So, the Vita thread made me think of this. I bought a PS3 years ago and we mainly used it as a media server/netflix machine for years with occasional gaming. I then had to replace it with a Super Slim due to a brazen break-in, which came with a 30 day subscription to PS+. I'm in a new (motherfucking beach-side) apartment by myself, and the increased alone time when I'm here (which isn't that often) has gotten me back into playing games more. I activated the PS+ about a month ago.
I'm convinced that this is probably the best deal in gaming right now.
There are a ton of "free" games now. I think it's something like there being 12 actively available for PS3 every month, with 3-4 rotating in or out each month. Whichever you "purchase" for free will be available to you for the lifetime of the service, but if something rotates out, people who missed it won't be able to "purchase it". Therefore, your library will become bigger over time and it just makes sense to "purchase" every free game in the list any month.
The selection is pretty good. Uncharted 3, Grid 2, Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, Borderlands 2, some indie games, and a ton I'm missing are currently active. Bioshock Infinite rolls in this month, as does Brothers, and Devil May Cry. The fact that you don't own the games is a deterrent to some, but for me the entire value of the game comes from the first play-through, so it works out great.
The PSN deals are the real seller for me. I activated because NHL 2015 was 50% off, so I got that for $15, which is a steal. I followed that up by paying like $9.99 for a package of two Ratchet and Clank games, a seasons pass of Walking Dead Season 2 for cheaper than during any Steam sale, and the same for A Wolf Among us. Honestly, the sales are pretty great and something I wasn't expecting.
Beyond that, I caught a deal on the year membership, so it was $30 instead of $50, which you can catch from time to time and apparently stack so you have years of subscription time ahead of you. At $2.50 a month it's a fucking steal and I advise anyone with a Sony machine to get right on it.