All I can say is that every single link I found on google regarding "dead space pc controls" just came with a link to that WhatIfGaming place, so I'm almost ready to cry bullshit. Seriously, every single link is just someone reporting what they said, and who the fuck ever even heard of these people? I sure haven't. And nobody else seems to be complaining, so... I have no idea. It'd be nice to get a 2nd opinion.
... and after a little more searching, it appears the problem may be related to some systems and not others. Some people don't have any idea what the naysayers are talking about and report the controls work perfectly fine, or exactly like the console versions. And some people seem to have issues with mouse/keyboard and controller both, indicating something is up with their rig and the game, not just the game itself universally. And it very much sounds like something that could be patched up, and hopefully will be soon. One guy I'm reading here says that when he's in a detail-light corridor and trying to aim, the response is super sluggish, but when he's in an area with tons of detail, his aim flies all over the place super fast. So there definitely is something funny, and it's definitely not affecting everyone.
EDIT - And why the hell aren't we posting this in the proper thread? Let's try to keep these discussions over there from now on, where they are infinitely more relevant and less likely to cause Xessive any more heart attacks.