SteamSteam Halloween Sale - click here for the long list.Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines = $5
Borderlands: GOTY Edition [BL + ALL DLC] = $7.49
Left 4 Dead: Double Pack [L4D1 + 2] = $10.19
Dead Space Bundle [Dead Space 1 and 2] = $13.59
STALKER Bundle [STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl + Call of Pripyat] = $10.74
FEAR Collection [FEAR + Extraction Point + Perseus Mandate; FEAR 2: Project Origin + Reborn DLC] = $3.39
FEAR 3 = $30
Bioshock 1 = $5
Bioshock 2 = $5
Amnesia = $4
Painkiller: Complete [PK: Black Edition + Overdose + Redemption + Resurrection] = $5
Nation Red = $3.40
Penumbra Collection [All 3 episodes] = $5
Ghost Master = $1.24
Res Evil 5 -> requires G4WL = $10
Devil May Cry 3 = $10
Devil May Cry 4 = $10
Killing Floor Bundle [KF + ALL 5 character DLC packs] = $10.17
Overlord: Complete [Overlord + Raising Hell; Overlord 2] = $5
Silent Hill: Homecoming = $13.59
Sherlock Holmes Vs. Jack The Ripper = $4.99
Sherlock Holmes: The Awakening - Remastered = $2.49
Dungeons - Special Steam Edition = $10.19
Dungeons: The Dark Lord -> 1 pack = $20.09; Double Pack = $30.14
Plants vs. Zombies: GOTY Edition = $5
Ghostbusters: The Video Game = $2.49
Ghostbusters: Sanctum of Slime = $5
Dracula: Origins = $5
Dead Horde = $6.69
Zombie Driver = $2.50
Terrarria = $5
Railworks 3: Train Simulator 2012 + Trains vs. Zombies DLC = $20
Saw = $6.79
Scratches: Director's Cut = $3.40
Zombie Shooter 1 = $1.24
Zombie Shooter 2 = $2.49
Bunch of Heroes = $7.49
Pound of Ground = $2.50
Atom Zombie Slasher = $3.40
Burn Zombie Burn = $3.40
Dead Island = $37.49
Dark Fall: Lost Souls = $5
Cthulhu Saves the World + Breath of Death VII Double Pack = $2
Zombie Pirates = $3.74
Woody Two-Legs: Attack of the Zombie Pirates = $1.74
Trapped Dead = $5
RIP Trilogy = $1.25
Spiral Knights = Free-to-Play w/ Free TF2 Hat by unlocking a specific Achievement; and FREE Pumpkin Bandolier period
SPAZ - Space Pirates and Zombies = $11.24
Nancy Drew: Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake = $2.37
Zombie Bowl-O-Rama = $3.40
Rock of Ages = $7.49
Haunted House = $5