Here on OW there is typically a response or reaction to a problem to the various happenings here on the boards from each member, this is how they deal with them.
Quemaqua - RAGE
Idolminds - Boobs
Sy - Explode
Pugnate - Myst3rded
K-Man - Chicken!
Beo - Masturbate
Gpw - Nitrogen
Keebs - Asians
Ren - Aramis
Cobra - Bitchsmack
iPPi - APM
scott - hax
cools - bikinis
MysterD - Sex with Que*
Raisa - wub
Ghandi - Bear rugs
Belmont - 8===D
Beatrice - Sex with Pyro**
* An action rather than a word
** Lots of action