Author Topic: iOS Gaming Thread  (Read 185720 times)

Offline idolminds

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iOS Gaming Thread
« on: Friday, October 08, 2010, 09:02:50 PM »
Yeah, so who would have thought I'd be making a thread like this? Though I know at least 3 other people on the boards with an iOS device of some sort (iPod Touch, iPhone, iPad) now I have one and have been using it for games. LETS TALK!

I've been acquiring games for my iPod Touch for the last month or so. I have over 100, and amazingly I only had to pay for 3 of them. Not only are games dirt cheap as a general rule, but to boost themselves onto the Top 100 or Top-whatever list in the app store companies will lower their prices quite often, including having it completely free for a day or two. If you keep your eyes open you can get some cool stuff. But who has that kind of time (other than me)?

Thats where a handful of sites come in really handy.I will list them for you:

OpenFeint: OpenFeint is kind of like...Games for Windows Live for the iOS. It handles achievements and stuff, all in one account so you can compare them, have leaderboards, blah blah. Anyway, they talk to game makers and have them release their game for free for a day.

FAAD: FreeAppADay. It doesnt do the achievement stuff, its just about free games. And apps, I guess.

Free App Alert: If you don't want to look at the others, then look here. Usually it lists the same things as the others above, plus a bunch more. Every day a list of 40 or so free apps is updated. Not all games, but a good list to look at.

AppShopper: A very useful site. Makes it easy to browse and sort to find free or cheap stuff. If you sign up on the site, you can make a Wishlist of apps you want and they can send you an email (or update an RSS feed) telling you when the price drops on the things you want. This site also lists the price history of each app, so you can see if anything you're looking at has been cheaper or evern free in the past, and how often thats happened. Some apps fluctuate in price often so it can help you decide if its worth waiting for another sale.

AppShopper, FAAD, and Openfeint also all have their own apps for the devices themsevles, so you can just load them up real quick and see whats available. Handy.

There are also so-called "freemium" games, where they are free but have a catch of some sort. Some are microtransaction hellholes that should be avoided. Others, though, are free with some ads and you can pay a buck or two to remove the ads. Otherwise the game is really free. Those aren't so bad and generally need to be good to get people to want the ads removed. Words With Friends is an example.

So thats how I've gotten a bunch of free stuff. any of it good? There is a LOT of complete crap out there. I've tried my best to only grab things that sound good, but you still end up with stinkers. I've only had my iPod for two days and haven't tried everything yet, but I can talk about some.

Words With Friends: Scrabble, basically. Its free, but has ads. $1 removes them. It has asynchronous multiplayer, so you can play a move and its uploaded to the server. The person you're playing with gets notified and can take their turn when they get a chance. Its like play by email, only more automated. Ads pop over the screen after you've made a move, but as long as you're not playing in "real time" against someone then its not so bad. If you get into it it's probably worth it to pay to have them removed.

Chess With Friends: Same as above, only with chess.

Martian Chess: Formerly "Lunar Chess", but they took the game rules from Martian Chess so renamed it to match since people complained. Its half of a chess board, and each player owns half. There are fewer pieces, and only one really matches an actual chess piece (the queen). Anyway, the trick is you own everything on your side of the board. So if your opponent sends a queen over to kill one of your pieces, now you own his queen. Its pretty cool, with AI to play against.

Mega Jump: There are a lot of games like this on the app store, but this one seems pretty polished. Big vertical open space, and you fly up. As you fly up you collect coins which keep you boosting up. There are also powerups to grab to help you along. Control is just tilting the device left or right. Not a bad time killer.

Mooncake Share: Simple game. 4 creatures around the table. In the middle these cake slices appear and you swipe them to which plate you want them on. The rabbits want cakes with all the pieces the same, and dragons want cakes where all the pieces are different. Score points, then end. Another fun time waster.

