Author Topic: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?  (Read 17502 times)

Offline scottws

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When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 08:59:18 AM »
For a long time after 9/11/01, I harbored a negative mindset regarding all Muslims.  After doing some research and speaking to Middle Easterners and Muslims, I learned that the Islamic fundamentalists ("the terrorists") are a small minority of the Muslim culture, are considered to be perverting the writings of the Qur'an, and that other Muslims feel embarrassed by them to at least some degree.  Eventually, I was able to get beyond my ignorance and set aside my negative stereotypes of Muslims.

But I am getting tired of reading stories like the following from the BBC:

I'm sure that media attention and my attention is one of the reasons that I see more stories like this than I did before 9/11/01, but this is getting ridiculous.  I am fully aware that Muslims aren't the first to initiate a holy war, as Christians did it during the Crusades and to a lesser extent the Spanish Inquisition, but those were 500 - 1000 years ago and I like to think that the modern Christian is far more compassionate and tolerant of other religions than medieval Christians.

Why does this continue in the modern day?  It is ridiculous.  It seems obvious to me that there is no true way for non-Muslims to fight these Islamic fundamentalists and win over the long term.  For every one killed, two more take his or her place as the killings can intensify the feelings of hate and the impression of an ongoing holy war.  The only way this fundamentalism is going to get stamped out is internally within Muslim culture.  If normal Muslims are embarrassed by the perversions of the fundamentalists, it is about time for them to start doing something about it.  The article I linked does show that the Egyptian president seems to realize that so I can't say everyone seems to stand idly by as these bombs go off, but more needs to be done.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 10:46:21 AM »
. . . My suggestion to Muslims who don't want to be unfairly grouped in with our mortal enemies is to step forward and help eradicate the evil that festers within their ranks.  As older Japanese Americans will attest, being passively peaceful is not good enough during times like these.  That suggestion applies anywhere in the world, including Pakistan and Afghanistan.

I agree with you completely.  In Japan, the doves, fearing for their world, which centered on the emperor, clamped down on the hawks after the 2 nuclear bombs.  The war in the Pacific then ended--truly ended.  We didn't have to fight suicidal fanatics for decades thereafter, did we?  No more kamikazes.  Hopefully, a less painful way of convincing potential future allies can be found in our current world war.

Offline Xessive

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 11:53:34 AM »
A state policing itself ought to be the standard, in my opinion. In the case of Egypt, it is the Egyptian government's responsibility to secure the nation's territory from terrorists within or abroad.

As I understand it, the issue raised here is that "Muslim Nations," as a whole, should do so for all Muslim people, which is not so simple. We're talking about crossing a lot of borders, different countries with varying political positions, laws, cultures, etc. It would be like saying the UK should police the rest of the English-speaking world. It's easy to clump any social characteristic into a larger group and label it as one, especially when it's related to an unfamiliar or distant culture.

Anyone who suggests that assaulting civilian masses would solve the "terrorist problem" needs to rethink that suggestion; such an action would be an act of terrorism in itself and generally a callous approach to solving problems.

You can't kill ideas with bullets and bombs. The problem with fundamentalists of any movement is the idea driving them, not the individuals who carry out the tasks. It cannot be solved with physical violence.

I think we, and perhaps the majority of Human civilization, would agree that the Ku Klux Klan and what they stand for are, for all intents and purposes, "evil." If that's the case then why do they still exist? The KKK's ideas and abstract concepts subsist among uneducated pockets of civilization. Do we bomb them? Of course not, we attempt to educate them at best. When individual KKK members commit crimes they tried as individual criminals. Should the rest of the world launch an attack on the USA just because it has the highest concentration of KKK terrorists? Unthinkable. We cannot generalize an entire population based on the actions of a minority of individuals.

It's easier said than done: the most apt course of action is to educate not annihilate.

Offline ren

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 12:03:49 PM »
It is a small minority of Muslims that cause the problem but for the most part these Muslims seemed to originate from similar countries. Take a look at the chart. There are many, many countries on that list with an over 90% Muslim population which you so rarely hear associate with terrorism. The problem comes through with Islam but Islam isn't the cause of the problem. Before the Russians invaded Afghanistan it was an incredibly western country by Islamic standards where womens rights were turning a corner and education was cherished. Now it seems beyond the brink.

