Good show.About two dozen women marched topless from Longfellow Square to Tommy's Park this afternoon in an effort to erase what they see as a double standard on male and female nudity.
Police said there were no incidents and no arrests – nudity is illegal in Maine only if genitals are displayed.
Uh, so it wasn't illegal for them to do it. If they wanted they could walk around topless all the time. So why do the march at all? Oh wait...
Ty McDowell, who organized the march, said she was "enraged" by the turnout of men attracted to the demonstration. The purpose, she said, was for society to have the same reaction to a woman walking around topless as it does to men without shirts on.
Yeah, good luck with that. Men like tits, we pay a shiny penny and a two drink minimum to see them at clubs. You're doing a march of topless women out in public that people can just show up and see? And you're surprised when a bunch of guys show up with cameras?
However, McDowell said she plans to organize similar demonstrations in the future and said she would be more "aggressive" in discouraging oglers.
Good luck with that.
I'm all for equality but some things just aren't equal. For women to walk around topless and not have it cause a stir you'd have to have an entire generation of kids grow up seeing topless women fairly regularly. By the time they are adults it wouldn't be any big deal. It requires a large change to society, and in the US where a nip slip during the superbowl was huge news for months and ended up in fines and changes to FCC regulations...yeah, its not going to happen. Move to Europe, they aren't afraid of boobies there.