Jennie was really into this show and I never was. Every week she tried to convince me to watch it with her, and finally I gave in. And I proceeded to watch as a black cloud followed some people through a jungle, turned into a hand, and killed some guy by picking him up and slamming him on the ground.
Granted, I know it is one of those shows where you need to watch from the beginning but that was just fucking stupid. I never watched it again.
Battlestar Galactica on the other hand... that is a good show. I have still not watched all of it. I am nearing the end of season 3 and I'm picking up a thick X-Files vibe where there are a bunch of one-off filler shows and then finally there will be one that advances the plot. Sometimes the filler does something nice with the characterization or lore, but I am frequently finding them to be a waste of my time. I don't remember feeling this way in seasons 1 or 2.
I really screwed up with this show though. See, I downloaded seasons 1 and most of season 2 and watched them in pretty rapid succession. But then I got busted for piracy and stopped and had to rely on watching them on TV. I got a DVR, but I never would commit myself to watching the recorded episodes. Occasionally I'd see it live and would have to stop watching it because of all the stuff I'd missed.
I really need to just get this one done.