The short: Went in for checkup, left with something screwy in the steering system.
The long(er): Today I took my car into a shop near my parent's in Southern California because it hasn't had a tune up in a while and I intend to drive the thing across the country in a couple months. This shop is supposedly a trusted place for my family. My brother probably goes there often to take care of his well-aged, but still aged Mercedes and this guy supposedly knows his stuff. My car has ~80K miles on it and really hasn't seen a mechanic outside of a tire shop for a number of years. He was to replace to timing belt, the water pump, and a number of random small parts like other belts and spark plug. When I picked up the car he asked if my car has always been hard to steer when at slow speeds. I said no, but I might have just not noticed. Driving home, the wheel seemed a little stiff, but nothing major. Going out later, I figure out that something is messed up. At slow/parking speeds its about 3-4 times harder to steer. at driving speeds, somewhere around 1.5-3 times depending on how sharp of turn it is. I have no solid idea why this would happen. Power steering fluid is totally full and they shouldn't have touched the steering stuff. All I can figure is that a tube connecting the steering fluid somehow got pinched in the work they were doing as the timing belt and water pump are both near the power steering fluid reservoir. So now, I get to go back and complain and hope they can fix this shit. I intended to be back in the Bay Area tomorrow afternoon, but that's going to be later. I NEED to be home by Wednesday because I leave for a month long trip/class on Thursday morning. Lets hope this dude can fix this shit.
What's the saying? Something about going to a mechanic to fix one problem and driving out with another. I feel like I shouldn't have even bothered right now.