Author Topic: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.  (Read 5819 times)

Offline MysterD

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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 05:47:54 PM »
This new Interview w/ Anton Bolshakov of GSC Game World talks about why STALKER took so long, among other things

With S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl edging closer to it's first quarter 2007 release, publisher THQ and developer GSC Game World made a full showing of the near-complete game in Ukrainian capital Kiev late last month. Making its first public appearance with its final structure, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. showed itself to be a feature-heavy FPS which compromises between GSC's original ideal of a totally scriptless, randomised "adventure" through the 30km exclusion zone around Chernobyl's ill-fated Reactor 4, and fully scripted, story-driving levels.

The game casts the player as a S.T.A.L.K.E.R., a mercenary working in the radioactive nightmare left by the mid-'80s disaster. While you generally busy yourself with hunting for artefacts in the Zone to sell in the outside world, going up against other S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s, mutants and the military in a huge and well-varied green-scape, the events of the game see you waking up in a hut with two surly men and a healthy dose of amnesia. You should probably insert your own "Ukrainian vodka" gag. You're tasked with solving the riddle of the Zone with a boat-load of guns and 60 spare hours. The game's size has certainly been a factor in the length of its gestation period.
60 hours??!?!?!
Nice long game....

In fact, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s development saga has taken the game from "massively anticipated" to a post Half-Life 2 curio with plenty to prove. Project lead Anton Bolshakov gave us a decent look at the game's 'A-Life' system - a feature that governs all freely roaming life in the game-world - and PR chap Valentine Yeltyshev filled in gaps about the game's long-delayed release and what's next for Ukraine's most prominent developer.
This should be interesting....I been wondering why it been delayed as much as DNF....

I didn't expect it to sound around 60 hours long, but I bet making it around 60 hours is just part of it, hehe....

Anton Bolshakov: A-Life is a unique feature of our game. This is the AI module which controls all life within the Zone, including individual S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s and all the monster life.

This life simulation takes care of how S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s lead their normal lives, moving around, collecting artefacts, going on missions, communicating with each other, taking food, taking rest, and so on. It also controls the life cycle for monsters. They also take rest, go hunting, eat dead bodies and do whatever else monsters would need to do there in the Zone.

On a global level, A-Life coordinates the relationships between S.T.A.L.K.E.R. factions and the monster population, such as one faction attacking another or a monster population migrating and conflicting with a S.T.A.L.K.E.R. grouping.

For this demonstration, we've prepared a level called Garbage, the second in the game. This level is adjacent to the Zone's border, the level where the first artefacts show up. There are loads of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. newbies here trying to find their first artefacts. According to the story, bandits try and exert influence and power on this level to control the movement of artefacts.

Initially the level is filled with characters and elements that are important to the game's story. Here you can see a camp of bandits and a vehicle cemetery where S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s reside. We've created a special command to show you how the A-Life simulation works in the game. [As he says this, Bolshakov goes to top-down a 2D map of the entire game-world.] This is the Zone map and this is the level where we're now located.

We have a special command that highlights all S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s and monsters in the game. [The map becomes covered with coloured dots.] You can see every level and every living thing in it. In total the game controls over 1,000 S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s and monsters, 1,000 characters. As I mentioned, initially we've filled this level with the needs of our story. As all the interesting spots on the level are filled, the A-Life simulation is quite stable, and migration between levels is not that high. To shake the balance of the system, there's another special command to kill all the characters on the level. [Anton presses a button and all the dots in our level vanish.]

So we've killed everything on this level. There are no characters left. Now I'll speed up time. You can see how S.T.A.L.K.E.R.s from other levels start filling up this area. Monsters come first because they're the fastest to move. Now we'll wait for a while until the levels fills up then we'll fly around and see what's going on. Actually, killing everyone on the level is comparable to me going through the story of the game. We can see how the level gets filled by other characters after I've completed the story part.

Putting the time speed back to normal, we can see that events are now taking place in the level. [Goes back to 3D and flies around the level, which is largely made of undulating hill covered with shrubs] We can hear a gunfight. We're seeing bandits fighting with the military here.

