Author Topic: Multiplayer FPS game design thought: accuracy matters  (Read 2127 times)

Offline idolminds

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Multiplayer FPS game design thought: accuracy matters
« on: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 04:44:13 PM »
Obviously accuracy matters in the general sense, better aim = more hits scored = enemies die = you win. But a lot of games don't really reward accuracy other than a badge or achievement, and spray-and-pray is a legitimate tactic.

So I was thinking, what if you designed a game where accuracy was really important? For example, you LOSE points for every shot you take. Shots that hit an enemy are neutralized (-1 point to fire the shot, +1 point for hitting an enemy), and then kills are something like +10 points. So getting kills is important but so is getting them accurately and with fewer shots taken.

Ok, not earth shatteringly neat or anything but it came to me today and I thought it would at least something neat to try. Players run around like crazy and fill the air with lead. Seeing them really set up for a shot because missing has a bigger impact would be kinda neat.

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Re: Multiplayer FPS game design thought: accuracy matters
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 04:49:44 PM »
I'd give it a try.  Might make a fun mod.

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Re: Multiplayer FPS game design thought: accuracy matters
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 04:50:55 PM »
I think accuracy would matter if ammunition was made to be scarce.  If every single player only had one magazine, they would definitely make their shots count and spray and pray would only be used in desperate situations.

Doesn't the new Call of Duty have a new multiplayer mode where accuracy does matter.  I think only one person is given a gun and everyone else is given a throwing knife or something like that.  I'm not sure though since I didn't get the game.

Offline idolminds

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Re: Multiplayer FPS game design thought: accuracy matters
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, January 15, 2011, 04:54:22 PM »
Might be a fun mod for Counter Strike where you have to pay for your ammo and aren't given any at that start of a round. Of course that would require a re-balance of ammo prices and money earned from the game since after about the 5th round you can buy whatever you want and never worry about money.

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Re: Multiplayer FPS game design thought: accuracy matters
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, January 16, 2011, 06:59:36 AM »
The first thing that came to mind was that arcade sniper game Silent Scope.

My suggestion would be to make a score multiplier that operates based on your accuracy. For each consecutive hit the multiplier goes up, multiplying your score with each successful kill, and the multiplier goes down with each miss. Three consecutive misses depletes the multiplier back to x1.

I've definitely seen that somewhere but I can't recall where exactly. Definitely in beat 'em ups.

Offline MysterD

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Re: Multiplayer FPS game design thought: accuracy matters
« Reply #5 on: Sunday, January 16, 2011, 07:47:46 AM »

Sounds like this could be a very fun and tactical mod or game. I'd like to see this kind of shooter come to fruition. We got A LOT of TOO much of the "same, same" out there, as is.

We need more different spins, takes and ideas on genres - like yours.

Still waiting for that Devils v. Angels mod, BTW ;)

Offline W7RE

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Re: Multiplayer FPS game design thought: accuracy matters
« Reply #6 on: Monday, January 17, 2011, 02:46:11 AM »
Doesn't the new Call of Duty have a new multiplayer mode where accuracy does matter.  I think only one person is given a gun and everyone else is given a throwing knife or something like that.  I'm not sure though since I didn't get the game.

It's called "one in the chamber" mode. Every player has a knife and a pistol, with 1 bullet. If you kill someone, you get 1 bullet. Each player gets 3 lives.

There's a few other interesting game variants, but this is the only one that probably fits what you guys are talking about.