Neverwinter is having it's second beta weekend right now, and I'm having a lot of fun with it.
I don't know how much has changed since it was announced, but it does feel a lot like an MMO in its current state. In town there are people everywhere, and there are "channels" for town, which are different instances of the same city to keep things from being too crowded. You port to other areas of the map, and see other players out questing around you. A lot of the quests lead to a short instanced area that you do alone, so you spend a decent amount of time by yourself (maybe 25-30% of your play time). There are dungeons you can queue for and complete with 5 players, you get your first mount at level 20, you level up and get new armor/weapons, etc.
There are 60 levels, but I read somewhere that they basically expanded the 20 levels from D&D so the journey to max level would be broken up more.
There's a separate beta going on for the foundry, and the content those people are making shows up in the non-foundry beta. I've done a few of these and I'm really liking the potential. I did one a little bit ago where a halfling has you gather some people to play cards with, but it's a trick to use a demonic deck of cards to send you all to hell. You battle your way through hell to get back out. Last night I did one taht reminded me a lot of the dungeon layouts in Legend of Grimrock. Not sure if that was intentional or not. I made a video of it:
As you can see, the combat is action based. You aim at what you want to attack, and attacks are bound to left click, right click, Q, E, R, 1, and 2, with potions on 3, 4, and 5. You press F to interact with people/objects.
Drow (will be in at launch for people who buy the big pre order pack thing, couple months later for everyone else)
Trickster Rogue
Devoted Cleric
Control Wizard
Guardian Fighter
Greatsword Fighter (I've seen footage of this one, but it's not in the current beta)