Hey motherfuckers, I just bought an ipod Touch. Jump to the last line at the bottom (in bold), if you don't give a fuck about my thoughts regarding doing this. The rest of you: Why? Well, I just signed onto a three year corporate cellphone contract. The rate is off the hook, but the promotional deals to sign up are pretty great as well. I ended up getting a $180 bill credit and $100 gift certificate to Futureshop/Best Buy. I needed to buy a new ipod since I deep sixed my older gen nano in a washing machine, and had been holding off because, well, the new nanos fucking suck. Sure, small is one thing, but a touchscreen that small? Go fuck yourself (It actually may have been find now that I think about it).
So, I decided to buy an ipod touch instead. Because it's 2012 and I may have some sort of iOS device (also facetime, which is just easier than skype sometimes). Interestingly, I also bought a $20 case/armband (my main use for this is running/nike+. Runtracker is sweet, but I kind of like having a device dedicated to just running rather than using my phone for it. And hell, I can still use runtracker on my phone and just use this for whatever), and case + ipod came to $140 after taking the $100 off. Shit seems steep, but that's about what I would have dropped on a Nano anyways, so whatever (although the storage is the same)
All that aside, what the fuck do I need to download for free that's a.) Usefull. and B.) Fun?