Line drawing games: This is a genre more than any individual game. There are a lot of these...but I can see why. They play well on a touch screen. The big one is Flight Control. Top down view, colored planes come flying onto the screen. You draw a line from the plane to the runway so it can land. Do the same for helicopters. Make sure they don't crash into each other. There are lots of clones and variations. Personally I like Valet Hero (free with ads, pay to remove), where you have to park cars in a parking lot. Match the car to the space, and you earn more points depending on how well you parked.

Real Racing: Surprisingly well done racing game. Reminds me of Gran Turismo 2 in a way. Controls are pretty simple, with acceleration happening automatically. Touch the screen to brake and tilt to steer. Works well, looks good. I only have the demo version, but its nice.

Star Dunk: Another time killer game, but has an interesting feature. Gameplay is just making basketball shots. The ball appears in a random spot so you aim and set power with your finger and score points. Light up the backstop to gain powerups. The interesting feature is the "multiplayer". At times while playing and connected to the internet, a contest will start and everyone is automatically a part of it. So you go and try score as many points as possible before the contest ends. Times up, they show a leaderboard and give awards. Kind of a cool passive multiplayer contest.

Zombies Ate My Baby: This one was free a couple days ago and I wasn't expecting much. You're pretty much a stationary turret in the middle of the screen and have to tap to shoot the zombies before they get to you. Another time waster, but not bad. There are some nice comics to read as you go along, and its totally worth the game for the theme song.

And now...Pocket Frogs. This is my current addiction and its almost a non-game. Or at least not something you play for the gameplay itself. You breed frogs. Thats it. So you get a frog and take it to the pond. The pond is a bunch of randomly generated lilypads that you jump all over and catch dragonflies. This makes your frog happy. If you find another frog, you can jump on it and breed them. You'll get an egg in your nursery.

The trick is in the colors and patterns of the frogs. Each frog has a base color, a secondary color, and a design. You can breed just to make cool looking frogs, but the game has a bunch of achievement-like goals to reach by breeding specific frogs. Theres something like 13,000 different frogs to breed so making a specific one can be a challenge.  You can also breed frogs to simply sell for gold to buy items in the game, like happiness bonuses for their habitats.

The game is free, and there are microtransactions but so far I don't see a need for them unless you are impatient. Things happen in real time and the microtransaction stuff just speeds that up, but you can just not play for an hour or whatever and you'll eventually get to where you need to be. For example, a frog can take 30 minutes to go from hatched to mature (only mature frogs can breed). You can either wait that out, or go to the pond and catch dragonflies (each one takes a minute or two off the time), or you can buy a potion that does it instantly. There are also gifts that spawn in the pond and these can contain new frogs, new habitats, net items for your habitats, potions, or stamps. So everything can be acquired without having to pay anything.

You can trade frogs with your friends, which makes breeding easier. You need stamps to send (find them in gifts or buy them...I prefer finding them).

So...uh, play this so we can trade frogs!

So yeah, thats about as far as I got on games. I've tried some other not really worth mentioning. A lot of games are nothing more than your typical flash game...but now they want to charge for it. Only a handful with any real depth or more than just a distraction while waiting for the bus.

So I'll try keep this thread updated if I happen to find a cool game, especially if its a free one.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, October 09, 2010, 01:50:29 AM »
Thanks for getting this started, Idol. I'll hopefully join you soon.. As soon as I can get my hands on an iPhone.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, October 09, 2010, 08:42:49 AM »
Have you tried Angry Birds?  It's supposed to be super addictive and fun, but I can't find it on the Android Market atm.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, October 09, 2010, 09:14:27 AM »
I've played games like Angry Birds, but not AB itself. The one I have is Cannon Cadets.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #4 on: Saturday, October 09, 2010, 01:01:16 PM »
Have you tried Angry Birds?  It's supposed to be super addictive and fun, but I can't find it on the Android Market atm.

The beta is there for sure and the full thing should be out this week, I believe.

Also, for Android or iOS: Homerun Battle 3D

Offline idolminds

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #5 on: Saturday, October 09, 2010, 07:06:30 PM »
One to check out is Super KO Boxing 2. It was free a week or two ago when I picked it up, but its a Punch-Out clone with some very high production values.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #6 on: Saturday, October 09, 2010, 07:37:30 PM »
On the Android, there is this tower defense game called Robodefense. It is addictive as anything. I wonder if it is on iOS?

