haha, never imagined scott would of ever smoked a "certain tobacco-like substance"!
Internet Scott, including Overwritten.net Scott, is a mere shadow of the real me. There is quite a bit I keep close to the vest.
Oh, and I just remembered some oral surgery I had a few years back. I hadn't been to a dentist in awhile and a piece of food got inside the gum behind one of my wisdom teeth and got infected. It was real bad. I tried to stick it out for a few days, but when I couldn't sleep because it hurt so bad, I set up an emergency appointment with a local dentist on a Saturday. He cleaned it out and noticed that the gum line at my front lower teeth was very recessed and recommended I see a periodontist, which conveniently they had at the same office.
It turned out that my orthodontist did something to fuck up a bone plate in my lower jaw when he was doing his treatment with my braces all those years ago. This in turn is causing the bone holding my front teeth in to basically go away slowly, and with it the gum.
So the periodontist said to fix that they do grafts. Basically, on two occasions, they cut connective tissue from the roof of my mouth and fashioned it into additional gum and stitched it to my lower gums. The first time, the Novocaine made me incredibly dizzy for some reason and I felt sick for awhile and almost passed out. The second time, they gave me less Novocaine. Less to the point where I could feel the blade slicing into my mouth and it hurt, but not terribly and I figured it was better than my first experience.
Later on the second graft fell out in a pool when I used a snorkel too soon after the periodontal surgery. I never got it replaced though because I was making like $23,000/yr. and my insurance didn't cover periodontal surgery. I paid all cash and it was like $2,000.
I guess I need to have this redone every 5-10 years or so. It will never just be normal.