Offline Xessive

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 12:12:30 PM »
It is a small minority of Muslims that cause the problem but for the most part these Muslims seemed to originate from similar countries. Take a look at the chart. There are many, many countries on that list with an over 90% Muslim population which you so rarely hear associate with terrorism. The problem comes through with Islam but Islam isn't the cause of the problem. Before the Russians invaded Afghanistan it was an incredibly western country by Islamic standards where womens rights were turning a corner and education was cherished. Now it seems beyond the brink.
It's disgraceful how oppression can eradicate all traces of culture, education, and prosperity. Think about all the past civilizations that fell, for any number of reasons.

Coming back to the main topic: a few bad apples, man.

Offline scottws

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 12:17:12 PM »
I am not necessarily advocating violence against fundamentalists.  I am simply saying that inaction and looking the other way is not acceptable any longer.  "Action" can be anything that helps get rid of the violent fundamentalism.  How many people have to die?

As far as the comparison to the KKK goes though... what?  Sure, the KKK is a fundamentalist group, but last time I checked they don't hang black people anymore.  Our culture has already made clear that isn't acceptable any longer.  Actually, this might be a good example of a group that was neutered via cultural means.   But as an example defending inaction against fundamentalism, there are orders of magnitude difference between the KKK and violent Islamic fundamentalists, even when comparing the KKK when it was actually dangerous.  The KKK never went an an international war of genocide.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #6 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 12:23:47 PM »
Actually, nations, meaning national governments, are not what I was thinking about.  My thought is that the Muslim communities themselves need to clamp down internally on their own fringe element.  They can't sit idly by, let such atrocities happen, then expect fearful, weary Westerners to keep a benevolent attitude in general toward Muslims.  Sooner or later, probably after some last straw in the same vein as 9/11, the West will get pissed off enough to be less particular about who dies, as long as the bad guys die among them.  And isn't this exactly the goal of al-Qaeda, to trigger a global war between Muslims and the West?  They're gaining ground.  Scott is right; we can't prevent this alone.  For Muslim communities, helping us out means helping themselves even further in the process.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #7 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 01:59:26 PM »
The extremely ignorant opinions expressed in this thread are headache inducing. Get off your high horse and please get a satellite network that actually presents what is happening for god's sake. Listening to you guys is like listening to arm chair critics who really don't have the complete picture.

Thank god for people like Beo and GPW.

My respect for Beo went through the roof, after his attitude here after the London bombings.

Offline Xessive

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #8 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 02:21:16 PM »
Thank God the KKK never went international. They were most prominent in a time when int'l travel was not as feasible!

I'm just having a really hard time accepting the "Muslims vs West" perspective. Muslims exist everywhere and are not limited to one specific location, even though there is a great concentrations of Muslim people in the Middle East. The issue is now turning into a comprehension problem. A Muslim person is not a citizen of some fictional "Islamic Fundamentalist Country" that organizes attacks and terrorist activities. A Muslim is simply someone who believes in the One God and that Mohammed is his final prophet. What that entails is the theology and typical religious guidelines that are pretty much the same ones in every other religion: don't kill, don't steal, don't rape, don't fuck other people's spouses, don't be an asshole, etc.

A fundamentalist can add his/her magic to any religion/political movement by simply and naturally being a complete dick. A fundamentalist is someone who no matter what religion, creed, or culture their born into will make life more tedious and infuriating for everyone around them i.e. PeTA. Fighting for animals rights is a noble cause but the way they do it has inspired terms like "eco-terrorism."

The problem is not Muslims or Islamic states. The problem is ignorance and fundamentalism. Muslims just happen to be the hot trend, as were the Russians before them, the Japanese before them, the Germans before them, and the English before them. My point is that many of the monsters we see today were created by "the sins of the fathers."

Stupidity does not discriminate: it can be in any ethnicity, young or old, stout or slender, it doesn't matter. You cannot cure a disease by attending the symptoms, you have to hit the root of the problem.

