a fucking explosion.  Those mini-nuke explosions they use for the mini-nukes and the cars and stuff are so pretty.

I also did the Tenpenny Tower quest different from you, idol, and let's just say that the way it ended up working out was quite a surprise on multiple levels.

I can honestly say that this has the possibility of being the best roleplaying game I have ever played.  I'm really not exaggerating.  There are others which have been stronger in various areas, but as far as what's important to me in an RPG, what I really enjoy, and just how many different things the game excels at, I think it may be possible that I've never enjoyed an RPG more than I've enjoyed this.  I'll have to finish it and maybe play through another time or two to say that with certainly, but I'm shocked at how much I'm into it.  I was expecting to have fun, but I wasn't expecting to be this plain absorbed and addicted.

And I still think people aren't giving it nearly enough credit for being funny.  I have laughed out loud many, many times, and the last couple hours of play had a few gut-busters.  If this game isn't funny to you, you have no sense of humor.

And it looks like I'm officially just a gushing fanboy now.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #346 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 04:59:10 AM »
Re: appearance:
(click to show/hide)

Also, another place to switch appearance...
Nuke Quest finish revealed in SPOILERS
(click to show/hide)

Some MyD Screenies
Expect lots of M-rated violence in some of these.

Had to put up this one b/c of "Chevy Chase..." hehe.

« Last Edit: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 05:22:30 AM by MysterD »

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #347 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 07:58:10 AM »

Tenpenny Tower
(click to show/hide)

I just did this Tenpenny quest, with different results.

(click to show/hide)

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #348 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 09:26:55 AM »
First mods available!

Remove compass POI markers by Silverglade
Realistic Gunshot Sounds by Honnou
Remove NPCs from Compass by ckinniburgh
Remove Waypoints from Compass by ckinniburgh
Remove NPCs and Waypoints from Compass by ckinniburgh

Only one I might be interested in would be the gunshot sounds, but its not like I have a problem with the original sounds. Still...mods! Woo!

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #349 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 09:46:33 AM »
It could be fun to have stuff like removed during a 2nd play through the game, but the game is huge and I already do tons of wandering around regardless.  Since there's a level cap, I don't really need the game to take any longer since I'll probably max out well before completing every last thing there is to complete.  I was thinking I might want an XP mod that gets rid of the experience increase at higher difficulty, but since my progress has started slowing in the game, I'm not sure.

EDIT - Oh, and I wanted to tell you PC guys that the game, at least on my rig, even though defaulting to super-high settings with like 4xAA and 10xAF, didn't default to high-res textures and that's why they looked so much like ass.  I just found this out last night, and while the textures still aren't as high as they could have been, setting them to high is a VAST, VAST improvement.  I sincerely recommend checking your "Advanced" graphics options tab in the launcher to see what they're set to if you have the capability of running at high settings.

EDIT x2 - And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but apparently there is a fairly major bug in relation to Megaton.  Now I'd like to preface this by saying that for the most part, this game has been almost completely bug-free for me.  It hasn't crashed very much at all, and I haven't witnessed almost anything out of the ordinary in the gameworld itself.  Things are pretty stable, which is also what makes this so massively disappointing to report (because Bethesda might have had a nearly bug-free game for the first time ever had it not been for this).

Basically, people in Megaton have been disappearing for lots of people.  I started looking into it myself when I found that Nova had disappeared from my town, and while I thought maybe it was a gameplay thing, I found no info on it in the game itself.  Later I heard about some guy named Walter who was supposed to take care of the water purification system, but he was nowhere to be found.  So I looked online, and it turns out... well, the people of Megaton have a lot of accidents which apparently sometimes lead to death.  I guess some have reported this to be people basically falling off the walkways and getting killed, though for me... well, there are no bodies.  These people just disappeared or, in the case of Walter and apparently a guard of some kind that's support to be hanging around, they were never even there to begin with.

I'm in the process of trying to rectify it.  On PC, at least, you can use some kind of "resurrect" command in the console to get them back, I guess... but I don't know specifics as all the posts I've read so far have been people trying to get it to work, not the ones who actually have gotten it to work.  Console people seem to be fucked in this case, so we hope there is a patch very soon.  I'll post when I know more.

EDIT x3 - Well, I guess there are separate issues.  Few people seem to be experiencing the thing with people dying, and a lot more the "disappearing NPC" issue.  Turns out these people are, more or less, teleported to some kind of weird void where they continue to exist, basically just standing around.  You can use console commands to teleport to them if you know their IDs, and you can also use console commands to teleport them back to the correct locations.  I found both Walter and Nova standing around the void, and so I fast-traveled back to Megaton from the void, went to Moriarty's, teleported Nova back to me, and then ran to the water processing plant and teleported Walter to me.  Both immediately went about their usual business as though nothing had ever happened.  It was kind of funny.