Offline idolminds

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #7 on: Saturday, October 09, 2010, 09:36:28 PM »
I didn't see that one on the store.

Just wanted to post Soosiz is free right now. Its supposed to be a really good platformer. I'll be ably to try it tomorrow.

And another game I wanted to mention: Hook Champ. Awesome SNES-like pixel art, you're an adventurer running through these levels picking up coins. The trick is you have this grappling hook so you swing through the levels. With good timing you can pick up a lot of speed. I tried the demo, want the full version.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #8 on: Monday, October 11, 2010, 04:57:08 AM »
Off topic:  How the hell does Apple sue companies using it's "i" branding and then go ahead and call their mobile OS "iOS"?  Cisco probably doesn't care all that much, but still, they've been using the name "IOS" for their network device OS for years.

Rant:  Apple is evil, therefore iOS gaming is evil.  Though I have to give some credit for Apple for taking smartphones to the next level.  They seemed to be stuck in PDA land forever.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #9 on: Monday, October 11, 2010, 09:54:50 AM »
I picked up Fruit Ninja for Android.  It's super addictive but fairly challenging.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #10 on: Monday, October 11, 2010, 10:27:49 AM »
Zombie Farmer is a fun time waster that I've been "playing" for almost half a year now. That is, I put a few minutes in a day or so. Since the iPhone is actually Aimee's, it's probably better that way.

Basically you build a farm where you can grow zombies along with more traditional crops. The twist is that you can build an army of zombies and send them after different groups (other farmers, a building full of lawyers, pirates, ect). The game uses the clock to determine when crops are ready for harvesting, so what you do is pop in to tend a few things and then leave it off for a while. You earn money by selling crops and winning invasions, which in turn is used to buy more items. Premium gear is purchased with brains, which is randomly earned through invasions or available to buy for real money. There is also gear that can be bought with money, but only one can't also be bought with brains. I bought that item for $3 because you need it to really advance in the game, but I think it might be possible to get it with brains thanks to a recent update. The catch is that I used an exploit where you can keep earning brains after an invasion and, by changing the system clock so I could do things quickly, I was able to earn more than I'd ever need over the course of a few days. Since then an update has removed that exploit, but I'm now earning more brains from invasions. So, I imagine without the cheat you'd still get almost enough brains to get the really good stuff.

If you played that Nile game that some of us played a while back, you'd probably enjoy this. It lacks the trading fun of Nile, but there's more to do in the game proper.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #11 on: Friday, October 15, 2010, 02:38:53 PM »
Angry Birds is now available for Android and will be free.

Also, I picked up SpeedX 3D on Android and it's a blast.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #12 on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 11:49:19 AM »
All over Angry Birds right now.  Also, some old version of Scrabble and Clue.  I hope Android eventually gets some better support from the big guys like EA and Popcap.   C'mon Peggle.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #13 on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 12:07:54 PM »
Yes I'd love to see some android support from the big players.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #14 on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 12:38:30 PM »
The only drawback with Android gaming is that the platforms are so different -- basically sometimes games that work on one handset won't work on another.  For example, Angry Birds doesn't work on the X10 right now... there's sound but just a black screen.  The Android market is splintered with so many people running different versions of Android, different phones with different hardware, there's a lot of work that needs to be done to ensure that an app works on all the phones.

With the iOS, each phone is identical so you get no compatibility issues arising. 

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #15 on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 02:41:48 PM »
Yea good point.

Offline idolminds

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #16 on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 02:53:00 PM »
Even that is going to become an issue with iOS. Theres stuff that wont work on my 2nd gen Touch, theres stuff that wont work on 1st gen either. Some is iPad only. Its not nearly the fragmentation you see for Android, but its not an across the board compatibility thing.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #17 on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 09:23:52 PM »
Cut The Rope is apparently the new Angry Birds, and I must say based off the lite/demo version thats its a pretty cool game. Try it out.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #18 on: Saturday, October 16, 2010, 09:48:12 PM »
A whole bunch of my friends are playing that on their iPhones (that and Angry Birds)... looks quite fun. 