Offline Cobra951

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #9 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 05:19:08 PM »
I expressed my views as delicately and fairly as I know how.  I'm confident that my perspective is clearer and better informed than you'll ever get from most of the Western recipients of this fucking bullshit spewing from the blackest filth infesting the Muslim world.  If you choose to think that I'm ignorant, go right ahead.  I'm not seeking enlightenment from you.  I'm seeking to enlighten you about the depth and breadth of this conflict, what it means to us, how it shakes us to our very core, and how it enrages us into action.  Calling us ignorant won't take the sword out of our hands.  Helping us defuse the ticking bomb is what should drive you now, not inflaming tensions with naive self-righteousness.  I'm proposing a productive course of action, and you dismiss it with disdain.

No one thinks that the Muslim world per se is to blame here.  We just know who our enemy is, and what skirts and veils he hides behind.  Someone can move the skirts and lift the veils, someone who is already there, someone who knows the language, the culture, and who's who.  Would you rather we shred the skirts and incinerate the veils in an effort to kill our enemy?  You need to understand.  People here don't give a fuck about anything other than their lives and their families.  They'd rather see half the other side of the world go up in smoke than experience another event like 9/11.  God help humanity if the enemy manages to suitcase-nuke a city.  Help us, and ultimately you help everyone.  Don't just turn your back and walk away.

We will clean our own house, Xessive.  I'm proposing that everyone do the same.

I'm done.

Offline scottws

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #10 on: Sunday, January 02, 2011, 06:55:26 PM »
I am with Cobra on this and I stand by my original statements.  I am sorry that you feel they are ignorant, but remember that this is the Serious Topics board.  I did not post it with the intention of sparking a flame.  Rather, I was stating something admittedly controversial that was bothering me and was interested in discourse about the subject.  As I said before, I once held the belief that all Muslims are inherently evil and I was able to engage in intelligent conversation with others, including a few here, and was persuaded that my thoughts on the subject were irrational and why they were so.  Rather than simply label me "ignorant", why don't you tell me why you think so?

If I didn't make it clear before, then I apologize.  I understand the concept of fundamentalism and realize that it isn't isolated to Islam.  I realize that atrocities are were committed or directed by Stalin, Hitler, former KKK members, former Catholic Popes, African dictators, and I'm sure a slew of other individuals and groups that I didn't name.  However, I am speaking of Islam here.  Pointing to other current and past evils doesn't change the things that Islamic fundamentalists do or plan to do every day.

It is obvious a military strategy, especially from the perceived enemies of the Islamic fundamentalists isn't going to do anything other than fan the flames.  Not that that will stop the Western governments from trying to put them out.  The real way to stop it is to snuff it out internally from within the culture.  If education is the problem, then someone needs to find a way to educate.  As I said, when I said "action" I was not necessarily referring to armed combat or anything like that.  Just the opposite of inaction... the opposite of looking the other way.  Also, it seems to me that lots of imams promote the misinterpreted Islam.  Can't someone run them out of town?  As Xessive said, you have to treat the source of the problem rather than its symptoms.  It seems the individuals doing the indoctrinating with false teachings is certainly one source of the issue.  I mean I know it seems like an easy thing to say, but it seems only way this problem is going to get solved is from within the culture itself.

Pointing fingers at what Nazis and Stalin and the KKK did in the past is dismissive.  It does not excuse or somehow make me accept the Egyptian church that was bombed, the attacks on Washington and multiple attacks on New York, the London subway bombings, etc.  We shouldn't have to just simply accept that people are stupid and because of the particular ferocity of the current group of stupid people we should have to worry about randomly blowing up while we're at the mall or working downtown.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #11 on: Monday, January 03, 2011, 02:21:56 AM »
I understand what Scott and Cobra are saying but I don't like the idea of throwing the responsibility on the whole of Muslims is a safe mindset to have. If the fundamentalist problem gets worse then are you going to assume blame on all Muslims? Anyone can pervert their own religion to justify murder in their own eyes. Im more in an agreement with Xessive, it's ignorance breeding more ignorance which is a human dysfunction. Appointing a culture to fix itself lingers to close to stereotyping.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #12 on: Monday, January 03, 2011, 06:31:08 AM »
We will clean our own house, Xessive.  I'm proposing that everyone do the same.