So when you complete the game and return to a level it's not going to be empty. You can actually observe the life going on in the level. See, there's a monster eating a body. It's not very peaceful. This is all completed coordinated by the A-Life system. None of this is scripted. It's randomised.

The core idea behind this system is that if you return to a level you previously completed it's never empty. Say, in a factory you previously fought a group of bandits, you could return later to find it populated by hostile or friendly S.T.A.L.K.E.R. groupings. You can do more side quests, pick up more artefacts on these levels, and so on. This greatly increases the replayability and randomness factor.
Okay. Interesting.

This system is closely related to the Random Task System. Say a camp of bandits gets together in an open area on a level: a series of random tasks closely linked to bandits is generated. For example, you can destroy bandit camps and rob them. So the whole thing is interesting to look at and be part of, and this increases a lot the fun factor and interest in the gameplay.

Completing the story in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. doesn't mean that the game is over.
Hmmm.....I smell replay value coming...

Eurogamer: Is the development of the A-Life system one of the main reasons the game's taken so long to bring to market?

Anton Bolshakov: This feature has never been done before in a game. It took a lot of experimentation. This, of course, caused the delay for the game's release. It's a critical feature. The original idea was to create a totally randomised game, but it took us time to realise that it's just impossible to do. We then had two options: either we did a totally scripted game or we tried to preserve this life simulation. We found a way to combine the two elements in the right way.
I wonder how system intensive THAT will actually be, myself.....

I smell a framerate killer....

Eurogamer: The game's going to be coming out early next year, at the same time as Half-Life 2: Episode 2 and Portal. Do you think that features like A-Life are enough to encourage people to buy both?

Anton Bolshakov: Yes, we're really counting on this feature as being one of the most interesting in the game, but on top of that there are plenty of others. We have RPG elements, communication and trade. There are seven different endings and depending on how you play you'll reach a different one. It's a pretty much open-ended game. A bunch of these features put together I think will determine a unique positioning for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
7 different endings?!?!!?

Eurogamer: Once you get to the end can you carry on playing?

Anton Bolshakov: We've got five false endings and two true endings. You don't continue playing, you can only replay. It really boils down to how you play it and which decisions you make as to which ending you reach. It's kind of interesting to replay it in a different role, to play it from a different perspective and reach something else. Also, taking into account the A-Life system, every play through is going to be different.

In the game we have the primary storyline and a secondary storyline. There are hidden riddles and puzzles. If the player goes strictly through the main story without taking any guesses and any other clues, he will reach one of the false endings. However, if he takes care to find other the ways, clues and solutions of the secondary story, he will reach one of the true endings.

Eurogamer: Do these endings have a moral stance or are they just about finding out who you are?

Anton Bolshakov: The ending will correspond to the way you behave through the game, to your personality in a way, speaking about false endings specifically. If you've been helping people, or killing them all, if you've been trading a lot or been greedy: the ending will represent that. The true ending is to find the puzzle of the Zone, finding out the riddle of what generates the Zone and what's behind it.

Eurogamer: How important has GSC's relationship to THQ been to the survival of the developer?

Anton Bolshakov: The time when development here was cheap is now gone, so our budgets for development are now comparable to European or American budgets. For any developer it's important to have a big, well-established partner like THQ to work with. Including us.

Eurogamer: How did it make you feel when THQ got more hands-on with the development of the game?

Anton Bolshakov: All developers are dreamers by default so having a publisher look into things helps a lot to speed things up, to move properly along a development schedule: it's very important to have this cooperation. Especially for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

Eurogamer: How will GSC feel when the game actually comes out?

Valentine Yeltyshev: Well, interesting and a little bit scary for us because we're making the game that many players dream of. So we're scared of not giving them the game they expect it to be. We are interested in adding sounds to the game and making a great atmosphere, so the atmosphere will be completely OK. It's outstanding. But there will people that will not like, for example, the gameplay and there will be people that like it completely. We are making the game that we understand it to be, a game that we want to play ourselves. So we're making a good game for us, for our taste.

Eurogamer: What's the expectation for success? How many do you expect it to sell?