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #19 on: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 10:26:43 AM »
Some games I've enjoyed.

Expedition Africa - The Game: (Free) Apparently made as a promo for a History Channel show. Kind of a dice/board game, roll the dice and choose what to keep. You have Porters, distances traveled, weapons, food, and hazards. After 3 rolls everything is tallied up. Porters are your guides and you need at least one in your party to keep going. Hazards are things like gator attacks, malaria, or just plain death. Everything buy outright death has a counter to prevent a porter from being killed like a rifle that scares off the gators. You also have a food stock and at the end of the day your porters eat. The more porters you have, the more food you will need. If at any point you are out of food or porters its game over, which leads to a funny moment where you're trying to kill a few porters so you dont have to feed them. Anyway, its tricky and a good time waster.

Zombie Dice: (Free) Another fun time wasting dice game. Its a press your luck style game where you roll dice to earn brains and you can roll as much as you like. However, on each die are a number of shotgun icons and if you get 3 of them then you are shotgunned and lose all the brains you collected that round. First to 13 brains wins. So quit while you're ahead. A head. Braaaaaiiiinnnnnssss..... Free version is you vs AI but in app purchase unlocks 8 players, either AI or pass-and-play with other people.

Elemental Dusk: (Free) Guess this is based on the Triple Triad game in one of the Final Fantasy games. Its kinda fun.

I think board/card/dice based games work really well on these devices. A lot of more realtime games have a lot of control issues due to the touchscreen. More devs need to play to the strengths of the platform. When it works it works great, but theres a lot of games that would be fun but are completely crippled because of the controls.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #20 on: Thursday, October 21, 2010, 08:57:50 AM »
Free for a limited time is Ronnie O'Sullivan's Snooker. Its pretty nice, so if you like snooker/billiards its worth grabbing.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #21 on: Friday, October 22, 2010, 02:54:15 PM »
Free games today:
Cubed Rally Racer is like a RC Pro AM with randomly generated tracks. And cows.

Pool Bar Online Hustle is a billiards game. Warning: for 3rd gen and up only. So I'm out...for now. I'll probably at it to my queue just in case I ever get a newer ipod.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #22 on: Wednesday, October 27, 2010, 10:00:58 PM »
ChuChu Rocket is on the app store now for $5. iPad player can play with 4 people on one device.

Tap Tap Revenge sucks, btw. Dont listen to other people. Trust me.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #23 on: Wednesday, October 27, 2010, 11:05:20 PM »
I've been playing Chu Chu Rocket on the GBA emulator on my phone.  Touch controls though?  DAMN.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #24 on: Friday, October 29, 2010, 05:41:24 PM »
Carmack on Rage for iOS
What I showed was a technology demo, written from scratch, but using the RAGE content creation pipeline and media. We do not have the full RAGE game running on iOS, and we do not plan to try. While it would (amazingly!) actually be possible to compile the full-blown PC/console RAGE game for an iPhone4 with some effort, it would be a hopelessly bad idea. Even the latest and greatest mobile devices are still a fraction of the power of a 360 or PS3, let alone a high end gaming PC, so none of the carefully made performance tradeoffs would be appropriate for the platform, to say nothing of the vast differences in controls.

What we do have is something unlike anything ever seen on the iOS platforms. It is glorious, and a lot of fun. Development has been proceeding at high intensity since QuakeCon, and we hope to have the app out by the end of November.

The technical decision to use our megatexture content creation pipeline for the game levels had consequences for its scope. The data required for the game is big. Really, really big. Seeing Myst do well on the iPhone with a 700 meg download gave me some confidence that users would still download huge apps, and that became the target size for our standard definition version, but the high definition version for iPad / iPhone 4 will be around twice that size. This is more like getting a movie than an app, so be prepared for a long download. Still, for perspective, the full scale RAGE game is around 20 gigs of data with JPEG-XR compression, so 0.7 gigs of non-transcoded data is obviously a tiny slice of it.