Haha agreed! ;D

It's like housemates arguing over keeping clean rooms so we don't attract vermin!

For some reason the stereotyping point Pyro brought just gave me a mental image: imagine a sign that says "Dear African-Americans, kindly address the crack problem. -Best regards, America." That would be incredibly, ridiculously racist!

Scott, I agree with you that the corrupt individuals who indoctrinate others with false teachings and so on are a source that needs to be dealt with, absolutely. However if it's going to be by means of physical violence then it has to be a surgical strike, precision tactics that target only the criminal individuals/parties.

What I am trying to avoid is generalization and the notion that in this day and age the word "Muslim" is somehow synonymous with "terrorist." I refer to the past cases with Nazis, KKK, Stalin, etc. to cite precedence not to justify current activities. We, as people in this point of Human history, should learn from the mistakes not repeat them decade after decade.

In my particular case, I happen to have been born in a time when my creed or ethnicity is in the spotlight. Had I been born Irish, Japanese, or Venezuelan my circumstances and my perspectives would be invariably different, however, I would likely still recognize the generalization simply because I believe it's important to have all sides of a story before I make a judgement.

Even in my own culture and religion I occasionally hear ignorant rants (I mean seriously ignorant shit) and I have to speak out "How can you say that? How can you call yourself a Muslim and speak with such distasteful language about another culture/creed?" And it occurs to me that this person does not speak this way because he's a Muslim, rather it's because he's an ignoramus. While it's not technically illegal to be stupid or an asshole, I'll do what I can to educate him but at the end of the discussion I'm not his parent nor am I an authority figure, he's not obliged to listen to me. The beauty of free will is he'll have no one to blame but himself when the consequences of his actions catch up to him.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #13 on: Monday, January 03, 2011, 03:21:48 PM »
The extremely ignorant opinions expressed in this thread are headache inducing. Get off your high horse and please get a satellite network that actually presents what is happening for god's sake. Listening to you guys is like listening to arm chair critics who really don't have the complete picture.

That's the first thing that came to my mind when I started reading this thread. The world isn't as bad as the media here makes it out to be. I've lived in the East, at one point maybe an hour or so from Iran. Guess what? Not everyone's out to get you America! The opinion presented here boils down to: we are right, you are wrong, you should do something about it. My way or the highway...

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #14 on: Monday, January 03, 2011, 05:05:36 PM »
That's bullshit.  I don't give a shit what other people want to believe or do with their lives, as long as it doesn't involve killing me, my friends, or my family.  You act like that's asking too much.

And what the hell does this have to do with America, specifically?  The article posted is from the British Broadcasting Corporation regarding a terrorist bombing at a church in Egypt.  Islamic fundamentalists are a global threat.

Edit:  Also, I can't possibly make any clearer that I do differentiate between "Islamic fundamentalists" and "Muslims".  They are not the same and I hold no ill will towards Muslims in general.
« Last Edit: Monday, January 03, 2011, 05:27:01 PM by scottws »

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 12:25:08 AM »
Ok, don't have a heart attack there.

Offline Pugnate

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #16 on: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 12:39:54 AM »

Offline Pugnate

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #17 on: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 12:41:19 AM »
I have issues with much of what came from Scottws and Cobra here. I started to draft a response, but it got very long. I am still putting it together. Hopefully will have it ready in 48 hours or so when I get the time.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #18 on: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 02:20:01 AM »
I also want to say that I have nothing but affection for Cobra and Scottws, and that there are no ill-feelings on my part. I will post my response later tonight or so.

I also want to say something. I have been drifting away from religion and religious beliefs since when I was thirteen and a religious order was issued for the assassination of a man, whose books most Muslims had not even read. That said, it was stupid at the time for me to condemn an entire religion based on the actions of one self-important group of extremists. While I feel that there a huge probability that god does exist, I have never been convinced by organized religion in the modern age.

I consider myself to be highly self aware (whether that is true or not, I am not sure), and my unique position will probably provide more insight on these questions.