Valentine Yeltyshev: I think that the latest changes will make the game more interesting for more people. We've made the gameplay more active, more unpredictable, interesting, not just boring surfing through the Zone. We've implemented a great storyline that will always surprise the player with interesting turns and events.

Eurogamer: What's next for GSC? What comes after S.T.A.L.K.E.R.?

Valentine Yeltyshev: I don't think I'm allowed to talk about that, so that's a question for our director or vice president. We're planning to develop games in the future, so S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s not the end.
I hope after all of these delays b/c of the A-Life AI, making the game a huge 60 hours, and trying to find a way to combine random and scripted events into a game, work out right. It just sounds like something very hard to implement right. It does sound like it could, w/ what they are trying to do, be a resource/framerate killer.

Let's hope after all of the delays, STALKER turns out worthwhile.

« Last Edit: Friday, March 02, 2007, 02:48:07 PM by MysterD »

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #1 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 07:28:16 PM »
I don't see anything about it that sounds *that* much more system intensive than anything else.  CPU tends to be drastically underutilized as it is, and if they code the shit right it shouldn't be that much worse than anything else.

Good to hear from them, though.  The concept of the game still excites me, and I'll still be very curious when it actually hits shelves.  I never counted it out like some did.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, November 07, 2006, 07:38:39 PM »
They changed the game a lot from the original concept.  It used to be that you were competing with the AI to finish the game first.  You also had to eat and sleep to remain healthy and effective.

They've ditched all that, but I for one am thankful.  You still have the expansive area to explore, without some of the tediousness or the fact that you could play for 60 hours and lose the game right at the end.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 10:33:22 PM »
Sweet.  It's still sounding pretty solid.  I continue to look forward to it.  While it's definitely looking dated compared to when it was first shown, it still doesn't look *bad* by any means.  If it lives up to even 75% of its promise, I think we'll have a winner.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, November 22, 2006, 10:51:44 PM »
Actually, it looks like they improved the character models from what I'd seen in the past.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, November 23, 2006, 06:42:00 AM »
Sweet.  It's still sounding pretty solid.  I continue to look forward to it.  While it's definitely looking dated compared to when it was first shown, it still doesn't look *bad* by any means.  If it lives up to even 75% of its promise, I think we'll have a winner.

The promises look high -- and now I can understand why it was delayed 75 times. What they are trying to do, it sounds very ambitious.

A 50-60 hour shooter??? Shit, I want more of those! :)

About the graphics, they do look decent, at least. Though, if the game came out when it was originally planned, it would've been very good, graphically. Graphics ain't everything to me, as long as they are decent. This game looks to have that.

I hope the gameplay turns out awesome -- b/c it sure could wind up to be such.

I'm curious if w/ this AI and all, if it'll bog systems down a lot and all...hmmmmmmmm...........Have to wait and see.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #7 on: Monday, January 15, 2007, 02:39:11 PM »
STALKER gets another release date: March 22, 2007

STALKER Dated (Really)
[Uros "2Lions" Jojic] 11:48 am EST @ January 15th, 2007

So STALKER gets another release date. This time though, the new official site even has a countdown for the game. The countdown says 66 days, which confirms March 22, 2007 as the release date. Really? Like really-really?

OK, well, I just hope that the game itself is not a Chernobyl-magnitude disaster.


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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #8 on: Monday, January 15, 2007, 03:28:46 PM »
I'm still pretty excited about this.  The latest screens over at GSpot look pretty damned sweet, and much better than some of what we'd been seeing.  I really hope this turns out to be a game that was delayed numerous times because the developers had more they wanted to put in and more they wanted to polish.  I think it's looking good... I guess we'll see in March.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #9 on: Monday, January 15, 2007, 03:53:46 PM »
I'm still pretty excited about this.  The latest screens over at GSpot look pretty damned sweet, and much better than some of what we'd been seeing.
Yeah, I am looking forward to this....even after all the delays....

I really hope this turns out to be a game that was delayed numerous times because the developers had more they wanted to put in and more they wanted to polish.
I hope you're right.

I think it's looking good... I guess we'll see in March.
Right on.

Y'know, 2007 could be a good year for the shooter on the PC, w/ games like Crysis, Bioshock, and STALKER on the way. I'm sure there's other big name shooters on the way, which I can't think of at this second, but that's already 3 biggies....

