Author Topic: Rock & Roll Jihad  (Read 4641 times)

Offline Pugnate

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Rock & Roll Jihad
« on: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 04:15:08 PM »

Offline scottws

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 04:31:29 PM »
Good for that guy, and good for Muslims in general.  Arabs and Muslims need more news pieces like this one in Western media.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 05:41:53 PM »
He is a really popular musician here, and has a very unique sound of Pakistani drums mixed with heavy 80s style guitar.

Arabs and Muslims need more news pieces like this one in Western media.

I am glad you said that and instead didn't say more Muslim figures need to speak out more. Thing is that a lot do, but just don't get the press in the western media. A lot of imams condemn terrorism on TV, but they don't get the press.

Though other than the PR, it isn't a huge loss I guess.

That recent case about Ahmed Shezad (the naturalized American citizen) really pissed me off. That's the first I heard of an educated man going nuts in that direction. Plus he fucks things up for the Muslims that aren't batshit insane, and are just looking to improve their quality of life.

Offline Xessive

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #3 on: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 06:31:22 PM »
Sweet! I love Junoon! hehe

I am really glad that someone's making a grand effort to reclaim the word "jihad" and to finally convince people that it does not translate to "holy war" that's just a retarded media buzzword.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, May 20, 2010, 11:44:27 PM »
I knew you'd appreciate that when I first read the article.

But while I do agree with you Xessive, I can't completely blame the western media for having that misconception, when Muslims themselves are uninformed about the true meaning of Jihad, and when the extremist assholes use that word solely for that purpose.

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #5 on: Friday, May 21, 2010, 01:10:00 AM »
I knew you'd appreciate that when I first read the article.

But while I do agree with you Xessive, I can't completely blame the western media for having that misconception, when Muslims themselves are uninformed about the true meaning of Jihad, and when the extremist assholes use that word solely for that purpose.

I know, man. Ignorance is vicious reality. Ignorant muslims are worse off as they really ought to know better.

It just really irks me when people misuse language, like the word "organic" used to describe food, as opposed to what? Inorganic food?! What were we eating before? Metal shavings?!

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #6 on: Friday, May 21, 2010, 05:41:26 AM »
Well, if one expects every name for something to be a literal translation, then they will get irked frequently. Sure, comedians like George Carlin express anger, but they probably do it for comic value.

As for organic food, from wikipedia:


Meaning and origin of the term

In 1939, Lord Northbourne coined the term organic farming in his book Look to the Land (1940), out of his conception of "the farm as organism," to describe a holistic, ecologically-balanced approach to farming—in contrast to what he called chemical farming, which relied on "imported fertility" and "cannot be self-sufficient nor an organic whole."[3] This is different from the scientific use of the term "organic," to refer to a class of molecules that contain carbon, especially those involved in the chemistry of life.

In the end I guess it doesn't matter in most cases. I mean when someone calls a car a 'hot rod', they don't literally mean that it is a burning hot lead pipe with wheels, or when I say something is cool, I don't mean that it has a significantly lower than average temperature.

Some things are over the top though.

Like the obsession people have with the prefix "pre", when it doesn't apply... or how every product now has some HD label, even when it doesn't make sense in the least.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #7 on: Friday, May 21, 2010, 09:24:30 AM »
At least "high definition" can be applied beyond the visual.  The term that really irks me is "turbo".  If nothing is spinning or blowing air, "turbo" has no place in describing it.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #8 on: Friday, May 21, 2010, 09:34:58 AM »
My 486 had a turbo button. I think that just turned up the voltage on the hamster wheel inside.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: Rock & Roll Jihad
« Reply #9 on: Friday, May 21, 2010, 09:52:33 AM »
haha yea my 486 did as well...