Overall I liked the movie, but was confused about how I felt once it was over.
One major problem I think it has is that it's sort of disjointed, with random stuff thrown in because it's cool, and not because it fits in with what's going on. Why is a flop house the way she imagines the place in her mind? What do nazi's, robots, and stone samurais have to do with it? And why is there a fantasy within a fantasy? Is this a tie-in to Inception?
Also, the dancing part. So if the weird stylish nazi and robot battles were an fantasy to keep her mind off the sexual dancing, what was she doing in the real world that was being fantasized as a dance? I don't think this was really thought through. I wonder if maybe it was just "hey, let's make it in an insane asylum, that's cool! But the girls need to dress sexy, so we'll make it a fantasy about a brothel. Oh wait, we can have robots and nazis! Just make that another fantasy or something!"
Also, I was disappointed that I didn't get to see the dance.

She's amazingly cute.
Another thing that bothered me was the ending.
I don't mind an ending that isn't "happy", but it needs to be at least poetic, or say something. SE7EN was an amazing ending, and not happy at all. Suckerpunch left me thinking, "What? Wait, why?" So it's acceptable to lobotomize the main character, which was what the whole movie was about avoiding, just because she let another girl go?"