Yeah. I mean, I get that it's fairly short, but so are a lot of games, and while this may not have been the best $60 title, it would still make a great $40 one. No question that I'd have paid double what I did for it. I can actually see myself going back through this to try and get all the little skillshots I may have missed. Fun!
I did have one moment of frustration where I couldn't kill some gyrocopters with a specific weapon (I won't ruin the surprise of the weapon for those who haven't played it). They just resisted sustained fire. Took me forever to figure out that if I just stopped firing and did short bursts, the initial shots would take them down. Completely a bug, and a lame one, but other than that everything's been smooth sailing. I get that it's kind of a consoley thing, but it's nice to see a shooter really cater to the strengths of a console. The arcadey nature of it is great, and this is one instance where I really don't think I'd care much which version I was playing.