Since we weren’t going to be able to have lots of hugely expansive levels, we knew that there would be some disappointment if we went out at a high price point, no matter how good it looked. We have experimented with a range of price points on the iPhone titles so far, but we had avoided the very low end. We decided that this would be a good opportunity to try a  $0.99 SD / $1.99 HD price point.  We need to stay focused on not letting the project creep out of control, but I think people will be very happy with the value.
He goes on to talk about the gameplay and a bunch of coder speak for making developing for the platform. But coming next month, roughly 700MB (double that for iphone 4/ipad), and hitting the $0.99 price point? Sounds like something Im going to have to check out.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #25 on: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 02:36:22 AM »
That sounds pretty amazing (but fuck it would suck if you downloaded it on cellular and didn't have an unlimited everywhere in Canada). 

In sort of related news, I believe Carmack just announced (possibly unofficially) that it would be coming to Android as well.  I don't imagine that the results would be quite as spectacular, however.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #26 on: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 08:21:52 AM »
On twitter he said "I'm going to regret having "ios" in all my type names when I port Rage Mobile to Android." So yeah, unofficially and might have just been a funny comment.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #27 on: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 11:15:06 AM »

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #28 on: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 12:47:32 PM »
Skullpogo is free today.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #29 on: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 02:09:05 PM »
On twitter he said "I'm going to regret having "ios" in all my type names when I port Rage Mobile to Android." So yeah, unofficially and might have just been a funny comment.

Ahhh, that's all it was?  I just get a lot of these stories while browsing google reader on my phone at work or whatever, and rarely actually click to expand the story to the full article (I recently did so to read a story on Techcrunch about the iPhone going to Verizon.  Horribly written and reminded me why I don't usually read the full articles).  It seems a lot of tech sites blow things out of proportion.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #30 on: Saturday, October 30, 2010, 02:26:50 PM »
He's now stated that hes going to take a stab at porting to Android, but its NOT a product announcement.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #31 on: Wednesday, November 03, 2010, 07:51:11 PM »
Lovecraft/Arkham Horror fans might want to check out Necronomicon. Awesome looking singleplayer RPG/boardgame.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #32 on: Thursday, November 04, 2010, 06:22:40 PM »
That looks fucking awesome.  I'm all over it.

I've downloaded way, way too many apps lately.  Most aren't games, but I did pick up a couple.

First was Plants vs. Zombies, which everyone already knows.  Makes a great iPod game.  Picked up another called Bar Oasis which is actually pretty cool.  You basically just mix drinks for people, but it's got a ton of recipes and stuff, and it has like a main adventure mode with a story and everything, seems like kind of a little romantic story sort of like a dating sim or something, and you make money and pour drinks for people as the regulars of the bar come in and out and progress things.  It's actually kind of neat.  I also grabbed Shredder Chess which I'd been playing for free for quite some time, and it's great stuff.

Next on my list of potentials is Zenonia which looks pretty awesome.  Has a sequel, too.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #33 on: Friday, November 05, 2010, 08:02:41 AM »
haha the funny thing about PvZ is that I've gotten my mother hooked on it. I got her a laptop on her birthday, after she couldn't stop playing bejeweled on the family comp. Also, when I was a kid, she bought me all sorts of consoles like the Atari etc. She used to play a lot of pac-man, donkey kong etc.

Anyway, so I got her on PvZ, after I told her it was by the guys who made Peggle (which she loved.)

She can't get enough of PvZ. The first night, she was up till two in the morning, after starting at seven in the evening. She can't believe I got her hooked on that game.

I guess it is easier for us because we regularly get addicted to games, but for her, it was weird that she couldn't stop playing till 2:00 am.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #34 on: Friday, November 05, 2010, 11:51:58 AM »
Warning Que, I read Zenonia ends up being a bit of a grindfest. Might still be fun, though, depending on what you're looking for.

Some more freebies!