I also feel there is a lot of bias and phobia from a lot of people. There is no doubt that a lot of it is simply the fault of Muslims, but equally, it is growing up around a biased media etc. So many things about Islamic culture just don't get reported in the USA. Anyway, I will post my full response later. Hopefully it will be a learning experience for myself and those who are reading.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 03:35:33 AM by Pugnate »

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #19 on: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 02:40:57 AM »
I have nothing to say, but I sympathize with the fears of many people about the violent actions of extremists.  This is an interesting thread, and regardless of some difficulties in negotiating rough waters like this, which are bound to cause a heated argument or two, I love all of you guys.  You're all good people.  Bear that in mind and discuss away.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #20 on: Tuesday, January 04, 2011, 05:59:10 AM »
I love you too, Que. (no homo)

Offline Cobra951

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #21 on: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 08:46:34 AM »
I am curious about thoughts on this conversation.  We are not the first to bring up the topic.  Is this more ignorance, or observation?

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #22 on: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 10:42:33 AM »
According to that particular discussion it seems to completely neglect the fact that the West doesn't actually watch Arabic Television, and I'm not just talking about the one channel they know about "Al Jazeera" I'm talking about all Arabic news television which is actively discussing the issue practically all the time.

It's not that Muslim society doesn't criticize the extremists, we do; we speak and discuss the issues, all the frickin' time it's sickening. Western society just isn't aware of it because the people don't speak Arabic nor do they watch those more obscure programmes and channels. On the other hand, the majority of the world, Islamic countries in particular, all speak English and are very familiar with Western television and can be quite versed in pop culture.

With regards to getting anything actually done about the extremists, that's a different issue because it relies heavily on having a proactive government, which if you knew what Middle-Eastern governments are like you'd realize is an oxymoron. So far the general consensus is that governments are counterproductive but there's little the people can do to change that because all the "power" and Western support is with said governments. For example, Egypt: technically a republic but we've been under "martial law" for going on 29 years now. The people have tried to change it but the sham they call "elections" don't get anywhere and anyone who speaks up magically disappears from the face of the Earth. The United States keeps the current government in power because it supports US politics and saps the life out of its own citizens. I'm going off on a tangent but this was just to illustrate why it's so difficult to get anything "official" done from our side of the world; we're practically run by a mafia that's "not officially" in bed with Western governments. It's a very slippery political shitball that no one wants to handle.

As for the second article it's a viable discussion but it seems directed once again at all Muslims rather than pointing out that ignorant morons will react violently to anything. It simply asks the question "Why is it OK for Muslims to depict others in a bad light but still go off the handle when someone says anything about them?" Which is a little naïve because it generalizes that all Muslims went apeshit over the Prophet Muhammad cartoons. The civilized Muslims simply shook their heads in disagreement while the retards went on a riot. What's louder? Go figure. It pisses me off to no end when I see jackasses overreact unreasonably to practically anything:

Idiot: "Your mother smells."
Extremist Jackass: "I will burn your house down with your entire family inside after I spray your face with acid." *followed by a series of punches and headbutts.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #23 on: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 12:38:25 PM »
I understand what you are saying, Xessive.  Idiocy nor extremism is not limited to any one group.  That said, while your example about the mother insult is truthful, the fact is that there is a difference in magnitude between say the crazy guy that will spray acid in people's faces that insult his mother and Islamic fundamentalists and I think it is important not to dismiss this.

To use one of your earlier examples, sure there are extremist PETA members who go to crazy lengths to demonstrate their points.  But last I checked, there hasn't been a rash of bombings by PETA members over a huge geographical area that have killed thousands of people and many more failed or foiled attacks that had the potential to kill hundreds or thousands more.

The only things I can think of offhand that are anything like what Islamic fundamentalists are doing today are Nazi Germany killing Jews, Stalin ordering the starvation or execution of millions of his own countrymen, and The Crusades against non-Christans.  All of these are violent, large scale attacks against an unsuspecting or generally innocent public that performed few crimes except being who they are.  Of course, I'm sure Islamic fundamentalists, facist Nazis, and Stalin would dispute the term "innocent" as it is used here, but taking a step back and looking at the whole picture, there is no denying that the violence is simply wrong.  "Being who they are" is also a risky phrase because if you are a hateful, serial-killing murder, do you really deserve the same rights as someone who just sort of goes about their lives harming few people along the way?  Semantics aside, I think you understand what I am getting at.

