Haha, the fact that this thread has turned into a discussion about eating meat speaks volumes about the good people at Overwritten. I love you guys, I really do.
And for the record, I really do fucking love meat. I also really love vegetables, but the no meat thing is a conscious decision, not just on a whim because I don't eat much of the stuff anyway or whatever. And there's probably no way in hell I could ever go vegan. That's really hard. I'd just like to cut out some of the worst parts of my diet and stick to things that are better for me. I don't know if I'll ever give up fish, for instance, and thus may never be truly vegetarian. I'm just sort of going to play it by ear and see what the first few stages bring me.
And yeah Cobra, if you're suffering adverse physical effects from a vegetarian diet, then you're totally doing it wrong. Your health should be increasing, not decreasing, and you need to be mindful of not only general human dietary needs but your own personal needs too. Nobody's exactly the same as far as what they need.