GamersgateWeek 2 -> Gamersgate Holiday Gift Guide 2011 Sale.Daily DealsThe Witcher: Enhanced Edition - Director's Cut = $2.50
A Valley Without Wind = $10
Other Stuff on SaleAge of Booty = $2
Bioshock 2 -> req. G4WL = $5
Drakensang: Complete Pack [Drakensang: The Dark Eye; Drakensang: The River of Time + Philleason's Secret expansion] = $15
Drakensang: The Dark Eye = $5
Drakensang: The River of Time = $10; Philleason's Secret expansion = $5.
Empire Earth: Gold = $3; Empire Earth 2: Gold = $5; Empire Earth 3 = $5
Evil Genius = $5
Gish = $3.38
Gothic Complete [G1; G2 + NOTR; G3 + FS; G4 + Fall of Setarrif] = $17
Gothic Universe [G1 + G2: Gold Edition (Gothic 2 + NOTR expansion); Gothic 3] = $8
Gothic 2 = $2; Gothic 2: NOTR expansion = $2
Gothic 3 = $4; Gothic 3: Forsaken Gods - Enhanced Edition [stand-alone expansion] = $4
Arcania: Gothic 4 = $8
Ground Control + Expansion = $3; Ground Control 2: Special Edition = $3
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition - Colonies Edition -> req. G4WL = $6
Lost Planet 2 -> req. G4WL = $10.18
Red Faction = $2.49; RF2 = $2.49; RF: Guerrilla -> req. G4WL = $5; RF: Armageddon -> req. Steam = $15
STALKER: Call of Pripyat - Loyalty Edition -> req. either STALKER: SOC or STALKER: Clear Sky installed = $6.48
Section 8 -> rqq. G4WL = $3.38
SimCity 4: Deluxe = $8
Time of Shadows [Dawn of Magic 2] = $3.74
The Sims: Medieval = $15
Precursors = $15
Xenus II: White Gold [AKA Boiling Point 2] = $15
World in Conflict: Complete Edition = $6