I'm not out to say which group was worse in history or anything like that, but terror attacks by Islamic fundamentalists are one of the greatest scourges today and they need to stop or at least get scaled way back.  We've tried from our end militarily and it is clear that this isn't working, is a mistake, or both.  We - "we" not necessarily meaning Americans, but all those deemed infidels - have no cultural or political influence over these people as they hate us to the very core and have made it their mission to eradicate us from this earth.  What other means are there?  We can stop doing things that anger the group, but sometimes it seems that this list has no end and there is always going to be something that sets them off.

That is why I think that the biggest potential influence on these people is from the rest of the Muslim culture.  The subject of this thread is a little harsh.  It was an emotional response to the article I just read.  I don't want to say the article was any sort of last straw for me, but it did strike a nerve.  I am not angered by what I perceive as inaction, but frustrated by it.  I just see cultural influence within Muslim culture as the greatest weapon anyone can wield against the Islamic fundamentalists and just wish it was wielded with more ferocity.  From what Xessive is saying, it sounds like people are trying and it's just ineffective so far... probably due to proximity regarding those actually willing to take action and lack of true government support.

« Last Edit: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 01:02:02 PM by scottws »

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #24 on: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 02:19:51 PM »
We've identified the threat and something needs to be done. I agree with you 100%, Scott.

The community's priority, in my opinion, ought to be the education of the masses to make sure that no more youths fall prey to the manipulations of the fanatics (or cultists). That will certainly cut off their primary resource: able bodies. As long as they can weave their sordid lies over the eyes of the naive youths, direct assaults on the extremists will only reinforce them: instead of eliminating criminals we'd be creating glorified martyrs.

It's a complicated issue but one knot at a time it can be solved without the need to resort to extreme violence.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #25 on: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 03:09:38 PM »
The only things I can think of offhand that are anything like what Islamic fundamentalists are doing today are Nazi Germany killing Jews, Stalin ordering the starvation or execution of millions of his own countrymen, and The Crusades against non-Christans.  All of these are violent, large scale attacks against an unsuspecting or generally innocent public that performed few crimes except being who they are.  Of course, I'm sure Islamic fundamentalists, facist Nazis, and Stalin would dispute the term "innocent" as it is used here, but taking a step back and looking at the whole picture, there is no denying that the violence is simply wrong.  "Being who they are" is also a risky phrase because if you are a hateful, serial-killing murder, do you really deserve the same rights as someone who just sort of goes about their lives harming few people along the way?  Semantics aside, I think you understand what I am getting at.

This seems like a huge overstatement. The Nazis, Stalin and the Crusades were all heavily organized attacks by those in power. Islamic radicalism isn't like that at all. Organized Muslim groups do exist but for the most part they're just fringe sects working outside the law who recruit the young and poor to do their willing. Islamic radicalism isn't much different than most other forms of terrorism seen in the world.

I'm not out to say which group was worse in history or anything like that, but terror attacks by Islamic fundamentalists are one of the greatest scourges today and they need to stop or at least get scaled way back.  We've tried from our end militarily and it is clear that this isn't working, is a mistake, or both.  We - "we" not necessarily meaning Americans, but all those deemed infidels - have no cultural or political influence over these people as they hate us to the very core and have made it their mission to eradicate us from this earth.  What other means are there?  We can stop doing things that anger the group, but sometimes it seems that this list has no end and there is always going to be something that sets them off.

But Americans/the Western World do have lots of cultural and political influence in the Middle East and it does make a lot of people angry. Xessive just gave a perfect example with Egypt. What about articles like this which show this issue on a military basis and not an Islamic one?

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #26 on: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 04:32:17 PM »
This seems like a huge overstatement. The Nazis, Stalin and the Crusades were all heavily organized attacks by those in power. Islamic radicalism isn't like that at all. Organized Muslim groups do exist but for the most part they're just fringe sects working outside the law who recruit the young and poor to do their willing. Islamic radicalism isn't much different than most other forms of terrorism seen in the world.
See, this is the sort of attitude I view as dismissive of the problem.  Either vaguely ignoring it, blaming it on something else, or downplaying the severity.

