Yup, most gamers don't use SLI. I am just wondering if those that will use two 480s regularly will feel at all weird about sucking up
that much power.
Even the fact that a single 480 will go up to 95 degrees is a bit insane. I am not an engineer, so I sometimes feel lost reading this stuff but the main reason it seems that this thing is so hot and hungry, is because it is General Purpose GPU. Nvidia are moving in a direction where they want their cards to act as both processors and video cards... and making something this complex makes it less efficient.
That's the reason they were 6 months late. Intel has the best engineers, and their GPGPU (called Larrabee) was recently canceled, because they just couldn't do it.
Also, GPW a 450W PSU is pretty small, but it won't go higher than 550, I am sure of it. If you are going to upgrade to a 600W PSU it will last you till it craps out. I am sure the next iterations of these Nvidia cards will be more efficient.
The 5 series ATi/AMD cards are pretty awesome, and the best part about them is they run fairly cool.