HAha, I heard that on the radio. I was excused. Their website is bullshit, because when filing the reason they literally gave enough room for two sentences, but also said to make sure you were detailed enough to avoid them having to call you. I basically told the truth "Just got out of school....broke yo. Rent going up. I can't fucking pay my bills working full time". Excused the next day via email.
Seriously, I don't have a problem with it in principle, but you can't force someone to make $20 a day for 20 days. You might as well throw me in prison for that time, I'll be just as fucked when I get out. If they're going to pay a pittance, they need to make it law that your employer has to cover you or something. It's actually ridiculous here where you get $20 a day for the first 40 days, something like $60 a day from 41-60, and $100 a day after that. That's below minimum wage. I will never serve with shit like that unless I'm covered somehow. They might as well just award me bankruptcy when they send the letter out.