While I don't know the estimated unjust deaths caused by the Crusades, I do know that totals from Islamic terrorist attacks do not come close to the acts by the Nazis and Stalin.  However, the Islamic fundamentalism attacks are far, far more significant in scope and magnitude than crazy stuff PETA members do sometimes or the KKK used to do or serial killers or people who spray acid in people's faces for insulting their mother do.  I was simply trying to get Xessive away from the idea he seemed to be promoting that somehow the average crazy and the average Islamic fundamentalist crazy are the same.  I don't think that is true based on the sheer scope and magnitude of Islamic fundamentalist terrorism.  Did I overplay it?  I suppose that maybe I did.  But this doesn't make these attacks insignificant.

But Americans/the Western World do have lots of cultural and political influence in the Middle East and it does make a lot of people angry. Xessive just gave a perfect example with Egypt. What about articles like this which show this issue on a military basis and not an Islamic one?
The article you linked makes many valid points and I would agree that Western (mostly American) military and foreign policy strategies in the Middle East have fanned the flames of Islamic fundamentalism, especially under Bush.  If you note, in none of my posts above do I say anything about attacks on our military personnel overseas.  This was intentional, because even though those battling our Western forces are using guerrilla tactics rather than traditional military tactics, they are still ultimately battling our military.  That is war, not terrorism and I disassociate those even if the underlying cause for and sometimes the method of attacks of both types sometimes has the same motives.  Also, even though the article makes an attempt to deflect it, doesn't the U.S. occupation of post-WWII Japan contradict at least some of the author's point?  The author tries to say that when an occupied region's culture and religion differ greatly from that of the foreign occupying nation, the likelihood for suicide attacks is greatly increased.  Japanese culture and Western culture were nothing alike.  Japanese religion was Shintoism and Buddhism or a mix of both, for the most part, and both of these are completely foreign concepts compared to Christianity or Juddaism, whereas Islam is much more similar.  If what the author is saying in most of the article is true, the U.S. should have faced a much fiercer onslaught of suicide attacks from Japanese after WWII than it does today from Islamic fundamentalists.

I feel like a key thing being missed here is that the article that struck a nerve here was a Islamic fundamentalist terrorist attack on an Egyptian church.  This significant fact is being glossed over or outright ignored in this thread time and again.  It wasn't an attack on some American military convoy in Iraq.  It wasn't an attack on Times Square in New York City.  It wasn't an attack on an American or other Western embassy.  It wasn't even an attack on a government building of some Middle Eastern puppet government of the West.

It was an attack on a Middle Eastern church.  Explain to me how foreign military occupation was the root cause of that attack.  Dismiss that.  Shrug that off as a provocation by the West.

Then you have the second article that Cobra posted about the attack on the Mohammad cartoon artist.  The cartoon was insensitive and I think it was a mistake to publish it, especially when it is about a particular part of a culture that has shown to be violently sensitive (the part, not the overall culture).  However, the author of the article makes a good point when he says "The irony of engaging in exactly the kind of vilent [sic] and mindless behavior denoted by the cartoon is also, apparently, completely lost on those of the Muslim faith."  The author of that article paints too broad a stroke, painting all Muslims with the same brush as Xessive pointed out, but I still think what he says is a great observation.

What do attacks on NYC, Washington D.C., London subways, Middle Eastern churches, and Mohammad cartoon artists have in common?  Here is a hint:  it isn't foreign military occupation.

Now, I've already said multiple times that our war on terror is just making it worse, but clearly that is only part of the equation.
« Last Edit: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 05:11:27 PM by scottws »

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #27 on: Wednesday, January 05, 2011, 08:00:38 PM »
I think we're all ignoring the biggest threat to international peace and unity here:

The Russians are obviously cheating in international ice hockey tournaments here.  Something must be done. 

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #28 on: Friday, January 07, 2011, 05:30:56 AM »
The Israelis are assholes too.  I would love to see our support of that nation stop.