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #10 on: Wednesday, January 17, 2007, 06:54:40 PM »
I really have no problem with games that take a long time to develop, but S.T.A.L.K.E.R should really fire its entire marketing staff.  They generated way too much press and fervor early on to be productive at all.  If they had just kept their mouths shut for a year and only released a handfull of screenshots and nothing else I wouldn't feel so exausted every time I read an article about the game.

In any case, I'm glad it is finally comming out.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #11 on: Thursday, January 18, 2007, 01:08:35 AM »
Hmmm.....I smell replay value coming...

Now, how many people can say something like that and get away with it?  :P

Anton Bolshakov: Yes, we're really counting on this feature as being one of the most interesting in the game, but on top of that there are plenty of others. We have RPG elements, communication and trade. There are seven different endings and depending on how you play you'll reach a different one. It's a pretty much open-ended game. A bunch of these features put together I think will determine a unique positioning for S.T.A.L.K.E.R.


I don't see anything about it that sounds *that* much more system intensive than anything else.  CPU tends to be drastically underutilized as it is, and if they code the shit right it shouldn't be that much worse than anything else.

Yes exactly.

Sweet.  It's still sounding pretty solid.  I continue to look forward to it.  While it's definitely looking dated compared to when it was first shown, it still doesn't look *bad* by any means.  If it lives up to even 75% of its promise, I think we'll have a winner.

Yes, while it doesn't look as visually impressive as it once did, it is a good trade off. Having just read the Gspot link D posted, I have to say that I could love this as much as F.E.A.R. While F.E.A.R.'s graphics didn't set the world on fire, the gameplay was so fantastic that it made for a very memorable experience. I think the main reason was that not two combat situations felt the same, despite the game rolling out the same enemies time after time.

The reason for me was the fantastic weapons and amazingly good A.I.

It seems to me that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. will provide a similar experience in the sense that no two combat situations will feel the same. In the end we will be talking about taking on the same quest, yet having a completely different experience. That is what makes for a great title.

A 50-60 hour shooter??? Shit, I want more of those! Smiley

I don't know D... for games like Prey and even HL2 to some extent, I found the length to be perfect. But something as open ended as S.T.A.L.K.E.R. would be really refreshing through out those 50-60 hours. Again, all this is really exciting. I wonder if they will have a CE? :P

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #12 on: Thursday, January 18, 2007, 01:25:53 AM »
While I do love the idea of a giant sprawling shooter like this. I never do pay much attention to the game length stated by the devs. I usually subtract a third of it.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #13 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 07:47:37 AM »
Even 30 hours would be great for a shooter...But 50-60???

Shit, if the game's any good -- and I have a feeling it will be -- 50-60 hours on one shooter would rock.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #14 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 08:28:59 AM »
Yup S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is pretty much the only thing on the horizon.
« Last Edit: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 11:34:42 AM by Pugnate »

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #15 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 10:13:11 AM »
Except for Bioshock and (potentially) Hellgate: London.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #16 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 11:32:52 AM »
Except for Bioshock and (potentially) Hellgate: London.
For shooters....

Definitely looking forward to those two.
And STALKER, of course.

And Crysis.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #17 on: Saturday, January 20, 2007, 11:35:16 AM » horizon I mean I could play in a month or so.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #19 on: Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 05:45:05 AM »
Good, it does sound like it is coming out ok.  I was a little worried that it would pull a Daikatana.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #20 on: Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 06:42:56 PM »
It would be great if this game turns out to be great -- especially after all the numerous delays and all. I wasn't even sure if the thing would be released at all or even if it would keep many of its early-on big promises and whatnot. Interesting enough, it still sounds like its promising just about everything they touted the game would originally have in early-on previews/interviews. They stuck to their guns, even if it meant delaying it for a very long time -- and surprisingly enough, the publisher stuck w/ them and didn't make them kick it out the door too soon or didn't make them cut out features for the game they originally touted early-on.

