Author Topic: I am an RPG item hoarder  (Read 2350 times)

Offline idolminds

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I am an RPG item hoarder
« on: Monday, March 21, 2011, 01:07:00 PM »
RPGs like to give you lots of items. Some are useful like health potions, some might be quest rewards, some might be useful later on, and some things are just sort of there so you can sell it. I'm pretty terrible with stuff like this. If its armor or a weapon then hell yeah, equip that shit. But what about that one strange item? Is it trash that I should sell? Should I hold onto it in case someone, somewhere asks me for it? I'll hold onto it....just in case.

I'm currently going through this in Yakuza 4. My "bank" is just full of everything I've picked up. Even the god damn worthless toys I won in the crane game I've been holding on to. I don't think they have any use, but I don't want to sell them in case they do. Theres a little golden toy you receive by simply talking to a dude in the pachinko parlor. He asks you a question and the answer is in a flyer literally right next to him. Taking that toy to the pawn shop and its worth over ¥100,000. It can't be that easy to get that much money, right? Its a trick! I must resist the urge to sell it because it will be useful! I just know it!

Or do I?

Damnit, gaming.

Offline iPPi

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Re: I am an RPG item hoarder
« Reply #1 on: Monday, March 21, 2011, 02:19:22 PM »
When I used to play World of Warcraft, I hoarded a lot of items as well.  Useless items I would sell, but I would hold on to "classic" items such as Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 4, Tier 5, Tier 6 gear and would just have it in my bank.

Of course, you do run of space eventually.  I think I ended up selling all my Tier 1 gear, but I kept Tier 2 and onwards.  I sold my classic weapons as well, if I recall correctly as well.

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Re: I am an RPG item hoarder
« Reply #2 on: Monday, March 21, 2011, 02:19:56 PM »
Haha, I'm exactly the same way in every RPG I ever play.  I could make things so much easier on myself if I used the special potions and stuff, but I'm always paranoid about doing so and I either stockpile them endlessly or if I know them to be somewhat common then I'll sell them instead, figuring I'll do without the temporary boost in stats for a permanent increase in money that I never end up spending.  Gaming habits are funny sometimes.

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Offline Cobra951

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Re: I am an RPG item hoarder
« Reply #3 on: Monday, March 21, 2011, 02:49:56 PM »
Another packrat here.  I figured out how to do mules in Borderlands and Torchlight, because I'm miserable without more room for mountains of loot.

Offline scottws

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Re: I am an RPG item hoarder
« Reply #4 on: Monday, March 21, 2011, 06:04:39 PM »
I don't play many RPGs, but when I do it is the same for me.

Though in the Mass Effect games I did eventually realize that there were a lot of weapon/armor mods I probably would never use so I started selling those all the time in addition to any mod more than one tier back from whatever the highest tier item I had.  That usually was good enough to keep my inventory relatively clean.

I don't like to micromanage a lot, so I didn't really keep stuff that would be good against certain foes and then switch it out when I encountered different enemies.  I usually just found a combination I liked and stuck with it.

Offline MysterD

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Re: I am an RPG item hoarder
« Reply #5 on: Monday, March 21, 2011, 07:08:27 PM »
I pretty much pick up just about anything and everything not nailed down in most RPG's.

It really depends on the game, though for what I do w/ them, afterwards. In most games, I will do lots of traveling and selling to item shops b/c they don't do some sort of salvage system like Two Worlds 2  - just to make that money and so I can buy more stuff.

Some games like Titan Quest, it just gets ridiculous - as some items are just worth garbage and I don't pick them up - and that game really litters you with items everywhere and they're worth crap on the sell. I think those were "gray" colored item.

DAO was interesting b/c you had the "destroy item" option. So, on-the-fly, if I had some items and didn't feel like travelling somewhere to sell them or store them, I'd just destroy them and make space and go about my adventures.

Two Worlds 2 has the best system, though. Destroy an item, get materials. Take materials - use them to craft or upgrade anything you want. So, I pick up anything and everything b/c they will yield materials once broken down. So, no - I often don't sell things off b/c of this. With a high crafting skills, you can really tweak out a stock item that's say Level 16 and give it a plus 6 Level upgrades by the time you trick it out (Level 16 + 6 item) - and essentially make it a Level 22 item w/ a whole bunch of sockets that you can put gems and stuff into. But, it's likely gonna be better than most Level 22 stock items you run into.