Offline bullshark

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #29 on: Tuesday, February 01, 2011, 08:49:02 AM »
All the muslim communities I've been involved with (that includes areas in North America and the Middle East) do clamp down internally on fringe elements, hence the term fringe elements.  The extremists sit on the outside of mainstream muslim world.  The overwhelming majority of muslim leaders, organizations, schools, and communities all condemn terrorism and teach against it but you'll never see that portrayed on major media outlets.

Hamza Yusuf is an American muslim who has the ear of hundreds of thousands of muslims around the world.  His views and tone are far more in line with the muslims I've encountered in my travels.  His blog and articles are particularly interesting.  Here is a link to some of his stuff.

Also, I always ask people with these questions if they have ever personally spoken to a muslim, muslim scholar, or been to a mosque?  Or even better, been to a muslim country.  I'm always amazed at the difference in tone people have toward muslims post middle east experience.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #30 on: Monday, June 27, 2011, 04:27:23 AM »

Why do these people want Islamic governments or to force everyone to abide by strict Islamic code?  Can't they just be happy with the fact that they are seeking to live a pure lifestyle and that everyone else is doomed?  Clearly not, but I just don't get why they want to force everyone to live by their rules.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #31 on: Monday, June 27, 2011, 05:18:31 AM »

Why do these people want Islamic governments or to force everyone to abide by strict Islamic code?  Can't they just be happy with the fact that they are seeking to live a pure lifestyle and that everyone else is doomed?  Clearly not, but I just don't get why they want to force everyone to live by their rules.
Good ol' fashioned fascism! "If you're not with us, you're against us."

Some people just can't accept the fact that people are different. Even within Islam, God gives us lease for exceptions and a lot of leeway with the rules but some people can't even accept that with reaction like "God says it's ok? Well, I'm here and I say it's not so you're getting punishment."

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #32 on: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 05:52:34 PM »

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #33 on: Tuesday, June 28, 2011, 11:21:53 PM »
Yep. Overzealous assholes that equate themselves with God. Sometimes they come up with crap like "God has chosen me to enact his judgement on your sins" or some such nonsense like it gives them the right to overstep their bounds, abuse power, and believe that they are above the law and somehow better than everyone else.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #34 on: Monday, July 04, 2011, 01:34:05 PM »
I'm curious as to what you guys think of this:

Would you support the government funding a group like STREET with heavily fundamentalist Muslim views but also a commitment to a secular government and not blowing things up?

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #35 on: Monday, July 04, 2011, 02:30:20 PM »
No government should ever give money to a religious organization.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #36 on: Monday, July 04, 2011, 02:35:36 PM »
if a religious organization receives money from the government, how can that government be considered truly secular? no group with religious affiliation should receive tax payers money.

edit - haha, snap, que!

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #37 on: Monday, July 04, 2011, 02:47:57 PM »
Even though the funding is was under Prevent to discourage potential terrorists? Even if STREET had the ear over the supposed 'enemy' and influence over them? It just sounds like social work that's targeting a problematic community which happens to be organized around a religion. Religious organizations get money from the government all the time from government funding of catholic schools to tax refunds on charitable donations.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #38 on: Monday, July 04, 2011, 03:42:57 PM »
i disagree with that as well. you need utter removal of religion from government for it to serve the needs of all. there is no reason for charitable organizations to have religious links - if they want religious affiliation they should be funded solely by those whose agenda it furthers. in my mind, as soon as you intertwine the government and religion - in any way, you're inviting exclusion, favoritism and segregation.

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Re: When is Muslim culture going to start policing itself?
« Reply #39 on: Monday, July 04, 2011, 07:36:45 PM »
I completely agree with you about the separation of church and state but I was more curious about this specific instance at a more pragmatic level. The funding for STREET was cut due to austerity measures, not due to concerns on the intertwining of religion and government.

The title of this thread asks when Muslim culture is going to start policing itself but the same people who ask those questions were also against the mosque being build in NYC. So if you have a group like STREET which could be heavily influential in problematic areas of Muslim culture and you also want the Muslim community to start answering for itself more, couldn't funding peaceful groups and encouraging their interaction with the community be a possible answer. Do you think it's reasonable to ask Muslims to police themselves against aggressive fundamentalists and then publicly cut the funding of groups who are trying to do exactly that?