I hope it turns out great. I could use a 50-60 hour bad-ass shooter. :)

If STALKER becomes a major success, it might give us hope that 10 years (or so) of wondering WTF is up w/ DNF might get us thinking this -- "Hmmm....just maybe all the DNF delays are for something they wanted to get right and become a masterpiece."

Great games take forever to make -- look at how long it took for Oblivion to be made.

STALKER, Bioshock and Crysis all in the same year??? W/ all that on paper, I smell a good year for shooters!!! :)

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Interview -- why it took so long & that it's almost done
« Reply #21 on: Tuesday, January 30, 2007, 08:44:55 PM »
Ok dreamer boy, lets just ease up there  ;D
On paper this game sound great and has done so for sometime now, but lets not get a head of ourselves and lets not pull the development blackhole that is DNF into the mix. It just starts to sound rediculous. :o

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: GameSpy gives their impressions on it
« Reply #22 on: Sunday, February 04, 2007, 09:04:12 PM »
STALKER preview from GameSpy, who got their hands on a preview build on part of the game

Afterward, Sidorovich gave the Marked One his first mission: Find a stalker named Nimble not far from your location. He's holed up in a small collection of buildings, and is holding a flash drive with some useful information.

Outside, we ran into a number of fellow stalkers marked as "loners." S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has a faction system where you can align yourself with certain groups, which in turn will cause other groups to treat you as friendly, neutral, or hostile. Some characters won't talk you if you're holding a weapon, and over time you'll build a reputation defined by your actions in the world. If you're not already getting the picture, this is far beyond what you'd expect out of a run-of-the-mill shooter, so we were eager to get a few missions under our belt. Before chasing down Nimble, we spent some time outside exploring the immediate area and talking to the various characters. It looks like this is all pretty optional -- you can speak to all the stalkers roaming around and get some backstory, or you can go straight to the head guy and set out for Nimble.
Sounds pretty much like something you might see in an RPG. Very cool.

A few of the editors watching over my shoulder were amused at the sight of one stalker playing an acoustic guitar in front of a campfire, but soon it was time to get to work.

Following the arrow in the onscreen minimap, it was pretty easy to find our way to the bandits' camp where Nimble was hiding. We met up with another stalker who gave us the option of attacking the camp alone, or going as a group. The first time through, I went solo, but that proved to be unnecessarily chaotic, so the second time through, I opted to bring support and headed north.

Reaching the bandits' area, we got our first taste of combat. We started with a pretty weak pistol, but using the zoom function allowed us to get off some decent shots. Occasionally, the pistol would jam and require a reload -- not what you want when you're not really sure where the enemies are. This first area was more of a sandbox layout: a collection of collapsed buildings with no definitive path, giving both you and enemies the option of flanking from multiple directions. On one pass, we went straight ahead and I stuck with my fellow stalkers; on another, I went off on my own, climbing up ladders and sneaking around, trying to ambush enemies as the other stalkers engaged them in combat. At least for this first mission, it seems like you could play it a dozen different ways.
I like the sound of all this -- especially for a shooter. :)

There's also the question of how the game will perform on a technical level. We tried running our preview build on high-end machine with a dual-core CPU and GeForce 8800, and would routinely take 5 minutes to load a level before unceremoniously crashing. We eventually ended up running the game at a low-res 800x600 setting on a older XPS Dell 500, getting maybe 20 frames a second and crashing every 15 minutes or so (which kept us from progressing too far into the game).

Of course, this build of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. was far from final, so we're keeping our fingers crossed that these snags will be but a distant memory should it see a March release.
Hope you're right.

For years, we've been waiting for first-person shooters to embrace a more open-ended approach, and S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is like nothing we've seen before. Check back soon, as we'll be digging deeper into the zone over the next few weeks, and maybe even figure out what those periods in the title are all about.
I still am highly looking forward to this one.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: GameSpy gives their impressions on it
« Reply #23 on: Sunday, February 04, 2007, 09:46:44 PM »
Sounds awesome, but the crashing may be worrisome.  I mean yeah, it's a preview build, but it ships in just a month.  Not a lot of time to iron that stuff out.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: GameSpy gives their impressions on it
« Reply #24 on: Sunday, February 04, 2007, 11:38:50 PM »
Yes the crashing is worrisome.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: GameSpy gives their impressions on it
« Reply #25 on: Monday, February 05, 2007, 01:26:12 PM »
This game is starting to look somewhat interesting.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th
« Reply #26 on: Friday, March 02, 2007, 02:38:51 PM »
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. goes GOLD for the PC -- Hell yes!!!!!!!!