Al-in-1 Logic Gamebox: 7 puzzle games with some nice looking art.
Titans vs Olympians: A fantasy card battle game. Guess its like Magic or Yugioh or something. I'm going to check it out.
Fare City: Taxi Mania: Flight Control with taxis. Looks nice if you like the line-drawing games.
Lil' Pirates: I guess this is Capcoms take on Farmville? Except less growing veggies and more pillaging.

Played Titans vs Olympians and Fare City. TvO is ok from what the tutorial and first match I played, but I'm not seeing the depth. Like I MUST attack with whatever card I have out even if I know it'll kill my creature. I didnt see a way to simply pass the turn. Maybe I need to look through the rules some more but it feels like the outcome is almost predetermined by your card draws and not any actual strategy.

Fare City is pretty cool. You dont draw arbitrary lines like other line drawing games, the cab follows the roads like an actual car. So as you drag your finger around it keeps it all nice and neat. So the city is a grid of some sort, you get a taxi and passengers spawn randomly. Direct the cab to the passenger, then once you pick them up a destination appears in a random location. Drive the cab there, earn money (score). As you go along, you'll get more cabs so the trick is to direct them around so they dont crash into each other. This gets harder and more hectic the longer you go and the more cabs out at once. Tapping a car will stop it for 5 seconds, helps avoid accidents.
« Last Edit: Friday, November 05, 2010, 09:17:52 PM by idolminds »

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #35 on: Monday, November 08, 2010, 10:33:13 AM »
Gave a little time to Necronomicon, and while it has potential and some nice art design elements (actually, some great art design elements), the game itself is too basic.  It basically has a ridiculously simple board game (too simple), a decent little card game, and sort of not enough to bring it all together in the end.  They really need like one more layer to bind it together, the elements feel too disparate.  It also suffers from some feedback problems.  That said, it isn't bad, and any Lovecraft geek will enjoy the art and such quite a lot.  They seem to have plans to expand it with new decks and such, I just hope they also tweak the core game a bit as well, expand it a little.  A lot of it is just too simple.  I was hoping more for a portable version of Arkham Horror and while this could almost be that, it just isn't quite there.  Okay, it isn't even remotely there.

Hopefully there are some good updates, but we'll see.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #36 on: Monday, November 08, 2010, 12:23:13 PM »
Preview of Mutant Bash TV aka RAGE for iOS.

Looks like its going to be an on-rails shooter along the lines of Doom Resurrection, but more about point scoring and repeat plays. For 99 cents (or $1.99 for Iphone 4/iPad for "HD") I'll probably give it a whirl anyway.

And thats too bad about Necronomicon. It looked pretty cool.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #37 on: Monday, November 08, 2010, 02:05:54 PM »
I have hope for it yet.  Some games do get pretty decent updates.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #38 on: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 12:18:43 AM »
Get this while it is free!

Textropolis: A simple word game. You get the names of these towns and must spell as many words using the letters of the names of those towns. Really simple, but unlike a lot of word games there is no time limit, no clock to beat, no penalties. Its just a nice relaxing game.

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Re: iOS Gaming Thread
« Reply #39 on: Thursday, November 11, 2010, 12:32:29 AM »
That sounds great!

Also, I've spent a fair amount of time with Alive4ever, and it's quite fun.  Basically, it's L4D crossed with Crimsonland, and it works quite well.  It does 4 players over wifi or bluetooth, and you pretty much run around shooting the shit out of zombies while grabbing bonuses, getting vaccines and gold that will boost your scores and stuff at the end of a level, and you can rescue survivors.  Each mission (there are 30) has different objectives, and though these all seem fairly samey, there are also harder bonus objectives that unlock gear.  It gets tougher as it goes.  It's also nice because it's got an RPG sorta thing going for it, so you earn money and gain experience, and you can upgrade your guy with the points and buy new weapons (primary and sub) with the cash.  It's pretty damned good, actually, if somewhat basic, and I've had a lot of fun with it.  It makes a great game to just play for a few minutes, but you can also sit down and enjoy it because it's got some of the nicer persistent mission-to-mission stuff.  I imagine the MP would be fun, too.

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