Nobody is currently sure what the bug is, though somebody on the official forums did say: "Pretty sure a patch is in the making.  I won't say how I know, but just be patient."  So that's hopeful, if he's got inside word that Bethsoft knows about it and is working on it.  It should be very obvious to them what's happening at this point, since I suspect it has something to do with object spawning getting FUBARed by unique circumstances when you return to an area after being away.

So here's the info for anyone that runs into trouble, just remember that the game DOES occasionally remove NPCs for one reason or another, and sometimes they do end up going somewhere else legitimately.  Consult a guide or forum if you aren't sure, and hopefully this bug simply never happens to you.


Firstly, you can check on the location of an NPC by doing the following:

  • Type "player.moveto <refid>", which will teleport you to the location of whatever ID you type in.  So if you typed "player.moveto 00003b59", you'd teleport to wherever Walter is (or just his corpse, if he's dead).  That should let you know the status of the afflicted individual.

If your NPC has vanished without a trace, off into the void, try the following:

  • 1. Go to wherever you want the NPC to spawn (like their house or place of business, whatever... in theory, they should use the Radiant AI system to travel wherever it is they're supposed to go once you've spawned them back into the "real" world, but why take chances?).
  • 2. Type "prid <refid>" to select the character (normally this is done by simply opening the console and clicking on the NPC in question, but since you're in one place and they're in another, you need to use this command to select them).  So if you wanted to select Walter, you'd type "prid 00003b59".
  • 3.  Type "moveto player <refid>" (yes, that's a space between moveto and player) to spawn the NPC in your current location.  So if you wanted Walter, you'd type "moveto player 00003b59".

That should do it, and they'll go about business as usual.  If they don't, I guess you can just try going away or sleeping for a day or so and that will reset their daily routines.  Either way you should be fine.

This right here is a link, courtesy of "Slaythem" on the official forums, of the no-man's-land where these people go.  In case you're curious.  Somebody suggested what seems most logical to me, that maybe it's a catch-all or overflow in case something goes wrong, where the NPCs are then stored so they aren't screwed up or removed or whatever, but then there's no script to shoot them back to where they're supposed to go.

If your NPC is doing the "I'm standing next to this railing and looking out" thing and gets pushed off the walkway by another NPC (what motherfuckers!), try the following (and note that you can reposition his corpse much like the way you teleport an NPC in the scenario above):

  • 1.  Type "prid <refid>" to select the NPC, as above.  So for Walter, that'd be "prid 00003b59".
  • 2.  Type "resurrect" once the NPC is selected.  You can also do "resurrect 1", which I guess will attempt to piece them back together if they've been gibbed.  But I believed just "resurrect" will recreate the model from scratch and restore them to their original state.

Sadly, it appears the game will still tell the townspeople that your newly-resurrected NPC is dead, so they'll go around all doom and gloom on you about the now-reinstated citizen.  Kind of silly.  Fortunately, the actual death of these NPCs seems to be far less common than the first issue, and I doubt most will encounter it.

The big problem with this is we don't have the editing tools yet, so who the hell knows what the RefIDs are supposed to be!  Fortunately, some people have been resourceful enough to gather a few:


Confessor Cromwell


Lucas Simms

Colin Moriarty

00003b3f (I think it was...)


Such a shame.  I honestly think this may be my favorite RPG of all time, so I sincerely hope they find an acceptable way to get these issues fixed quickly and cleanly.  I would hate to see such an astounding game compromised by shit like this.
« Last Edit: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 05:46:09 PM by Quemaqua »

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #350 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 07:36:34 PM »
So I started a new character last night. While my first focused on small arms and repair and was a "good" guy, this guy is pure strength and personality. He's all melee weapons and speechcraft, and pure evil. The results are tons of fun, especially after having gotten a taste of things my first time around. Smashing someones face in with a sledgehammer is so satisfying. Its interesting reading how everyone is going about things. My solutions are much more...forceful. And bloody. And, with my high speechcraft, so manipulative.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #351 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 08:23:32 PM »
Yeah, I read about that Megaton bug, was happy I hadn't experienced it and then lost all trace of Moriarty while I still needed his help in the main quest.  I was too lazy to look up how to bring people back so I just broke into his place at night and hacked his computer for the info I needed.  And thus began my slow slide into immorality.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #352 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 08:39:34 PM »
And thus began my slow slide into immorality.