March 20th it's due out.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. G.O.L.D.
After six years in development, the long-awaited postapocalyptic PC shooter is finally headed to the factory.
By Tor Thorsen, GameSpot
Posted Mar 1, 2007 7:01 pm PT

THQ exec Kelly Flock talks up the potential of S.T.A.L.K.E.R, and what it took to get the game out the door; he also addresses the significance of yesterday's Warhammer 40,000 news. Flock speaks with GameSpot's Curt Feldman at the publisher's editors' day event tonight in San Francisco.

No, your eyes aren't deceiving you. As the headline above indicates, S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl has indeed gone gold. The announcement was made this evening by THQ executive vice president Kelly Flock at the company's Gamers' Day event, which is currently being held at a nightclub location in San Francisco's SoMa district.

It's been six years since Ukrainian developer GSC Game World first announced S.T.A.L.K.E.R., then called Oblivion Lost. In the intervening half-decade-plus, the game has alternatively tantalized PC gamers with its lush visuals and frustrated them with its frequent delays. GameSpot's previous coverage highlights both the ups and downs of S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s long road to retail.

Tonight, Flock--speaking to a crowd of about 100 journalists--said S.T.A.L.K.E.R. will "ship in March," and online retailers are listing it as having a March 20 release. The game is rated M for Mature (blood and gore, intense violence, strong language, use of alcohol), and will retail for $39.99.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #27 on: Friday, March 02, 2007, 09:47:27 PM »
Fuck yeah!  I'll probably be too busy with Shivering Isles, but I dunno'.  Maybe I'll get it and play it like crazy for a week or so then go back to Oblivion.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #28 on: Saturday, March 03, 2007, 06:00:27 AM »
Fuck yeah!  I'll probably be too busy with Shivering Isles, but I dunno'.  Maybe I'll get it and play it like crazy for a week or so then go back to Oblivion.

Que, you need a magical money tree you can pull $$ from just so you can buy all these great new games due this year!! hehe.

Hell, I think we all need it!

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #29 on: Saturday, March 03, 2007, 11:49:25 AM »
Indeed.  A forest of magical money trees would be very handy about now.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #30 on: Saturday, March 03, 2007, 02:15:14 PM »
How odd...GoGamer is selling STALKER for $39.99 and it comes with a free copy of Quake 4 on DVD (thats not the collectors edition, its the regular euro dvd edition).

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #31 on: Saturday, March 03, 2007, 03:21:38 PM »
Damn!  I bought F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R.: Extraction point from GoGamer a month ago and they had Quake IV DVD on the 48 hour madness for $9.99 so I thought, "What the hell..." and took it.

Damn you!  Damn you all to hell!  Oh well, I guess I could sell it on eBay.  I wouldn't make much but I'd at least make something.

Or maybe I'll mail it to someone on this forum free of charge.  Sirean, I still owe you a couple favors, you have Quake IV?

Edit:  You're wrong, idol.  S.T.A.L.K.E.R. is $35.  $40 with Quake IV.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #32 on: Saturday, March 03, 2007, 03:51:09 PM »
Ok, so a $5 copy of Quake 4. Picky, picky... :P

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #33 on: Saturday, March 03, 2007, 04:09:14 PM »

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #34 on: Saturday, March 03, 2007, 05:46:59 PM »
I went ahead and preordered the non-bundled version.  I upgraded the shipping though.  That Dirt Cheap shipping took almost two weeks last time I ordered from

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #35 on: Saturday, March 03, 2007, 08:01:15 PM »
This should be an interesting game.

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Re: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Thread -- UPDATE: STALKER goes GOLD! Due March 20th.
« Reply #37 on: Wednesday, March 07, 2007, 03:37:43 PM »;title;5

Multi-player sounds like Dark Messiah's, in this sense: the better you do in the MP, the more stuff gets available to you.