I just finished the 3rd episode. The story so far is pretty good, but I think I may have been expecting too much. Or maybe it's that half the time I'm bitter about the poor controls. (And poor performance affecting the controls. At one point you have a gun pointed at you and if you keep walking, the person will shoot. I stopped walking, but the game hung and it didn't register, so I died. Oh and the floaty and unresponsive sniping sections introduced in Ep3.) I find it weird that the guys at Giant Bomb praise it so highly for it's story, when these same people complained non stop during season 2 of the show. Season 2 was all about the characters and the losing of one's humanity, and this is the same.
Also, this game is teaching me that I don't like adventure games. I'm not fond of the constant pixel hunt and back and forth I end up doing. Basically you find the specific item/location it wants you to interact with, then it gives you a new one to find and interact with. Often you have to look around to find the thing you must manipulate, then hunt around for a tool to manipulate it with, then go back and do it. At one point in episode 3 I found 3 tools to choose from, but could only hold 1 at a time. I spent 5 minutes going back and forth trying them all, only to realize I had to do something completely different first. I guess at least I'm not finding myself screwed over in episode 3 because of items I missed in episode 1. (a problem I remember having in old King's Quest games.)