Oh, I think it began long before that.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #353 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 09:00:10 PM »
For those looking for ID's for Megaton characters...
Big thread on Megaton ID's for the NPC's there

I'm missing a few (the priest for one) but their codes are

Walter 00003b59
Lucas Simms 00003b46
Mother Maya 00003b49
Lucy West 000bb47d
Jericho 00003b5d
Manya 00003b58
Colin Moriarty 00003b3c
Gob 00003b3d
Nora 00003b3f
Billy Creel 00003b5a
Nathan 00003b57
Jenny Stahl 00003b53
Leo Stahl 000bcf20
Andy Stahl 00003b55
Doc Church 000b898f


Such a shame.  I honestly think this may be my favorite RPG of all time, so I sincerely hope they find an acceptable way to get these issues fixed quickly and cleanly.  I would hate to see such an astounding game compromised by shit like this.
That's one nasty issue in FO3....glad I ain't ran into it. Sheesh.
What's up with BethSoft and disappearing issues???
Remember the FORMID issue with ES4: Shiv Isles which caused stuff you stored in your house went disappearing?

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #354 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 09:18:02 PM »
Oh, I think it began long before that.

Well, I mean in the game.

So, uh, Bloody Mess is a bit much, eh?  I kind of found it more satisfying before.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #355 on: Sunday, November 02, 2008, 10:11:25 PM »
Yeah, Bloody Mess is a bit much, bit it is fun. I won't be picking it on my next go-around though, I think I'll go with something a little more useful.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #356 on: Monday, November 03, 2008, 12:45:42 AM »
I've read that the game can hang/crash when saving. This makes sense, I've had the game hang when I've gone from inside to to out (or the other way) since it autosaves when you do that.

You can change that behavior in My Documents\My Games\Fallout3\FalloutPrefs.ini. There are the settings:


I decided to turn them all off (to 0). I just have to remember to save my game no. No big deal.

Now if I can figure out why it hangs when quitting the game. I have to reboot my system when it happens.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #357 on: Monday, November 03, 2008, 01:21:23 AM »
That's a drag. To this day Oblivion still crashes every time I exit, but it still retains data fine and the crash doesn't require a restart of the OS or anything.  Also, I believe you can set the autosave behavior in a menu somewhere and don't need to edit the .INI.

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #358 on: Monday, November 03, 2008, 05:34:42 AM »
That's a drag. To this day Oblivion still crashes every time I exit, but it still retains data fine and the crash doesn't require a restart of the OS or anything.  Also, I believe you can set the autosave behavior in a menu somewhere and don't need to edit the .INI.
It does the same for me. On exit I get an error message but nothing else happens.

You can set the options so that it autosaves when you wait (or sleep), enter new areas (also indoor/outdoor transitions), fast travel, and I think upon quest progress (not sure about this one but I do recall the game autosaving right after speaking about quests with certain NPCs).

According to the ini settings it looks to be pretty much the same in FO3.

Idol, it's probably one of the bugs some people have been complaining about in the official forums.

Also, there are a couple of UI modifications if you're interested:

DarNified UI F3


They're both focused on tightening the UI for a more PC feel and showing more data per page (less scrolling).

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Re: Fallout 3 Thread - Updates: 9.6 from IGN
« Reply #359 on: Monday, November 03, 2008, 04:20:35 PM »
Ashley Chang talks about your G4W profile AND your offline profile being split up into different directories.

He says you can bring your offline saves into your G4WL profile. Just copy the saves into the other directory.

Games for Windows Live, save game issues with Fallout 3
PC users now get achievements and friends lists similar to how Xbox Live works. Here some cool things you can do with Games for Windows Live.

1. Earn achievements. You can create a free Games for Windows Live profile or link your Games for Windows Live profile to your existing Xbox Live profile. That’s right — you can earn Fallout 3 achievements twice, for both PC and Xbox 360. To link your Xbox Live profile, create a Games for Windows Live profile using your Live ID (ie, the email and login you used to link your Xbox Live profile to Live ID — that is, how you log onto

2. Once you link your Xbox Live profile, you’ll be able to see both your Games for Windows Live and Xbox Live friends together via the Games for Windows Live dash.

3. Question: Hey I was playing the game for a while, then logged onto my profile and my saves are gone? What happened?

Answer: Your saves are kept in specific directories tied to your profile. But don’t worry - you can go into your My Games folder and copy those saves over to your Profile’s save game directory.

For example, on my computer running Windows XP, under the Saves directory, I have two folders - Player1 and acheng. I can simply copy all the saves from Player1 to acheng, and I’m able to access them while logged on with my gamertag. On Windows XP, look in your My Documents\My Games\Fallout 3\Save folder. On Windows Vista, the path is C:\Users\{Username}\Documents\My Games\Fallout3\Saves.

For more troubleshooting tips, visit the Games for Windows Live technical support pages.